Abbildungen der Seite


Illustrious Persons.

1746 Defeat of the king's forces by the Rebels at C. Maclaurin, Math., d.

Falkirk, January 17.

Ferdinand VI. king of Spain.
Frederic V. king of Denmark.

Count Saxe takes Brussels and Antwerp.
Victory of Culloden, which puts an end to the
Rebellion in Scotland, April 16.

Lords Balmerino and Kilmarnock beheaded.
August 18.

Saxe defeats the Allies at Raucoux, Oct. 11. Dreadful earthquake at Lima, October 17. 1747 Lord Lovat beheaded, April 9.

French defeat the allied army at Lafeldt,July 2. Bergen-op-Zoom taken by the French, Sept. 5. The French fleet defeated by Hawke, Oct. 14. Kouli-Khan murdered.-Revolution in Persia. 1748 Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle between England,

Barratier, Phil., d.
T. Southern, Poet, d.
1747 Barbeyrac, Pol.
Phil., d.

Le Sage, Gil Blas, d.
Dillenius, Bot., d.
M. Mattaire. d.
Abp. Power, a.

E. Holdsworth, Cr.,d.
President Forbes, d.
1748 Thomson, Poet, d.
Dr. Is. Watts, d.
Dr. F. Hutcheson, d.
Dr. G. Cheyne, d.
Rev. C. Pitt, Poet, d.
Burlamique, d.

France, Spain, Austria, Sardinia, and Hol- T. Odell, Dram., d. land, Oct. 7.

N. Freret, Chron., d.

1749 League between the Pope, Venetians, &c. Dr. Con. Middleton, d.

against the Algerines, &c.

1750 Joseph king of Portugal.

Academy of Sciences founded at Stockholm.
Commercial treaty between Great Britain and
Spain, October 5.

1751 Adolphus of Holstein king of Sweden.

Peace between Spain and Portugal.

1752 New Style introduced in Britain, September

2 reckoned 14.

1753 The British Museum established in Montague


1754 Great eruption of Ætna.

Great earthquake at Constantinople and Cairo,
September 2.

DOthman III. emperor of the Turks.
1755 Defeat of Braddock near Fort du Quesne,
July 9.

Lisbon destroyed by an earthquake, November

1756 War declared between Great Britain and

France, May 18.

Surrender of Minorca by Blakeney, June 28. 1757 Damiens attempts to assassinate Louis XV. King of Prussia defeats the Austrians at Reichenberg and Prague.

Dauhn repulses the king of Prussia at Kolin,
June 18.

Verden and Bremen taken by the French,

Convention of Closterseven, September 8.
The Prussians defeat the French and Austrians
at Rosbach, November 5.

And. Baxter, d. Aaron Hill, Poet, d. Ap. Zeno, Dram., d. Bach, Music., d. 1751 St. John, Ld. Bolingbroke, d.

Dr. A. Monro, sen.,d. Dr. Doddridge, d. 1752 Cheselden, Anat.,

Bp. Butler, d.
W.Whiston, Mat., d.
Card. Alberoni, d.
St. Real, Sc. of Govt.
1753 Bp. Berkeley, d.
Sir Hans Sloane, d.
1754 Dr. Rd. Meade, d.
H.Fielding, Novel., d.
De Moirne, Math., d.
C. Wolf, Phil., d.
J. Gibbs, Arch., d.
1755 Montesquieu, Sp.
of Laws, d.
Durante, Music., d.
Mosheim, Ec. Hist., d.
Dr. R. Rawlinson, d.
1756 Gilb. West, d.
Cassini, d.

1757 C. Cibber,Com., d.
Calmet, Benedict., d.
W.Maitland, Hist., d.
Fontenelle, Poet, d.
Abp. of

The king of Prussia master of Silesia, Dec. 21. Herring,
Mustapha III. emperor of the Turks.

1758 Pope Clement XIII. (Rezzonico.)

Senegal taken by the English, May 1.
Cape Breton taken by the English, June 17.
The English repulsed at Ticonderoga, July 8.

Cant., d.

Cha. Viner, Law., d.
Reaumur, Therm., d.


Illustrious Persons

1758 The British troops take Louisburg, July 27. Rev. J. Hervey, d. Dauhn defeats the Prussians at Hochkirken,

Oct. 14.

The British take Fort du Quesne, Nov. 25.
Goree taken by Keppel, December 29.
1759 Guadaloupe surrendered to the English, May
French defeated by the allied army at Minden,
Aug. 1.

L. Heister, Anat., d. Hoadley, Dram., d. 1759 Handel, Music., d.

Collins, Poet, d. 1.1760 Ct. Zinzendorf, d. 1761 Dr. T. Sherlock, d. Bp. Hoadley, d.

French fleet defeated by Boscawen off Gib-
raltar, August 18.

Charles III. king of Spain.

