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Part of an article in The Quarterly Review.

1. Opere Politico-Economiche del Conte Cam-
illo Benso di Cavour. Cuneo, 1857.

2. Camillo Benso di Cavour. Per Roggero
Bonghi. Torino, 1861.
3. Count Cavour, his Life and Career.

Basil H. Cooper, B.A. London, 1860.

in the first instance, taken a similar view, and that it was unjust to demand that he should change his opinion merely because England had changed hers. This slight escession of Villafranca to Russia as a harbor trangement was increased by the temporary for commercial steamers and a coal depôt. COUNT CAVOUR holds far too great a place In consenting to this arrangement, which in the history of our time to permit us to conferred no territorial rights, Cavour wished pass over his death in silence. Short as was to conciliate that power now that the object his public career, he was the most remark- of the Crimean campaign had been attained, able man of our generation, and his influ- and desired at the same time to aim a blow ence will probably be felt longer and more at Austria, whose great mercantile steam aswidely than that of any living being. He sociation, the "Austrian Lloyd," was threathas called into political existence a nation ened by the establishment of the rival Ruswhich, if its future be not marred by untow-sian company for the navigation of the Black ard events or wilful misconduct, may become one of the greatest of the earth, and may alter that balance of power upon which the present relations of the civilized world are based.

and Mediterranean Seas. The English Government, not unnaturally, suspected that Russia had ulterior objects in view, and that the fine vessels built for her were not solely intended for passengers and trade.

The language of Cavour at the Confer- These differences with the English Govences of Paris had only tended to embitter ernment, and the absence of any thing more the relations between Austria and Sardinia. than a cold sympathy on its part in the quarMutual recriminations led at length to the rel with Austria, led Cavour to turn for aid recall of the Austrian Minister from Turin, to France. He felt that the war which was on the 16th of March, 1857, followed by the impending, a war in which the very existwithdrawal of the Sardinian Minister from ence of Piedmont as a free state would be Vienna. War now became sooner or later imperilled, rendered a close alliance with inevitable. Neither the finances nor the po- that nation absolutely necessary. Overtures litical condition of Sardinia could bear the were consequently made to the emperor presence of a vast and threatening army on which led to the celebrated interview at her frontiers. On the other hand, constitu- Plombières in the autumn of 1858. On that tional institutions and a free press in Pied- occasion an arrangement was come to, soon mont, the gathering-place of refugees from afterwards to be ratified by the marriage of all parts of the peninsula, who fomented the daughter of Victor Emmanuel with Prince discontent in the neighboring states, were Napoleon. Its first result was the memoincompatible with the tranquillity of Lom-rable speech addressed by the emperor to bardy. Open war was preferable to this hostile peace. Austria increased her troops by sending about fifty thousand men across the Alps. Cavour asked the Chambers to sanction a loan of forty millions of lire to enable the Government to prepare for any events. He was resolutely opposed by the reactionary party, but obtained a majority after a remarkable speech delivered during the best part of two days' sittings.

Unfortunately the good understanding which had hitherto existed between Cavour and the English Ministry had suffered since the Treaty of Paris. In advocating with France the union of the Danubian Principalities, he had opposed our policy. He pleaded that Lord Clarendon himself had,

Baron Hubner, on the first day of the new year-the signal for alarm throughout Europe and for hope in Italy. Still Cavour believed that war would be deferred. He nevertheless obtained from the Chambers another loan of fifty millions of lire to place the country in a state of defence; justifying this step in a very able circular addressed to the Sardinian Ministers at foreign courts. For a time the abortive congress proposed by Russia gave some hopes of peace. But the change of government in England, misunderstood by Austria, led her to believe that a change of policy would follow, and encouraged her in refusing concessions which might have averted a war. When asked in the early spring whether hostilities were im

every department of the state. In a series of masterly circulars addressed to the Sardinian diplomatic agents abroad, he explained the situation of affairs, and boldly declared his policy. The rapid success of the allied armies seemed to have placed within his reach the object of a life of toil and hope-a free and united Italy. It may, then,

minent, Cavour still expressed a belief that ways rose between three and four o'clock; Austria would shrink from them. "When," indeed, it was his common habit when in ofadded he, "you hear that I have intrusted fice to make appointments for six o'clock in Garibaldi with high command, you may be the morning, winter and summer. He sucertain that war is inevitable." Suddenly perintended the administration of almost that celebrated chief was named commander of the corps of volunteers. One morning a rough-bearded man, wearing a slouched felt hat and a countryman's blouse, demanded an audience of the minister. Declining to give his name, he was refused admittance; but as he insisted upon seeing the count, the servant went to his master, and describing the uncouth appearance of the stranger, be imagined with what dismay and sorrow warned him of the risk of receiving unknown he received the news, almost by accident, of persons. "Let him come in," said Cavour, the interview of the two emperors at Villain his good-natured way: "it is probably franca, and the conclusion of the armistice, some poor devil who has a petition to make which was to end in peace. to me." It was Garibaldi. Cavour had never seen him before. A long interview gave him the highest opinion of the character and capacity of this remarkable man, whom he made up his mind to employ as soon as the time for actual war had arrived.


