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From Blackwood's Magazine. venture to determine.

And we may be

degrees. Few people have had so extensive an acquaintance as Miss Knight; and when we say that her reminiscences extend over a line of European worthies, beginning with Oliver Goldsmith and ending with Benjamin Disraeli, no one will question that the most attractive book which such a person can write, is a plain record of her personal experiences.

MEMOIRS OF A TORY GENTLEWOMAN. well content to leave the inquiry alone. PeoMANY of our readers who are now enter-ple do read Rasselas now-a-days in mature ing, or who have already entered, upon the age, we believe; some as a pleasure, more grand-paternal state, or its coeval period of as a duty. But Dinarbas has slipped out of bachelor-life, may remember that in the its honorable companionship, and, except days of their early youth, when George III. in old worn copies, is not to be found supwas king, they possessed a little volume, the plementing the Johnsonian classic. Miss gift, perhaps, of a venerable godmother, or Knight outlived her reputation as an authe prize of successful industry, or reward thoress. But she did not outlive the esteem of moral conduct at school, on the back of in which she was held by a very large circle which were inscribed the words RASSELAS of friends, including kings and princes, and AND DINARBAS. That these two worthies the honorable of the earth of all ranks and had, somehow or other, been associated together in life, was long our profound conviction. We classed them, in our boyish imagination, with Damon and Pythias, Pylades and Orestes, and other similar exemplars of antique friendship. But there was such a classical flavor about the namesthey were altogether so redolent of Lemprière's Dictionary, that it was long before we ventured to make acquaintance with any part of the volume beyond the binding and the frontispiece, which latter, we remember well, was rather of the Oriental than of the classical type; but this might have been the taste of the artist. Driven, however, at last, to closer investigation by a long continuance of wet weather, we discovered that Rasselas and Dinarbas were not of common parentage, united on a single title-page; but that their connection was principally such as an enterprising publisher had been pleased to assign to them; that they were, in fact, two works by two different writers. It is no secret even to the present generation that Rasselas is a moral tale, written by the great Dr. Samuel Johnson; but it is not equally well known that Dinarbas was written by Miss Ellis Cornelia Knight, whose Memoirs are now before us.'

Whether any one of those young people, for whose especial benefit it was considered in my younger days that these moral tales were written, ever made his way through the whole of Rasselas, so as to come upon Dinarbas at all, or to what extent, having accomplished that first victory, he may have succeeded in overcoming the second difficulty, is more than, after a confession of our own stumblings at the first stage, we can

The Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight, Lady-Companion to the Princess Charlotte; with Extracts from her Journals and Anecdote-Books. 2 vols. W. H. Allen & Co., London. 1861.

And such a record we have now before us, in the shape of an unfinished autobiography, supplemented by the writer's journals from which the memoir was compiled. It is a trite remark, that any person of ordinary intelligence, with average social opportunities, writing down his experiences from day to day, can hardly fail to make, without meaning it, an interesting book. But Miss Knight's intelligence was not of an ordinary character, and her opportunities were unquestionably great. It may be briefly stated what they were. In her early youth she was noticed by Johnson, Goldsmith, Burke, Reynolds, and other members of the same literary circle. When she was about eighteen, she went abroad with her mother, and resided principally at Naples and Rome, mixing on terms of intimacy with the chief people of those cities. In 1798 she made the acquaintance of Nelson at Naples, and in the following year accompanied him and the Hamiltons to England. In 1806 she became a member of Queen Charlotte's family, and resided at Windsor, attached to the court, for six or seven years. She then, at the request of the prince regent, transferred herself to the establishment which he had formed for his daughter at Warwick House, and thus became " Lady-Companion" to the Princess Charlotte. When the princess ran away to her mother's house, Miss Knight was involved in the common disgrace which

overtook all the household, and was dis-ness." Of the mixture of vanity and simmissed. From that time she flitted about plicity, which was one of his most peculiar from place to place, taking up her residence characteristics, Miss Knight gives an amusfirst in one European capital, then in an- ing proof, which we believe has escaped the other; paying visits to her friends, and al- biographers. On a certain occasion, being ways being in intimate relations with the told that he must wear a silk coat, he purfirst people of the cities she frequented. chased one secondhand, which had belonged And so she went on up to the close of the to a nobleman, and wore it in public, not year 1837, seeing a great number of dis- perceiving that there was clearly marked on tinguished persons, and jotting down in her the breast the place where the late owner's journals and anecdote-books something or decoration had been worn. The mark of other that she had learnt about them, until the star told plainly enough the history of she passed her eightieth year, when, with the purchase, and Noll's vanity was sorely very little warning, she gently passed away vexed. from the scene, leaving behind her a boxful of papers, from which the volumes before us are compiled.

