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mudists are agreed; the passage we quoted | From all these premises, we think we may about the corruption of Jewish blood in the fairly draw the following conclusions: that a phrase "Mason is dead, Media is sick, Per- large number of the ten tribes remained in sia is dying," referred quite as much to mar- the northern parts of the ancient kingdom of riages with the Ten Tribes as with heathen. Israel, after the captivity of Shalmaneser, The Israelites were placed by the king of whose descendants were known as "GaliAssyria "in Halah and Habor, by the river leans" in the gospel history, and that the of Gozan, in the cities of the Medes." The southern part only, viz: Samaria, was settled Talmudists inform us that in their day Ha- by strangers from the east; that a considerlah is Halvaoth; Habor is Adiabene; the able number-perhaps about ten thousandriver Gozan is Ginzak. Ptolemy speaks of returned with Ezra from Babylon; for these it Chaboras, Chalatis, and Ganzanitis; there was, as well as the Galileans, that Ezra ofis little difficulty in identifying these names. fered "twelve bullocks for all Israel” (viii. Again, we have in the Talmud directions 35); that another large portion remains to about marriage: "provision is made concern- this day in the places to which they were caring espousals, that they contract not with ried captive, and are known under the any of the Ten Tribes." Again, we read in general title of "Jews." Maimonides conEzra (ii. 64), that only forty-two thousand fesses that in his time all distinction of tribe three hundred and threescore returned to and family had been lost. † We must also Jerusalem; of those only about thirty thou- give some credence to the conjecture of sand are reckoned by families; perhaps the Lightfoot, viz: that a considerable body of other ten thousand were of the Ten Tribes. these were converted to Christianity by the Again, it is not quite clear that the whole of unknown land (a thing now conceived of them), Galilee was carried captive by Shalmaneser but that the preaching of the apostles came also to an equal extent with Samaria. The ap-this with the greatest assurance, upon the credit to them, as well as to other nations. One may say plication of the prophecy (St. Matt. iv. 14), of St. James, who writes his Epistle to the whole "The land of Zabulon, and the land of Neph- twelve tribes, and also upon the credit of the thalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jor- Apocalyptic, in whom the twelve tribes are sealed, chap. vii. And the words of our Saviour argue dan, Galilee of the Gentiles; the people the same thing respecting the twelve apostles, that which sat in darkness saw great light; they all twelve heard the sound of the gospel, were to judge the twelve tribes, implying that and to them which sat in the region and concerning the reception or rejection of which that shadow of death, light is sprung up," would judgment was to be. Under this notion, unless I am much mistaken, hardly be applicable, unless a remnant at is the apostle to be understood treating of the callleast of those tribes remained there. Fur-ing of Israel, Rom. xi. ; not of the Jews only, but ther, when King Josiah restored the religion of Judah, he extended his reformation to the extinct kingdom of Israel, showing pretty clearly that a large number of Israelites still inhabited that country, and that he was permitted by its suzerain to exercise a certain control over the inhabitants.*

of the whole twelve tribes of Israel, dodekapiλov. And this is that mystery, concerning which he speaks at ver. 25, namely, that hardness, or blindness happened to Israel ¿ñò μépovç, by parts, or separately;' first, the ten tribes were blinded,some hundreds of years after, the two tribes; and both the one and the other remained under that state, until the fulness of the Gentiles came in, when the gospel entered, and so all Israel,' dadɛkúpvhos, the whole twelve tribes,' namely, they who were the 2eipua, 'the remnant,' Kar' Khoy Xúpiтos, according to the election of grace,' ver. 1, were saved. And so (which is a great

other tribes joined themselves to the Jews on their return from the Babylonish captivity, as I have before observed, and these by the names of those tribes might still be preserved among their descend-mystery), first, the Gentiles were blinded; and, ants, yet it is not to be supposed that all were so; after them, the ten tribes were blinded; and, after but that some of the names of those other tribes them, the two tribes were blinded; all lying were wholly lost, and no more in being in the time under that miserable condition, until all at last of Ptolemy Philadelphus; and that, therefore, no were enlightened by the gospel, and closed together such choice could then be made out of them for in one body. And that the apostle spake of his the composing of this version."-Prideaux's Con- own times when the gospel was newly brought to nexion, Pt. ii. Book I. pp. 51-52. the Gentiles, he himself sufficiently ratifies and makes known by those words, 'Ev T viv Kaiρi, At this present time,' ver. 5."--Lightfoot, Talmudical Exercitations on the first Ep. to Cor.