For a moment he seems to have lost his usual control over himself. He felt that his country had been betrayed, her dignity of fended, and his own pride mortified, by the step which had been taken by the emperor without consulting either his sovereign or himOn the 25th of March Cavour paid a hasty self. He remonstrated urgently with the visit to the emperor at Paris, and at a final king, insisted that the terms of peace should interview came to a full understanding with be rejected, the Piedmontese armies withhim as to the course to be pursued in the drawn from Lombardy, and the emperor left event of the breaking out of hostilities. Still to carry out his policy as best he could. The neither France nor Piedmont was thoroughly king was in favor of calmer counsels. prepared for war when, on the 19th of April, felt that much had been gained by a great adCount Buol sent his ultimatum, demanding dition to his territories secured by treaty. the immediate disarmament of Sardinia, and Cavour insisted that to accept the proposed allowing three days for a reply. Cavour conditions would be to betray the Italian cause called together the Chambers at once, and, and those who had already compromised in a short speech, proposed that the Consti- themselves in its behalf. He pointed out the tution should be temporarily suspended, and infamy of calling upon men to rise on one day that full powers should be conferred upon and then to abandon them on the next to the king. The ultimatum was rejected, and those who never forgot or forgave, and upon on the 29th the Austrians crossed the Ti- whom the most solemn pledges were not bindcino. The French troops, still unprepared ing. But these arguments were urged in vain. for a campaign, wanting supplies and am- Overcome by his feelings, the indignant statesmunition, and even a proper medical staff, man is believed to have addressed words to the were partly hurried across the Alps, and king which led to his dismissal from the royal partly sent by sea to Genoa. Delays and presence. He resigned at once, and retired incapacity on the side of the enemy gave the to his farm at Leri. He refused even to see French and Sardinian armies time to unite the emperor, declining an invitation sent to and to occupy the principal defensive posi-him to dine at the imperial table. tions. The withdrawal of the Austrian troops During the period of his retirement from from the Legations, and a series of disas-office Cavour lived mostly at Leri. Although trous defeats, ending in the great battle of his mind was engrossed with public affairs, he Solferino, left the French the masters of all found time to attend to the management of Central and Northern Italy except Venetia. his brother's estates and his own. Many of During this eventful period the activity and his friends visited him. The railway station energy of Cavour were surprising. He al-nearest to the small village adjoining the farm

at the check which had been given to his magnificent schemes for the liberation of all Italy; but he was comforted by the confidence which his countrymen had placed in his patriotism and wisdom, and by the unexampled constancy and prudence they had shown in an hour of the severest trial. He felt that his temporary retirement would ultimately secure the triumph of the great cause with which his name and fame were forever connected. Above all, he rejoiced at the manner in which the tortuous and uncertain policy of the emperor had been baffled by the uncompromising firmness of the Italians themselves.