If such opportunities as these had been turned to good literary account, one of the most attractive works ever published might have been the result. But Miss Knight had more of the delicacy of the gentlewoman than the tact of the litterateur. Though it would appear that her autobiography had been written for publication, it is not seasoned as Madame d'Arblay or Lady Charlotte Campbell would have seasoned it. It is a plain recital of fact, modestly and unambitiously written, with a view rather to the information than the excitement of the reader. It is interesting principally by reason of its simplicity and directness of purpose; and, above all, by the unmistakable fidelity of the narrative. It is impossible to doubt, much more to disbelieve, the writer. If the lady's character were not an ample guarantee for the truth of her book, its style would be a sufficient voucher.

There is a better story than this, one of Samuel Johnson, and which, as we may say with tolerable confidence, has not been told before. We give it in Miss Knight's own words :

"He was very curious to see the manner of living and the discipline on board a ship of war, and when my father was appointed to the command of the Ramilies, of seventyfour guns, and to sail with the command of a squadron for Gibraltar, at the time when went to Portsmouth, and passed a week on a war with Spain was expected, Johnson board with my father. He inquired into every thing, made himself very agreeable to the officers, and was much pleased with his visit.

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"When he was conveyed on shore, the young officer whom my father had sent to accompany him asked if he had any further commands. Sir,' said Johnson have the goodness to thank the commodore and all the officers for their kindness to me, and tell Mr-(the first-lieutenant) that I beg he will leave off the practice of swearing.'

"The young man, willing, if possible, to justify, or at least excuse, his superior, replied that, unfortunately, there was no making the sailors do their duty without using strong language, and that his majesty's service required it. Then, pray, sir,' answered Johnson, tell Mr- that I beseech him not to use one oath more than is absolutely required for the service of his majesty."

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Cornelia Knight was but. a child when her intercourse with celebrated persons commenced; but, verging close upon octogenarianism, she still vividly remembered her first experiences of literary society. "I recollect," she says in 1835, "being delighted with the conversation of Mr. Burke, amused by the buffoonery of Goldsmith, and dis- The late Mr. Croker would have given a gusted with the satirical madness of manner good deal for this story, coming from so auof Baretti." "Of all these personages," she thentic a source. That very diligent editor says, a little further on, "the one whom I appears to have had a notion that Johnson liked best was Mr. Burke, perhaps because visited a man-of-war off Plymouth, and that he condescended to notice me." Goldsmith, he was much disgusted by the bad language she says, was very good-natured; his behav- he heard. But here we have the story in iour easy and natural, removed from vul- proper shape, from the daughter of the man garity no less than from affectation. "His whose ship the great moralist visited, and buffoonery was a sort of childish playful. very characteristic it is. It may be added,

that when Miss Knight first went abroad, Dr. Johnson gave her his blessing, and exhorted her not to become a Roman Catholic adding that, if she extended her belief, she might in time become a Turk.

ed in the conquest of Naples during the war between Spain and Austria, lived in a house adjoining our hotel, and there was a door of He had communication between them. been very attentive to us, and we met excellent society at his table, for he delighted We may pass over the earlier years of in giving dinner-parties. We knew his Miss Knight's residence, Both in the auto- anxiety to receive the earliest accounts of biography, and in the extracts from the the meeting of the two fleets, and my mothjournals and anecdote-books, there is a good er desired me to give him the first intellideal of interesting information illustrative gence. I ran to the door, and the servant of the state of society in Rome towards the who opened it, and to whom I delivered my close of the last century, with many por- were heard in the dining-room, where the message, uttered exclamations of joy, which traits of the most celebrated personages of general was entertaining a large party of the times. As far as possible, we shall con- officers. The secretary was instantly sent fine our notice to those who are distinguished to me, and I was obliged to go in and tell in the annals of our own country; and my story. Never shall I forget the shouts, we may fitly begin the catalogue with Ho- the bursts of applause, the toasts drunk, the ratio Nelson. Miss Knight was at Naples glasses broken one after another by the secwhen news arrived of the victory of the Nile. al, laughing heartily, stopped him by saying retary in token of exultation, till the generTheir situation at that place had long been that he should not have a glass left to one of extreme danger, and, week after drink Nelson's health in on his arrival." week, month after month, had the eyes of the residents been turned towards the sea, in the hope of catching sight of a white spot on the horizon that might prove to them that succor was at hand. They knew that an engagement between the two fleets was imminent, but they looked in vain for tidings of the result. At last, one morning, Miss Knight discerned through her glass a sloopof-war in the offing, with a blue ensign hoisted, and presently a boat put off from the beach and pulled alongside the vessel, and two British officers dropped down her

side, and were rowed to shore. "We clearly distinguished,” she writes, "a gold epaulet on the shoulder, and this was quite sufficient to convince us that one was the com

versal, and the impatience for the arrival of "The joy," says Miss Knight, "was unithe victors daily increased in intensity. Two ships of the line at length appeared in sight." These were the Culloden and the Ball. The royalty of Naples went out to Alexander, commanded by Troubridge and

meet them.