But now, if the seats, cities, countries of

the Ten Tribes in the times of the Talmudists were

so well known, much more were they so in the times of the apostles; which were not so far removed from their first captivity. That people, therefore, skulked not [latuit] in I know not what

"Hinc Familiæ inter nos confusæ sunt, ita ut dignosci nequeant inter se, nec e locis ipsorum cognosci."-Maimon. De Lotione Manuum, c. iv.§ 4.

destruction of them took place under the Tatar invaders.

preaching of the apostles; perhaps that the greater part of the Oriental Christians in the first century was composed of converted Jews We have confined ourselves strictly to the and Israelites; that they, in successive gener- limits allowed by the title of this article, and ations, lost their peculiarities of race and have omitted much connected with the hisfeature, through intermarriage and abandon-tory of dispersed Israel of exceeding interest ing of peculiar customs. Perhaps there may be e.g. the Platonic development in Alexan some truth in Dr. Wolff's conjecture of the dria; the Homeritic kingdom in Arabia; and Israelitish origin of the Persian Nestorians; the doubtful one of Kozar. The first is worthy and finally, that a great number adopted the of an article by itself; for the second, we idolatry of the countries in which they lived, must refer our readers to Gibbon and Milman; and have lost their nationality; that a fearful | for the last, to Basnage.

In a recent number we stated that the United States Government had decided to employ the advantages of balloon reconnoissances in their impending warfare. We now understand that Mr. Allan, a member of the Rhode Island marine artillery, who has had great experience in aerial navigation, has been appointed aeronautical engineer to the United States Government, and will be employed during the war in taking observations of the enemy's movements, etc. The balloon and its engineer accompany the United States army. Professor Lowe has recently made an ascent at Washington, with the view of ascertaining how far balloons could be made available, by telegraphing the results of observations by means of a wire to the earth. Proper telegraphic apparatus was accordingly taken up, together with some gentlemen connected with the telegraph company. The wire was unwound from a wheel as the balloon rose, and when a sufficient elevation was obtained, telegraphic signals were passed to the observers beneath. The first message was sent to the President; and as our readers may feel an interest in this, as being, we believe, the first telegraphic message received from the clouds, we give it verbatim. It was as follows:

any other station, so long as proper metallic connection is maintained. Enterprising aeronautists must not, however, forget that a balloon offers a tempting mark for artillery or rifle practice; and one of the newly invented percussion shells, filled with a spontaneously inflammable liquid, would be about as welcome a visitor in a balloon, as a red-hot shot in a powder magazine.-London Review.

THE Victoria Press, under the presidency of Miss Emily Faithful, is about to issue a volume called the "Victoria Regia," dedicated, by permission, to Her Majesty the Queen, and under her especial patronage, as a perfect specimen of the success of the Victoria Press, and also as a proof of the support afforded to them by the names most distinguished in literature. The volume will be edited by Miss Adelaide A. Procter, and will contain original contributions from Tennyson, Thackeray, Barry Cornwall, Kingsley, Frederick Maurice, Dean Milman, Anthony Trollope, the late Leigh Hunt, Miss Muloch, Mrs. Clive, the authoress of "Paul Ferroll," the late Mrs. Jameson, Lady Georgina Fullerton, Mrs. Grote, the Hon. Mrs. Norton, and many others. We may take the opportunity TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. of giving an unqualified denial to the statement "Sir:-This point of observation commands made by some journals, that the Victoria Printan area nearly fifty miles in diameter. The city, ing Press in Great Coram-street is a failure as a with its girdle of encampments, presents a su- woman's printing-office. There are eighteen perb scene. I take great pleasure in sending young women employed at the Victoria Press, you this first dispatch ever telegraphed from an who are making considerable progress as comaerial station, and in acknowledging my indebted-positors, and there are only three men employed ness to your encouragement for the opportunity in training and clicking for these apprentices. of demonstrating the availability of the science of In the press-room men only are employed, as aeronautics in the military service of the country.