The Jesuits expelled from Portugal, September 3.
General Wolfe takes Quebec, September 17.
French fleet defeated by Hawke off Belleisle,
Nov 20.

1760 Montreal and Canada taken by the British,
Sept. 8.

George III. king of Great Britain, October 25.
The king of Prussia defeats the Austrians at
Torgau, November 3.

1761 Pondicherry taken by the English, January 15.
1762 Martinico surrendered to the English, Febru-
ary 4.

Peter III.

emperor of Russia.

The Jesuits banished from France, August. Havannah taken by the English, August 12. 1763 Peace of Paris, between England, France, and Spain, Feb. 10.

Catherine II. empress of Russia.

1764 Stanislaus II. king of Poland.

Sujah Dowla defeated by Munro at Buxar,
Oct. 23.

Byron's discoveries in the South Seas.

1765 JOSEPH II. emperor of Germany.
1766 American stamp act repealed, March 18.

The Jesuits expelled from Bohemia and Den-

Christian VII. King of Denmark.

1767 The Jesuits expelled from Spain, Genoa, and Venice.

Wallis and Carteret's discoveries in the S. Seas. 1768 Royal Academy of Arts established at London. The Jesuits expelled from Naples, Malta, and Parma.

Bruce discovers the source of the Nile. Bougainville's discoveries in the South Seas. 1769 Pope Clement XIV. (Ganganelli.)

Cook's first discoveries in the South Seas.
Corsica taken by the French, June 13.

1770 Earthquake at St. Domingo.

1771 Gustavus III. king of Sweden.

1772 Revolution in Sweden, August 19.



S. Richardson, Nov.,d.
Dr. J. Leland, d.
Stephen Hales, d.
Dr. J. Bradley,
Ast., d.
Roubilliac, Sculp., d.
Geminiani, Mus., d.
Lady M. W. Mon-
tague, d.

Lord Anson, d.
1763 N. Hooke, Hist., d.
Shenstone, Poet, d.
1764 R. Dodsley, Poet,d.
Jas. Anderson,Hist.d.
Churchill, Poet, d.
W.Hogarth, Paint.,d.
Count Algarotti, d.
1765 E. Young, Poet, d.
Dr. Stukely, Ant., d.
R. Simson, Math., d.
D. Mallet, Poet, d.
1766 Dr. Birch, Hist., d.
Dr. J. Leland, d.
Dr. S. Chandler, d.
Dr. R. Whytt, Phys.,d.
Dr. Zach. Grey, d.
1767 Postlethwaite, d.
Vattel, L. of Nats., d.
1768 L. Sterne.
Secker, Abp., d.
Short, Opt., d.
Abbé Winkleman, d.
Dr. N. Lardner, d.
1769 R. Smith, Math.,d.
1770 Abbé Nollet, Phil.,

Rysbrach, Sculp., d.
W. Guthrie, Hist., d.
Chatterton, Poet, d.
Dr. T. Jortin, d.
Akenside, Poet, d.
Smollet, Hist., d.
Alex. Cruden, d.
Geo. Whitfield, d.

Poland dismembered by Russia, Prussia, and 1771 Gray, Poet, d.

1773 Cook's second voyage and discoveries.

C. A. Helvetius, d. 1772Nollekius, Sculp.,d.

The society of the Jesuits suppressed by the 1773 Ph. E. of Chester

pope's bull, August 25.

1774 Louis XVI. king of France.

field, d. G. Ld. Lyttleton, d.

A C.

1774) Abdhul Achmet emperor of the Turks. Warren Hastings first British governor-general of India.

American War commenced, November 15. 1775 Battle of Bunker's-hill in America, June 7. Pope Pius VI. (Braschi.) 1776 The Americans declare their independence, July 4.

1777 Mary queen of Portugal.

Philadelphia taken by the British troops,
Oct. 3.

Surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga, Oct. 7. 1778 League between the French and Americans, Oct. 30.

1779 Peace between the Imperialists and Prussians,
May 13.

Great eruption of Vesuvius, August 8.
Siege of Gibraltar by the Spaniards, July.
Captain Cook killed at Owyhee.

1780 Sir G. Rodney defeats the Spanish fleet near
Cape Vincent, January 16.

Charlestown surrenders to the British, May 12.
Riots in London on account of the Popish bill,
June 2.

Cornwallis defeats the Americans at Cambden,
Aug. 16.

War between England and Holland, Dec. 20. 1781 Americans defeated at Guilford by Cornwallis. Surrender of the British troops to the Americans and French at Yorktown, October 18. 1782 Rodney defeats the French fleet off Dominica, April 12.

Sir Edw. Hughes defeats the French fleet under Suffrein in the East Indies, Feb. 17. 1783 Peace between Great Britain, France, and Spain, and the Independence of America acknowledged, Jan. 20.