William Hamilton, and his beautiful wife, The English minister, Sir went out also, in another barge, taking Miss with spectators, who rent the air with joyKnight with them. "The shore was lined ous acclamations, while the bands played God save the King' and 'Rule Britannia."" The king of Naples did not go on board

but saluted the British officers from his mander of the sloop, and the other a captain pointed him out to the seamen, saying, barge; and when Sir William Hamilton going home with dispatches. News of a "There, lads, is the king whom you have victory, no doubt." The two officers were Hoste and Capel-afterwards admirals and saved, with his family and his kingdom,” Jack characteristically answered, "Very K.C.B's-and the news they brought was glad of it, sir-very glad of it!" not perthat of the victory of the Nile. Never was any news more welcome since the world be- haps, without some mental reservation enAll classes were roused to the high-gendered of a belief as to his being a “Moun

est pitch of enthusiasm, and the excitement
everywhere was boundless. One
scene, in
which Miss Knight herself had a part, may
be given here as an illustration of the gen-
eral joy with which these glad tidings were

“Old General di Pietra, one of the few survivors of the gallant band who had assist


A few days afterwards—that is, on the peared. We give the account of his recep22d September, 1798-Nelson himself aption in Miss Knight's own words. It is interesting for more reasons than one :

"Two or three days later (September 22) the Vanguard, with the flag of Sir Horatio Nelson, came in sight; and this time the

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concourse of barges, boats, and spectators, was greater than before. The Vanguard was followed by two or three ships of the line which had been in the engagement. It would be impossible to imagine a more beautiful and animated scene than the Bay of Naples then presented. Bands of music played our national airs. With God save the King' they had long been familiar, but for the present occasion they had learned 'Rule Britannia' and 'See, the conquering hero comes.' No Englishman or Englishwoman can hear those airs without emotion in a foreign land, however trifling may be the effect they produce in our own country; but under such circumstances as these they create a powerful excitement.

"We rowed out to a considerable distance, following the king, who was anxious to greet his deliverers, as he did not scruple

to call them. Sir Horatio Nelson received his majesty with respect, but without embarrassment, and conducted him over every part of the vessel, with which he seemed much pleased, and particularly so with the kindness and attention shown to the wounded seamen, of whom there were several on board. The king afterwards sat down with us to a handsome breakfast, at which I remarked a little bird hopping about on the table. This bird had come on board the Vanguard the evening before the action, and had remained in her ever since. The admiral's cabin was its chief residence, but it was fed and petted by all who came near it; for sailors regard the arrival of a bird as the promise of victory, or at least as an excellent omen. It flew away, I believe, soon after the ship reached Naples.

"Just before we sat down to breakfast the Bailli Caraccioli made his appearance, and congratulated Sir Horatio on his victory with seemingly genuine sincerity. That unfortunate man, however, had before this conceived a jealous resentment against the hero of the Nile. We had been in the habit of meeting him at General di Pietra's, and some days before the arrival of the Vanguard he told me that in the engagement off Corsica, in which he, as commander of a Neapolitan frigate, had joined the squadron under Admiral Hotham, Nelson had passed before him, contrary to the directions previously issued. This he thought very unfair, because British officers had frequent opportunities of distinguishing themselves, which was not the case with his own service. He was a man of noble family, about fifty years of age, a Bailli of the Order of Malta, and a great favorite at court, being charged with the nautical education of Prince Leopold, the king's second son,

then nearly nine years old. After the king had taken his leave, Sir William Hamilton asked the admiral to make his house his head-quarters, and accordingly Sir Horatio accompanied us ashore."

Our readers will not fail to note what is here said about Caraccioli. A second time it was Nelson's lot to take the wind out of the prince's sails; and Miss Knight appears to have been convinced that jealousy of Nelson was the real cause of the prince's desertion. The royal family were not safe at Naples, and it was necessary, therefore, to convey them to Palermo. honor which Caraccioli coveted for himself, but it was conferred on the English admiral. There are some graphic touches in the concluding lines of this brief extract :

