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whole party, was obliged to take leave without an invitation to attend them in. their country excursion. He covered his disappointment by pretending an indispensable engagement with his friend Vane, who, by his own account, was leading him into all manner of mischief. "You will excuse me, Miss Southwellshould not care if I went with you; but a-a-" another great yawn, "attending ladies is sometimes a monstrous bore, and my friend Vane says he cannot do without me; no poor Vane cannot do without me good day! a pleasant drive to you! Poor Vane cannot do without me." With these words, Cobham tumbled out of the room as he had tumbled in, and the lively group, who had purposely delayed their departure, were soon afterwards in motion for their little journey.

It had been arranged by lady Louisaand her laws were as irrevocable as those of the Medes and Persians-that lord Templemore should be the companion of Miss

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Miss Southwell, while lord O'Melvyl drove Geraldine in his curricle. It was in vain that the deepening scowl on Miss Southwell's heavily-defined eyebrows shewed that she would have wished it ordered differently. Lady Louisa did not choose that lord O'Melvyl should be too much remarked by the public, as an attendant on her daughter, till she was herself more satisfied as to his intentions. That public however is not easily deceived.

"There goes lady Louisa Southwell, with her two young noblemen," said a gentleman, in an open barouche, who had passed and bowed to the party on the road-" you will see, before the end of the season, she will have married her daughter to lord O'Melvyl, and the fair cousin to lord Templemore. The cleverest woman in Ireland, lady Louisa Southwell!"

Arrived at the scene they wished to visit, the similarity of their tastes, and the real delight Geraldine took in the sublime


and beautiful objects of nature continually produced points of coincidence between' her and lord O'Melvyl.

As it always happens, in those kind of parties, the persons who found each other's society most agreeable were frequently seen together, admiring the most favourite points of view; thus, while some of the company were exclaiming at the beauty of the prospect from the top of the Three-Rock Mountain, lord O'Melvyl had conducted Geraldine to a sequestered spot, less celebrated, yet perhaps possessed of a charm still wilder and more picturesque." Here I could almost fancy myself among my favourite retreats," he said, enjoying the unrestrained magnificence of nature amid the solitudes where she is most truly worshipped. Oh! why did I not possess the intercourse of such a mind as yours, when first I experienced the sensations of awe and admiration that dawned upon my mind at the sight of Switzerland and the Tyrolese? Nay, do not look


In scenes like these, every


so alarmed-I am not going to insult Geraldine Southwell with commonplace gallantry; those words burst unawares from my heart. thing tempts one to throw aside that reserve of which the world so constantly reminds us. In that world what bitter thoughts interrupt my momentary enjoy. ments! I think of the mother who was cold in the tomb before justice was done to her fame and her offspring I think of the rank she ought to have enjoyed-the mansion over which she ought to have presided, till pomp becomes distasteful, and

pleasure is changed to pain."

"Such regrets," replied Geraldine, with an accent of feeling, "are natural, but should not be suffered to outweigh the blessings of your lot. You have a father whose evident attachment surely deserves forgiveness, and even gratitude, in return. San Carlos too--"

"What of San Carlos?" demanded lord O'Melvyl, in a tone of deep and fearful meaning.

meaning. "You, Geraldine, who are in every thing so very superior to your sex, has your penetrating mind informed you aught of San Carlos ?"


Nothing," answered Miss Southwell, terrified at his earnestness, "but that the character I have heard of him justifies the friendship you seem to bear him-you are almost inseparable."

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"Almost!" repeated O'Melvył, in a thrilling accent; "speak more justly, Geraldine henceforth San Carlos is decreed to be my constant companion; nothing but death can effect a separation. Yet hear me further: soon as endure his hated presence, I would have a serpent feeding on my vitals, and twined around my heart!" He pressed the hand he had taken to his bosom, as he uttered these incomprehensible words, and she felt that heart beat with the mingled emotions of hopeless rage and indignation which his language expressed. She was struck with this disclosure, as confirming the idea of San Carlos' unwor


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