Illustrious Persons
La Condamini, d.
Goldsmith, Poet, d.
Z. Pearce, Bp. of
Roch., d.

H. Baker, N. Phil.,d. 1775 Hawksworth, d.

J. Campbell, Hist., d.
1776 D. Hume, Hist.,d.
J.Ferguson, Math., d.
1777 S. Foote, Com., d.
W. Bowyer, Print.,d.
Haller, Phys., d.
Dr. Jo. Gregory, d.
Voltaire, d.
Linnæus, Nat., d.
J. J. Rousseau, d.
1779 Garrick, Com., d.
W. Pitt, 1st E. of
of Chatham, d.
Warburton, Bp. of
Glo'ster, d.
Armstrong, Poet, d.
1780 Sir W. Blackstone,
Law., d.

Dr. Gaubius, d.
Sir Jas. Stewart, d.
1781 Lessing, Ger. lit.,d.
1782 Bp. Newton, d.
Metastachio, Poet, d.
Home, Ld. Kames, d.
Dr. Wil. Hunter, d.
Bernovilli, d.
Dr. Sollander, d.
D'Anville, d.
D'Alembert, Phil., d.
Euler, Math., d.

1784 Peace between Great Britain and Holland, Dr. Sam. Johnson, d.

May 24.

1785 Alliance between Austria, France, and Hol

land, Nov. 9.

1786 Frederick IV. king of Prussia.

Marquis Cornwallis governor-general of India.
Commercial treaty between England and
France, September 26.

1787 The assembly of the Notables at Paris, Feb. 22.
Mr Hastings impeached for misdemeanors in
the government of India, May 21.

1788 Prince Charles Edward died at Rome, Jan. 31.
The Parliament of Paris remonstrates against
the use of lettres de cachet, March 16.
Defensive alliance between England and Hol-
land, April 25.

The Regency bill debated by the House of
Commons, December 10.
Cotton first planted in Georgia.

1789 The abolition of the slave-trade proposed in

Whitehead, Poet, d
Diderot, Phil., d
1785 Dr. Burn, Law.,d
R. Glover, Poet, d.
L'Abbé Millot, d.
Abbé de Mably, d.
1786 Jonas Hanway, d.
Bp. Louth, d.

Soame Jenyns, d.
Bp. Edward Lane, d.
F. Sydenham, d.
Ch. Gluck, Op. Mu-
sic., d.

Dr. Abel, Mus., d.
Ld. Pres. Dundas, d.
J. Stewart. F.R.S., d.
Gainsborough, Paint.,

T. Sheridan, d.
Savary, Voy., d.


Illustrious Persons.

1789) Selim III. emperor of the Turks, April. 1787 Ct. de Buffon, The Assembly of the States-General opened Nat., d.

at Paris, May 5.-Form themselves into the 1788 Gesner, d.
National Assembly, June 16.-The_Bastile W. J. Meikle, Poet, d.
taken, and the governor massacred, July 14.
-The princes of the blood and chief noblesse
leave France, July.-The king of France
brought to Paris, accepts the Declaration of
the Rights of Man, October 6.-Decree for
dividing France into eighty-three depart-
ments, October 30.

1790 Monastic establishments suppressed in France,
February 13.-Titles of nobility suppressed
in France, Feb. 24.

War in India with Tippoo Sultan, May 1.
General confederation at Paris, in the Champ
de Mars, July 14.

LEOPOLD II. emperor of Germany.

1791 The king of France with his family escape from Paris, but are intercepted at Varennes, June 22.

Riots at Birmingham, July 14.

Rev.J.Logan, Poet,d.
Ledyard, Trav., d.
Sir J. Hawkins, d.
Marq. Mirabeau, d.
Vernet, Paint., d.
Ld. Pres. Miller, d.
L' Abbè Brotier, d.
Will. Cullen, Phys., d.
Adam Smith, Polit.
Econ., d.

Benj. Franklin, Phil.,

Jn. Howard, Philan.,

T. Wharton, Poet, d.
General Roy, d.
W. Henry, Hist., d.

The king of France accepts the Constitution, Dr. Rd. Price, d.
Sept. 14.

1792 FRANCIS II. emperor of Germany.

Sir John Shore governor-general of India.
Gustavus III. king of Sweden assassinated by
Ankerstroom, March 29.

Gustavus IV. king of Sweden.-Duke of Sud-
ermania regent in his minority.

An armed mob forces the Tuileries, and insults Dr.
the king of France, June 20.

The Duke of Brunswick, with the armies of
Austria and Prussia, arrives at Coblentz,
July 3.

The National Assembly decrees the country in
danger, July 11.

Petion and the community of Paris demand
the king's deposition, August 3.
The Tuileries again attacked.-The king and
queen of France take refuge in the National
Assembly.-The Swiss guards massacred by
the populace, August 10.