This was an

"Like a dark cloud announcing a tremendous storm, the enemy kept gradually approaching. A very indifferent understanding existed between the Austrians and Russians in those parts of Italy where they were acting in assumed co-operation. The populace of Naples, and many of the higher orders, indeed, stoutly affirmed that they would never suffer their king and his family to fall into the hands of the enemy; but still it was thought more prudent to make preparations for departure. Unfortunately, there was no English ship of war then in the bay, except that which bore the flag of Lord Nelson, and a frigate with a Turkish ambassador on board, attended by a numerous suite. A Portuguese squadron, however, was lying there, and also a fine Neapolitan man-of-war, commanded by Prince Caraccioli, and likewise another ship of the line; but it was the opinion of the court that although the Bailli himself was trustworthy, the same reliance could not be placed in his crew. It was therefore resolved that the royal family should go with Lord Nelson. How far these suspicions were well founded I cannot say, but I have no doubt that this step hastened the desertion of Prince Caraccioli. We met him about this time at a dinner party at General di Pietra's, and I never saw any man look so utterly miserable. He scarcely uttered a word, ate nothing, and did not even unfold his napkin. However, he took the ships safe to Messina, where they were laid up in ordinary."

Miss Knight and her mother followed the royal family and the British minister to Palermo, and remained there when the king, Nelson, and the Hamiltons returned to Na

ples, to re-establish the authority of the first. During their absence from Palermo, Lady Knight died; and Cornelia took up her abode in Sir William Hamilton's house. "When Sir William Hamilton and Lord Nelson came to take leave of her before their departure for Naples, she had particularly commended me to their care, and, previous to their embarkation, Sir William and Lady Hamilton had left directions with Mrs. Cadogan that, in case I should lose my mother before their return, she was to take me to their house. That lady came for me, and I went with her to our minister's, knowing that it was my mother's wish that I should be under his protection; and I must say that there was certainly at that time no impropriety in living under Lady Hamilton's roof. Her house was the resort of the best company of all nations, and the attentions payed to Lord Nelson appeared perfectly natural. He himself always spoke of his wife with the greatest affection and respect; and I remember that, shortly after the battle of the Nile, when my mother said to him that no doubt he considered the day of that victory as the happiest in his life, he answered, No; the happiest was that on which I married Lady Nelson.'

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It is only right to infer from this that Lady Hamilton's conduct, during the period of her residence at Naples, was altogether blameless, and that she was regarded as a person with whom the most scrupulous might live upon terms of intimate relationship. A few pages further on, Miss Knight says of her, that "she made herself very useful in public affairs during the distressing circumstances which took place in consequence of the French Revolution. Altogether she was a singular mixture of right and wrong."

In April, 1800, Miss Knight embarked, with the Hamiltons, on board Nelson's ship, the Foudroyant, bound for Malta, touching at Syracuse. They returned to Palermo, and thence sailed to Leghorn. From that place they proceeded by land to England. The account of this homeward journey is interesting, as an episode in Nelson's life whereof his biographers have not taken much account. One passage, at least, is worthy of quotation:

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name to particular dresses: but it did not appear to me that the English nation was at all popular. The people generally were opposed to the war with France, which had proved so unfavorable to them; for although the troops were brave and loyal, they were not well commanded. We had often music, as the best composers and performers were happy to be introduced to Sir William and Lady Hamilton. I was much pleased with Haydn. He dined with us, and his conversation was modest and sensible. He set to music some English verses; and, amongst others, part of an ode I had composed after the battle of the Nile, and which was descriptive of the blowing up of L'Orient :"Britannia's leader gives the dread command Obedient to his summons flames arise: The fierce explosion rends the skies, And high in air the pond'rous mass is thrown. The dire concussion shakes the land: Earth, air, and sea, united groan; The solid pyramids confess the shock, And their firm bases to their centre rock.'


"Haydn accompanied Lady Hamilton on the piano when she sang this piece, and the effect was grand. He was staying at that time with Prince Esterhazy, and presided over the famous concerts given by that nobleman at his magnificent palace in Hungary. At one time the prince had an intention of giving up these concerts, and told Haydn that the next one would be the last. Towards the conIt was a very fine one. choly-so touching, that it drew tears from clusion, Haydn composed a finale so melanmany of the audience; and he had given orders that while it was playing the lights should be gradually extinguished; all of which made such an impression upon the mind of the prince, that he abandoned his intention of discontinuing these concerts."

That the intimacy between Nelson and Lady Hamilton greatly increased during the time spent on board the Foudroyant, and on the journey to England, is well known. Miss Knight was no unconcerned spectator of their growing affection; and when she reached home she felt herself in a distressing position, and hardly knew what to do. It is right, however, to observe, that it appears to have been this lady's opinion that they neither of them foresaw the height to which their imprudence was fated to reach, but almost unconsciously drifted into the sea of danger, which at last engulfed them. Such commonly is the downward course of evil. And then, too, Miss Knight says that matters were aggravated by the evil tongue

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