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are intent upon one who looks from her; which is ordinary with the Sex. It is certainly a Mistake in the Ancients, to draw the little Gentleman, Love, as a blind Boy; for his real Character is, a little Thief that fquints. For ask Mrs. Meddle, who is a Confident, or Spy, upon all the Paffions in Town, and fhe'll tell you, that the Whole is a Game of Crofs Purposes. The Lover is generally purfuing one who is in Pursuit of another, and running from one that defires to meet him. Nay, the Nature of this Paffion is fo juftly represented in a fquinting little Thief, (who is always in a Double Action) that do but obferve Clariffa next Time you see her, and you'll find, when her Eyes have made their foft Tour round the Company, she makes no Stay on him they fay fhe is to marry, but refts two Seconds of a Minute on Wildair, who neither looks nor thinks on her, or any Woman else. However, Cynthio had a Bow from her t'other Day, upon which he is very much come to himself; and I heard him fend his Man of an Errand yesterday without any Manner of Hæfitation; a Quarter of an Hour after which he reckoned Twenty, remember'd he was to fup with a Friend, and went exactly to his Appointment. I sent to know how he did this Morning, and I find he hath not forgot that he spoke to me Yefterday.

Will's Coffee-houfe, April 20.

This Week being Sacred to Holy Things, and no Publick Diverfions allowed, there has been taken Notice of, even here, a little Treatife, called, A Project for the Advancement of Religion; Dedicated to the Countess of Berkeley. The Title was fo uncommon, and promis'd fo peculiar a Way of Thinking, that every Man here has read it, and as many as have done fo, have approved it. It is written with the Spirit of one, who has feen the World enough to undervalue it with good Breeding. The Author must certainly be a Man of Wisdom, as well as Piety, and have spent much Time

in the Exercife of both. The Real Causes of the Decay of the Interest of Religion, are set forth in a clear and lively Manner, without unfeasonable Paffions; and the whole Air of the Book, as to the Language, the Sentiments, and the Reasonings, fhow it was written by one whofe Virtue fits easie about him, and to whom Vice is throughly contemptible. It was faid by one of this Company, alluding to that Knowledge of the World the Author feems to have, the Man writes much like a Gentleman, and goes to Heaven with a very good Mien.

St. James's Coffee-house, April 20.

Letters from Italy fay, That the Marquis de Prie, upon the Receipt of an Express from the Court of Vienna, went immediately to

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the Palace of Cardinal Paulucci, Minifter of State to his Holinefs, and demanded in the Name of his Imperial Majefty, that King Charles fhould be forthwith acknowledg'd King of Spain, by a folemn A&t of the Congregation of Cardinals appointed for that Purpose: He declar'd at the fame Time, That if the leaft Hesitation were made in this most important Article of the late Treaty, he should not only be oblig'd to leave Rome himself, but also tranfmit his Master's Orders to the Imperial Troops to face about, and return into the Ecclefiaftical Dominions. When the Cardinal reported this Meffage to the Pope, his Holiness was ftruck with fo fenfible an Affliction, that he burst into Tears. His Sorrow was aggravated by Letters which immediately after arriv'd from the Court of Madrid, wherein his Nuncio acquainted him, That upon the News of his Accommodation with the Emperor, he had received a Meffage to forbear coming to Court; and the People were fo highly provok'd, that they could hardly be reftrain'd from infulting his Palace. Thefe Letters add, That the King of Denmark was gone from Florence to Pifa, and from Pifa to Leghorn, where the Governour paid his Majefty all imaginable Honours. The King defign'd to go from thence to Lucca, where a Magnificent Tournament was prepared for his Diverfion. An English Man of War, which came from Port Mahon to Leghorn in fix Days, brought Advice, That the Fleet


commanded by Admiral Whitaker was fafely arriv'd at Barcelona, with the Troops and Ammunition which he had taken in at Naples.

General Boneval, Governour of Comacchio, had fummon'd the Magiftrates of all the Towns near that Place to appear before him, and take an Oath of Fidelity to his Imperial Majesty, commanding alfo the Gentry to pay him Homage on Pain of Death and Confiscation of Goods. Advices from Swifferland inform us, That the Bankers of Geneva were utterly ruined by the Failure of Mr. Bernard. They add, That the Deputies of the Swiss Cantons were returned from Soleure, where they were affembled at the Inftance of the French Ambaffador; but were very much diffatisfied with the Reception they had from that Minister. 'Tis true, he omitted no Civilities, or Expreffions of Friendship from his Master, but he took no Notice of their Pensions and Arrears; what further provok'd their Indignation, was, That instead of 25 Pistoles formerly allowed to each Member, for their Charge in coming to the Diet, he had presented 'em with fix only. They write from Drefden, That King Auguftus was still bufie in recruiting his Cavalry, and that the Danish Troops, which lately ferved in Hungary, had Orders to be in Saxony in the Middle of May, and that his Majefty of Denmark was expected at Drefden in the Beginning of that Month. King Auguftus makes great Preparations for his Reception, and has appointed



Sixty Coaches, each drawn by Six Horses, for that Purpose: The Interview of these Princes affords great Matter for Speculation. Letters from Paris of the 22d of this Month say, That Marefchal Harcourt and the Duke of Berwick were preparing to go into Alface and Dauphine, but that their Troops were in Want of all Manner of Neceffaries. The Court of France had received Advices from Madrid, That on the 7th of this Month, the States of Spain had with much Magnificence acknowledged the Prince of Asturias Prefumptive Heir to the Crown. This was performed at Buen Retiro; the Deputies took the Oaths on that Occafion from the Hands of Cardinal Portocarrero. Thefe Advices add, That it was fignified to the Pope's Nuncio, by Order of Council, to depart from that Court in 24 Hours, and that a Guard was accordingly appointed to conduct him to Bayonne.

Letters from the Hague of the 26th Instant inform us, That Prince Eugene was to set out the next Day for Bruffels, to put all Things in a Readiness for opening the Campaign. They add, That the Grand Penfioner having reported to the Duke of Marlborough what paffed in the laft Conference with Mr. Rouillé, his Grace had taken a Refolution immediately to return to Great Britain, to communicate to Her Majesty all that has been transacted in that important Affair.


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