"Balloon Enterprise, Washington.

"Yours respectfully,

"T S. C. Lowe." Of course there is no theoretical difficulty in telegraphing from a balloon as well as from

that branch of the business is unsuitable for women. We hear that the Victoria Press is already self-supporting, and in every way fulfiling the desires of its promoter, Miss Emily Faithful.-London Review.

Nothing grieves us more than to see the regular symptoms of this "gas on the brain," so strongly indicated by the Northern party in the present American struggle. It is a time for work and not for talk-for the compressed excitement of silent action, not for the spasmodic excitement of effervescing wrath. Every American who loves his country should lend her his arm, if he can, and keep his tongue, even if he cannot, for the gravest explanations of fact, such as Mr. Motley has recently put forward with admirable temper and skill. But here we have an honest friend of the North, Mr. George Francis Train, summoning as many as he can find on the London newspaper staff to witness the inflation of his brain with this peculiarly American compound of sulphurous and laughing gas, that is so abhorrent, we will not say only to English taste and feeling, but to all taste and feeling except the American. It is not very easy to believe that screaming like the following expresses a grave indignation and a settled resentment, yet so, doubtless, it is :

From The Spectator, 22 June. American sense of the "Invisible" seems to GAS ON THE BRAIN. be of this Mesopotamian kind. It is perfectly MR. EMERSON has protested, in his latest inarticulate. It wants to express a restlesswork, against the English impression that all ness and intensity of feeling which is as yet Americans are born with water on the brain, quite unprovided with definite words of intelthough he adds that "it must be admitted lectual shape. Instead or setting itself to there is a little gas there." The expression find that shape, and pruning all expression is an extremely felicitous one. It describes except such as is likely to promote wise that peculiar tendency to dilation in ideas and action, it grasps at almost the first symbolic feelings which is constantly threatening to acts, the first string of interjectional phrases carry the American clear off his legs, to that occurs, for relief, and evaporates in viomake him a kind of balloon inflated with lent demonstrations which represent no transcendental sentiment. It looks as if there steady and coherent purpose. had been, to use a chemical image, the pressure of a few moral atmospheres removed from the English character by its migration to America, which had previously kept this gas in combination with the more solid elements of life, leaving that which in England was but a latent and passive element, to escape freely on the other side of the Atlantic, and lend a tinge of bewilderment to the whole tenor of their otherwise rather earthly life. Mr. James Russell Lowell, whose genius has enough in it of the American element to enable him to appreciate its true character with the most delicate accuracy, has said in his preface to the Bigelow Papers, "A strange hybrid, indeed, did circumstances beget here in the new world, upon the old Puritan stock; and the earth never before saw such mystic practicalism, such niggard geniality, such calculating fanaticism, such cast-iron enthusiasm, such unwilling humor, such close-fisted generosity; yet, after all this, speculative Jonathan is more like the Englishman of two centuries ago, than John Bull himself is. He has lost somewhat in solidity, become fluent and adaptable, but most of the original groundwork of character remains. John Bull has suffered the idea of the Invisible to be very much fattened out of him. than is still conscious that he lives in the world of the Unseen as well as the Seen." Perhaps nor have we the least wish to see the transcendental and inarticulate sentiment, which evidently heats the brain of America, disappear without leaving deep traces of the supernatural behind. It is quite possible, as we have heard suggested, that the old woman who thanked God for the comfort