is Livorno, between Turin and Novara. There the count's carriage was usually in waiting, and a rapid drive over a road deep in mud or furrowed with ruts, according to the season of the year, brought his guests to Leri. The dwelling-house itself is one of those buildings common in this part of Italy, distinguished more by its picturesque neglect than by any architectural pretensions. In front is an extensive court-yard, surrounded by stables and granaries, the outer walls of which are hung with graceful festoons of grapes, or with the golden heads of the Indian corn. A few rooms had been added to the farm for the comfort of visitors. But Cavour himself usually in- Of the character and policy of Louis Nahabited a small half-furnished chamber in poleon he was accustomed to speak with which he transacted business. On a holiday much freedom. No one had had better ophis "fattore" or bailiff, the village doctor and portunities than Cavour of sounding their priest, and one or two farmers of the neigh- depths. He was the only living man who borhood, generally dined with him at his mid- had ventured to grapple with him face to day meal. In appearance and dress he was face, and who had used him for his purpose. not unlike one of them. His simple, easy The estimate he had formed of his capacity manners, his hearty laugh, and his cordial was not a high one, but he fully admitted greeting were those of an honest country gen- his fertility of resource, his physical and tleman. There never was a man who looked moral courage, and his knowledge of the less like a statesman upon whom rested the people he governs. "He has no definite fate of nations. He was full of frolic and fun. policy," he remarked to an English friend. He would slyly hint to the doctor that the "He has a number of political ideas floating stranger who had just arrived was Mazzini in his mind, none of them matured. They himself, or he would invent for the priest, with would seem to be convictions founded upon the humor and gravity of Charles Lamb, some instinct. He will not steadily pursue any marvellous story of the discoveries in unknown single idea if a serious obstacle presents itregions made by an English traveller who had self, but will give way, and take up another. joined the party. He would enjoy the joke This is the "mot de l'énigme " to his policy. like a very child, rubbing his hands quickly It is by steadily keeping this in view that I together, as he was wont to do when pleased, have succeeded in thwarting his designs, or and keeping up the "mystification" with in- in inducing him to adopt a measure. The finite relish. But if one of his neighbors only principle-if principle it can be called asked him a political question he would reply-which connects together these various as if he were addressing the Chambers, ex-ideas, is the establishment of his dynasty plaining the facts with the greatest clearness, and the conviction that the best way to seand giving his own opinion upon them. This cure it is by feeding the national vanity of was the time to see the real character of the the French people. He found France, after man; to understand that union of rare quali- the fall of the Orleanist and republican ties which made him the idol of the Piedmon-governments, holding but a second place tese people, and led them almost to overlook the greatness of the statesman in their love for his personal worth.

amongst the great powers; he has raised her to the very first. Look at his wars, look at his foreign policy; he has never gone one When the meal was over, and the guests, step beyond what was absolutely necessary as is the custom of the country, had dispersed, to attain this one object. The principle osCavour resumed his gravity, without losing tentatiously put forward in the first instance the extreme simplicity of his manner. Under has been forgotten or discarded as soon as the outward calm and good-humor there his immediate end has been accomplished. lurked a feeling of deep indignation against It was so in the war with Russia; it has the French emperor. He chafed and fretted been so in the war with Austria. In the

Crimea he was satisfied with the success of said; "it was rather an impulse than the

his army in the capture of Sebastopol, which took from the English troops the glory they had earned by their admirable devotion and courage, and to which they would have added had the war continued. In the struggle with Austria he was astounded by the greatness of the victories of Magenta and Solferino. The military glory of France had been satiated, and he thought no more of the liberty of Italy, of that free and united nåtion which he was to have called into existence from the Alps to the Adriatic.

result of any well-considered design. Two splendid victories had added sufficiently to the glory of the French arms. The horrible scenes he had witnessed on the field of battle had made a deep impression upon him. He felt much disgust at the quarrels amongst his generals, who were sacrificing the honor of their country to personal jealousies. Then there were the heat, the dust, and the labor, for he did not spare himself; indeed, he did every thing. His exertions and the fatigue he went through were amazing. His health "It is this uncertain policy, guided by enough of campaigning and its hardships, was beginning to give way. He had had dynastic and selfish considerations, which makes him so dangerous to you, and which and was anxious to get back to Paris. To renders it necessary that you should ever be add to all this he could not resist the temptaon your guard. Not that he is hostile to tion of dealing in person with a legitimate England, or that he has any definite design emperor, as his uncle had done before him, against her. On the contrary, he has much of imposing, without consulting any one, affection for your country. He is a man of the conditions of peace, and of earning at generous impulses, and has strong feelings the same time, by his generosity and modof gratitude towards those who have served and befriended him. At the bottom of his eration, the gratitude, and perhaps eventual heart he is greatly attached to Italy. His support, of a still powerful, though vanearliest recollections are bound up with her. quished enemy. These various motives and He is to this day a 'carbonaro' in his desire considerations together led him to abandon for Italian freedom and hatred of Austria. the great cause in which he had embarked, He has not forgotten the kindness and hos- and to forget the proclamations, the prompitality shown to him when an exile in Eng-ises, and the hopes of the day before." land. He admires your institutions and the character of the English people. But all this is as nothing when compared with the of an attack upon the Quadrilateral had maintenance of his dynasty, the establish- been greatly exaggerated. He believed that ment of which he looks upon almost in the the fortresses would have soon fallen. The light of a religious obligation. If the mo- result of subsequent inquiries made by the ment came when he thought a sacrifice nec- Austrian Government itself into the state of essary to sustain it, however great that sac-Mantua and Verona fully confirmed his rifice might be, however painful or repugnant opinion. to his feelings, he would make it.

