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hostis humani tentamentis resistere, et omnes insidias ejus a penetralibus cordis tui, divino munimine fultus, procul abjicere: præstante Domino nostro, Jesu Christo, qui vivit et regnat Deus, per omnia sæcula sæculorum. Amen.5

His peractis, archiepiscopus pontificalibus indutus in vestiario, et pallio redimitus cum tribus diaconis, et

5 In this form, we find no notice of that extraordinary claim which has been introduced into the modern pontifical of the church of Rome. Whatever may have been the actual practice of the primate of the English Church during the two or three centuries immediately preceding the reformation, the office appointed at the reception of the pall, did not recognize any other signification of it, in the Form at its delivery, than the ancient one of a mark of honour and dignity. But that the reader may the better see the distinction, which I am remarking, it will be well to transcribe the corresponding part of the present order of the church of Rome: which, although not adopted in England, is to be traced, it is said, to the authority of Innocent III.

"Ad honorem omnipotentis Dei, et beatæ Mariæ,

tradimus tibi pallium de corpore beati Petri sumptum, in quo est plenitudo pontificalis officii, cum patriarchalis vel archiepiscopalis nominis appellatione, etc."

With respect to this, the Roman theologians are obliged to confess,

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that there is not a shadow of any proof of such a claim, or pretence, as that the jurisdiction of a metropolitan depends upon his reception of the pall, to be found in the first centuries after its adoption at all, in any way: not to speak of the ages preceding, during which we hear nothing of the pall. And to such an extent is this usurpation of the court of Rome now pressed, that an archbishop or metropolitan, although consecrated, cannot perform any of those duties, which are peculiar to, or characteristic of, his office: he cannot consecrate a church (for example,) or confer orders. In fact, if he has been previously a bishop, and is translated to this higher dignity, the effect is, that for a time, until he has obtained his pall, he is suspended: and so far from obtaining at once increased power and authority, even that which he had is certainly taken from him for a season, and, if any difficulties are interposed, it can be regained only after a long delay, and trouble, and expense.

tribus subdiaconis, chorum intrabit. Et ex tunc omnia fiant, prout supra notantur, quando archiepiscopus pallium a sede apostolica personaliter recepit.

In quibus diebus archiepiscopus debet uti pallio, cum celebraverit in sua provincia, videlicet;

In die nativitatis Domini.

In festo sancti Stephani.
In festo sancti Johannis.
In circumcisione Domini.
In epiphania Domini.

In dominica in ramis palmarum.

In cana Domini.

Sabbato sancto Pascha.

In die Pascha et in secunda (et) tertia feria.
In ascensione Domini.

In die Pentecostes et in secunda et quarta feria sequente.

In nativitate sancti Johannis Baptista.

In festis omnium Apostolorum.

In tribus festis beatæ Mariæ.
In festo omnium Sanctorum.

In dedicatione ecclesiarum.

In principalibus festivitatibus ecclesiæ suæ.

In ordinatione clericorum.

In consecratione episcoporum.

In die anniversarii suæ consecrationis.

In the epistles and briefs of the Roman pontiffs, there is a great variety observable, in the days upon which they conceded to various metropolitans the privilege of wearing the pall. Some of these occasions would be "pro

per" to the church or person in

whose favour they were granted: for example, in the present case, the principal feasts of the church of Canterbury, and the anniversary of the archbishop's consecration, or "natal day," as it was sometimes called.

Qualiter processiones fiunt causa

venerationis, scilicet ad suscipiendum Archi

episcopum, proprium Episcopum, Le

gatum vel Cardinalem, Regem
vel Reginam.

Drdo ad recipiendum processionaliter Praelatum, etc.

IUNT autem quædam processiones venerationis causa ad suscipiendum archiepiscopum, proprium episcopum, legatum vel car

dinalem, regem vel reginam, quæ eodem modo et habitu ordinantur per omnia quo in die nativitatis Domini. Procedunt autem per medium chori et ecclesiæ, per ostium occidentale usque ad locum destinatum, ibique ad personam suscipiendum in processione duæ excellentiores persona in capis sericis in revertendo suscipiant post thurificationem et aquæ benedictæ aspersionem, cantore incipiente responsorium: videlicet, contra archiepiscopum, proprium episcopum, legatum vel cardinalem, dicatur responsorium:

Summæ Trinitati.

Contra regem dicatur resp:

Honor virtus.

Contra reginam resp:

Regnum mundi.

Eadem quoque via qua accesserint, usque ad gradum altaris adducant. Finito responsorio cum suo versu, a toto choro sequatur :

Kyrieleyson. Christeleyson. Kyrieleyson.
Pater noster.

Deinde super archiepiscopum, proprium episcopum, vel legatum, vel cardinalem, cum prosternant se in oratione ad gradum altaris, dicat episcopus in capa serica: Et ne nos inducas.

Salvum fac servum tuum, Domine.
Mitte ei, Domine, auxilium de sancto.
Nihil proficiat inimicus in eo.

Esto ei, Domine, turris fortitudinis.
Domine exaudi.

Dominus vobiscum.


Concede, quæsumus Domine, famulo tuo metropolitano nostro, vel episcopo, vel prælato, ut prædicando et exercendo quæ recta sunt, exemplo bonorum operum animas suorum instruat subditorum, et æternæ remunerationis mercedem a te, piissimo pastore, percipiat: per Christum Dominum nostrum.

Super regem, vel reginam, in prostratione ad gradum altaris, dicat episcopus in capa serica:

Et ne nos.

Esto nobis, Domine, turris.

Domine, salvum fac regem, vel, ancillam tuam.
Mitte eis Domine.

Nihil proficiat.

Domine, Deus virtutum, converte nos.
Domine exaudi.

Dominus vobiscum.


Deus, in cujus manu corda sunt regum, qui es humilium consolator et fidelium fortitudo, et protector omnium in te sperantium: da regi nostro, et reginæ, populoque Christiano, triumphum virtutis tuæ scienter excolere, ut per te semper reparentur ad veniam. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.

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