"Have you ever been at Niagara ? Stand with me on the banks, and mark the fierce struggle of logs and canoes-birds and Jona-beasts in that terrible battle of the rapids. Once drawn into that ravenous maelstrom, all control is lost-they cannot return, but turning round and round in the myriad whirlpools for days and nights, they at last plunge into the abyss below, no more to be seen forever; so is it with the chiefs of the Pirate League-Thompson, Stephens, Wingfield, Walker, Davis, Floyd, Slidell, Toombs, Mallory, Yulee, Benjamin, Cobb, Wise, Rhett, Keitt, Yancey, Breckenridge, Bayard, Green, Mason, Hunter, Clingman, Pryor -they are now in the rapids of the French Revolution which they have created, and ere the Reign of Terror is over they will make the fearful plunge, and pass over the falls,

she had derived "from that blessed word

Mesopotamia," had a religious feeling in her of which the roll of that polysyllabic name seemed a faint echo. But a good deal of the


where all the devils are holding a jubilee in | It is, indeed, a very serious case of gas on hell in that dark sepulchral dungeon of the the brain, and we deeply regret its exhibiinfernal regions especially reserved for trai- tion before an English newspaper-writing audience, whom it evidently irritated into an attitude of protest, if not contempt. Is it compatible with a really earnest feeling for the political crisis in America? We sincerely believe it is; but it is so far more expressive of unreasoning excitement, of an intellect in convulsions, of a mind that welcomes instead of dreading the access of political delirium, that it inspires Englishmen unjustly with a profound distrust for the cause on behalf of which such rant is poured forth.

This was received with loud laughter, but we regret and resent it because it does a great injury to the cause which, of all political causes, we have most at heart at the present moment. What can do more harm in England than such passages as the following? Some of us they irritate, and some they fill with a feeling of mockery for the whole Northern cause. Either feeling is bad -the last is fatal to our duty as a nation; yet who can tell how much of this feeling such passages as these may not inspire ?

We must consider fairly the causes which have made the American brain what it is, "I tell you that there is danger, and we must not be apathetic-I warn you, gentle- before we allow its exhibitions to excite in us men-I sincerely believe that if you do not revulsion and scorn. They are in a great express yourselves warmer than you have measure at work in many of our colonies, done, in less than two weeks the American especially those in which climate tends to inambassador will be in England, and Eng- crease that relaxation of the physique which land and America will be at war. Be not always acts injuriously on the nervous systoo apathetic. I would warn you lest you tem. The truth is that the Englishman canundo the course of forty years and find yourselves lying in the lap of negro slavery. I am earnest, I assure you, I mean what I say; my father and mother and dear sisters lie in New Orleans, hostages to that fatal climate. My grandfather had a large plantation and many slaves in Baltimore. I love my country and will defend its flag. I prefer war to

not be removed without injury from that compact but stratified society in which his hereditary organization has been matured. His practical character is in a state of wholesome compression between the superincumbent weight of the aristocracy, and the not less powerful pressure of the great mass of the working class below, which obliges it to weigh well what it can and what it cannot justify to men of wholly different types of thought and life. But this wholesome restraint once removed, the natural egotism, the boundless self-confidence of the AngloSaxon race takes a sudden and bewildering development. So long as it is held fairly down, either by class-pressure or by a vivid religious faith, or by both causes, this selfconfidence is only an elastic force, which gives power to the national character, and enables it to achieve its many great successes. But once let it be liberated from this constraint-let generations grow up all of one type of thinking, and under the influence of a faith that tends to evaporate rapidly into intellectual idealism-and this egotism and self-confidence, which before only resisted overwhelming compression, now expand into volumes of noxious and Is not this a strong case of what the Big- blinding vapor. The English character is elow Papers so happily term "thrashin exceedingly ill-suited to the atmosphere of round like a short-tailed bull in fli-time?" universal political sympathy. It ferments

dishonor. I cannot cease to think we shall love that beautiful idea, the flag. I want a union of lakes, a union of states, a union of sympathies, a union of hearts, a union of hands, and the flag of our Union forever. (Cheers.) Gentlemen, I would have the stars and stripes indorsed on our fraternity. Gentlemen, this is what I wanted: an expression of opinion from you here. I tell you you are too apathetic. If you cannot express warmer sentiments for the Northern country, if you are afraid to speak, if you have not pluck, say so. (Cheers.) If you were all members of Parliament, or if I had met the ministry, I might have expected to find their mouths shut. I am surprised at this apathy. You do not know which side you are on. I sincerely believe that, by George, you are all secessionists, inasmuch as, in two or three points, I hear some speakers get up and speak on its principles. I believe, if I take this meeting as a guide, the American ambassador will be in Paris next week."