Cavour was convinced that the difficulties

After the fatal day of Solferino a

"No one has had better opportunities of panic had seized the Austrian army. The knowing him than I have. He has talked result of the battle was first known in Verona to me with the greatest openness of his fu- by a vast rabble of soldiers and camp folture plans. But he has invariably assured lowers blocking up the gates leading into the me at the same time that his first object was city. The greatest disorder prevailed even to maintain peace and a good understanding in the forts, which were without the necessary with England. I believe," he solemnly added, "that from policy as well as from af- guns and ammunition, and in some of which fection such are his views; and that only in the troops had been gained over. a moment of the utmost emergency, when same time the inhabitants of the city were he was convinced that his influence in France ready to rise. It is believed that Louis Nadepended upon it, would he depart from poleon was not unacquainted with these facts them. But that moment may come, and and that he urged them upon the emperor you would be madmen if you were not pre-of Austria at Villafranca to obtain his acpared for it."

As regards the Peace of Villafranca, Cavour attributed it to no distinct policy, but rather to a variety of motives. "There is no profound secret or mystery about it," he

ceptance of the conditions of peace.

At the

The following anecdote illustrates the fickle and uncertain character of the French emperor. Before the battle of Magenta, the critical position of his army had caused

that it should be cleared up. We believe that, if he made promises on the subject of the two provinces, it was with the earnest intention of keeping them. We are confident, from information derived from authentic sources, from our knowledge of his character, and from his love of truth, that when the whole history of these transactions is known his reputation will not suffer.

him the deepest anxiety. He had almost | sued has been severely censured. It is conmade up his mind that a defeat was immi- sequently of much importance to his fame nent. It was even feared by his ally that he would throw up the game, and enter into a precipitate peace. Through incredible mismanagement the Austrians were completely defeated. The emperor lodged the night after the battle in the house of the parish priest of the town around which the bloody contest had raged. When he had left in the morning, his humble host sought for some memorial of the great man. At length To understand this question fully we a sheet of paper, crumpled up, was taken must go back some years. It is admitted from the empty fireplace. It was the rough that Savoy, although the ancient inheritance draft of the famous proclamation of Milan. of the royal house which now rules Italy, The depression of the previous days had might, from the language, habits, and symbeen succeeded, after the wonderful victory, pathies of a considerable portion of its popby unbounded elation. Now every thing ap-ulation, and by its geographical position, be peared within the emperor's reach, and he naturally coveted by a government like that called upon the Italians to be soldiers to-day, of France. Accordingly, whenever a favorthat they might be citizens on the morrow. able opportunity has occurred, it has been occupied as a French province. Its permanent annexation to France was not, therefore, the peculiar policy of Louis Napoleon -it had long been the wish of the French people. The price that Italy was to pay for the help of France in a successful struggle against Austria had been fixed at the surrender of Nice and Savoy long before he came to the throne. The Republican party had haggled over it when there was a question of forming in 1848 and 1849 a Subalpine" kingdom by the union of Lombardy and Venetia to Piedmont.* It is altogether a mistake to suppose that the question was a personal one between the emperor and Cavour, or that the idea was a new one put forward for the first time at Plombières. It was evident that no ministry of which On that occasion the emperor suggested he was not the head could stand. Those that, in the event of a strong Italian kingdom who had succeeded him were soon sending being formed on the southern slopes of the day by day, almost hour by hour, to consult Alps by the addition of Lombardy and Vehim. It was not long before he was invited netia to Sardinia, France would recur to her to attend the meetings of the Cabinet. A old claim for compensation in Savoy and reconciliation took place with the king, and Nice, without the surrender of which he Cavour was named the representative of would be unable to justify to his subjects Piedmont to the Congress of Paris, which the sacrifice of blood and treasure entailed was to have settled the affairs of Italy, but by a great war. Cavour's reply was, we which never met. In the beginning of 1860 believe, almost in the following words: the Ratazzi Ministry resigned, and he again" Sire, if Italy free, completely united, and became prime minister. recognized by all Europe, should one day

After the resignation of Cavour several ineffectual attempts were made to form a ministry. At length his strong hand was succeeded by the feeble grasp of Ratazzi and La Marmora. But from his farm at Leri he really governed Italy. His fame had never been greater; the confidence felt in him by his countrymen never more complete. The peace of Villafranca had been received with one feeling of scorn and indignation. By his opposition to it he had gained unbounded popularity. Encouraged by his example, and strengthened by his advice, the Italians made a stern and effectual protest against the treaty by simply refusing to fulfil its conditions, and to receive back the princes they had expelled.

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Cavour had scarcely returned to office when it became known that the emperor This clearly appears from the important and had demanded the cession of Nice and Savoy. recently published. ("Documens et Pièces auinteresting collection of papers of Daniel Manin, His conduct in the negotiations which en-thentiques laissés par D. Manin." Paris, 1860.)

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