The royal authority suspended by the National
Assembly, August 10.

The Royal Family imprisoned in the Temple,
Aug. 14.

Massacre of the state prisoners at Paris, Sept.
2, 3.

National Convention constituted-the king
deposed, and France declared a Republic,
Sept. 21.

The Republic decrees fraternity and assistance
to all nations in the recovery of their liberty,
Nov. 19.

The Convention decrees the trial of Louis XVI.
Dec. 2.-Brought to trial, Dec. 14.

1793 LOUIS XVI. condemned to death by a ma-l

Dr. T. Blacklock, d.
Rev. Jo. Wesley, d.
Fr. Grose, Ant., d.
Mozart, Music., d.
Michaelis, d.
Galvani, d.

Boru, Min., d.
Sir. J. Reynolds,
Paint., d.
Will. Tytler, d.
Horne, Bp.of Nora.,d.
Rob. Adam, Arch.,

John E. of Bute, d.
Sir R. Arkwright, d.
Sir R.Strange, Engr.,

Lord Hailes, d.
Smeaton, Mechan.,d.
Lord Rodney, d.
Thorpe, Antq., d.
Lord North, d.
Ph.Thicknesse, Trav.,


A. C.

Illustrious Persons.

jority of five voices, Jan. 17.-Beheaded,
Jan. 21.

1793 The Alien Bill passed in the British House of Dr.
Commons, January 24.

The French Convention declares war against
England and Holland, February 1.
Lyons declares for Louis XVII., February 28.
First coalition against France: directed by
England-of Russia, Sardinia, Naples,
Prussia, Austria, Tuscany, &c.-namely all
Europe except Sweden, Denmark and

Decree for the French people rising in a mass,
August 20.

Surrender of Toulon to Lord Hood's fleet,
August 28.

Marie Antoinette queen of France condemn-
ed to death by the Convention, and beheaded
the same day, October 15.

W. Robertson,
Hist., d.
MrsGriffiths, Nov.,d.
Will. E. of Mansfield,

Dr. Mudge, Opt., d.
Will. Hudson, F.R.S.,


Ld. Gardenstone, d.
J. Thomas, Bp. of

D. Serres, Paint., d.
Baron de Tott, d.
Rd. Tickell, d.
Dr. John Hunter, d.
Goldoni, It. Com., d.

Brissot and the chiefs of the Girondist party 1794 E. Gibbon, Hist.,d.


Robespierre triumphant, November.

The English evacute Toulon, December 19. 1794 The princess Elizabeth of France beheaded, May 12.

The Habeas Corpus act suspended, May.
Howe defeats the French fleet off Ushant,

June 1.

Robespierre, with his chief partisans, guillotin-
ed, July 28.

Battle of Warsaw.-The Polish liberties des-
troyed, October 12.

The Jacobin Club suppressed, October 18.
Trials of Hardy, Tooke, Thelwell, &c., for
treason, November.

1795 The Stadtholder takes refuge in England.-
Holland overrun by the French, January.
Mr. Hastings' trial ended, by his acquittal,
April 22.

Lyons bombarded, laid in ruins, and all its
loyal inhabitants massacred, May.
Louis XVII. died in prison at Paris, June 8.
The Cape of Good Hope taken by the British
under Craig, Clarke, and Elphinstone, Sept.


Great disorders in Ireland, Oct., Nov., Dec.
Stanislaus II. resigns the crown of Poland.-

The kingdom divided between Russia,
Austria, and Prussia, November 25.
Ceylon taken by the British under Gen. J.
Stewart, and Com. Ranier, February 15.
1796 The Count d'Artois, with his suite, take up
their residence at Edinburgh, January 6.
The East India Company votes an indemnifi-
cation and recompense to Mr Hastings, Jan.
'The French overrun and plunder italy.
Malmesbury negociates for peace at Paris, Oct.

E. of Camden, d.
Woodward, Bp. of
Cloyne. d.

Dr. J. Roebuck, d.
Charles Pigott, d.
Earl Bathurst, d.
G. Colman, Dram.,d.
Card. de Bernis, d.
James Bruce, Trav.,d.
M. de Condorcet, d.
Lavoisier, Chem., d.
Marg. of Beccaria, d.

1795 Sir Will. Jones,d.

Rev. Dr. A.Gerard, d.
Dr. T. Balguy, d.
James Boswell, d.
Will. Smellie, d.
R. Bakewell, Agri.,d.
R. Southgate, Antiq.,

Josiah Wedgewood,d.
Barthelemy, (Trav.
of Anach.)
Zimmerman, d.
A. Kippis, Biog., d.

1796 Robt. Burns, Poet,

J. Anderson, F.R.S.,


Dr. G. Campbell, d.
Dr. Jas. Fordyce, 1.
Dr. Thos. Reid, d.
Henry Flood, M.P.,

Jas. Macpherson, d.

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