under the heat of close contact with elements | American feeling and speech, that the seeds of exactly the same kind. It needs the inter- of similar excitement lie deep in our own orspersing of many non-conducting strata to ganization, and are only to be repressed by keep it cool and vigorous. Wherever, whether a habit of steady respect for the convictions in Australia or in Canada, we see Englishmen of minds of different types from our own, all of one class and type associated together, and a firm grasp of a faith that is strong there we see a gradual process of deteriora- enough to control as well as to stimulate us. tion going on, the fumes of egotism and impa- In America all causes have concurred to tience gradually swallowing up the clear and stimulate a temperament that stands in the patient reflection which the collisions of va- greatest need of strong compression. rious desires and interests in the old country mate, democratic institutions, equality of more or less promote. Men give easy vent rank, and constant contact with an excitable to impulses which they know are shared by race in the most exciting of all relations, that the mass of their countrymen, and the re- of servile inferiority, have done much to counaction of the popular warmth upon their teract the controlling influence of a strong mind renders such desires more intense and faith, and to sublimate it into a new intelmore blind, and their expression more ex- lectual stimulus. If the fever of the Engtravagant. lish temperament is still in a measure latent, we have to thank no one less than ourselves.

It is well never to forget, when we are incensed or amused with the extravagance of

tissues on which they act: some by the coronary arteries to the heart, which they paralyze; others to the spinal marrow, exciting fatal tetanic spasms; others, to the brain, proving fatal by an indirect action on the respiration: and others, again, to the lungs, causing an arrest of the capillary circulation, and consequent asphyxia.

SIGNS-MANUAL OF THE POISONS.-Specific | ara paralyzes the motor nerves; that strychnia Action of Different Poisons. The narcotic poi- attacks the sensitive portion of the nervous syssons, as a class, occasion stupor, the narcotico- tem, and excites fatal reflex actions: that digiacrids, delirium. Nux vomica, and the several talis, upas antiar, corrowal, and wao, veratrine, various plants of which strychnia is the active tissue throughout the body, and on the heart as and several other poisons, act on the muscular principle, affect the spinal cord, producing vio- a muscle. There remains, then, but one exlent attacks of tetanus; conia, the active princi-planation of the action of poisons, when once ple of hemlock, paralyzes the whole muscular introduced into the blood vessels, namely, that system; arsenic, even when applied externally, they are carried with the blood to the organs or causes inflammation of the mucuous membrane of the alimentary canal; mercury attacks the salivary glands and mouth; cantharides the urinary system; antimony the lungs; manganese the liver (and this is an effect of copper;) chromate of potash the conjunctiva of the eyes; iodine the lymphatic glands; lead the muscular system generally (and this, too, is an occasional effect of arsenic); and spurred rye produces gangrene of the limbs. Poisonous substances used in the arts also reveal their effects upon the system through their specific actions. Thus the dropped hand betrays the use of lead, paralysis agitans that of mercury, gangrene of the jaws that of phosphorus, and a peculiar rash, with the formation of small ulcers about the nostrils, ears, bends of the arms and scrotum, the employment of the arsenite of copper.

Considerable and very important additions have been lately made to our knowledge of the action of poisons, and of the proximate cause of death in poisoning, by M. Claude Bernard. He has shown by well-devised experiments on animals that the more active poisons attack particlar tissues or organs essential to life-that woor



ON Monday, July 15th, Messrs. Sotheby and Wilkinson commence a three days' miscellaneous sale of books, including the libraries of the late Adey Repton, Esq., F.S.A., and the Rev. Dr. Wrench. Many of the lots are most valuable and curious, and comprise some rare poetical pieces. Lot 329 is particularly worthy of notice, being a complete set of the London Review, from its commencement in May, 1749 to 1841 inclusive, with indexes, two hundred and forty volumes. The London Review, which for a considerable period enjoyed the reputation of being the first literary journal in Europe, is a scarce work in so complete a form, the Fonthill copy, only one hundred and seventy-four. vol-umes, having sold for £44, 12s. 6d.

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