Wills and Inventories from the Registry of the Archdeaconry of Richmond: Extending Over Portions of the Counties of York, Westmerland, Cumberland, and LancasterSociety, 1853 - 294 Seiten Report of Society appended to many volumes. |
Im Buch
Ergebnisse 1-3 von 73
Seite 18
... sylver pece , my best fether bede and my beste coveryng . Also I bequeth to my son in lawe Mr. John Scrope a ryng of ... sylver spones , that my mother dyd yeve hym , also fowre of the best of the rest of my sylver spones . Also I ...
... sylver pece , my best fether bede and my beste coveryng . Also I bequeth to my son in lawe Mr. John Scrope a ryng of ... sylver spones , that my mother dyd yeve hym , also fowre of the best of the rest of my sylver spones . Also I ...
Seite 102
... sylver parcell gylt , weinge xvij . ounces , iij l . xix s . iiij d . vij . sylver spones , weinge vij . ounces and half , xxxv s . iij . stone drenkinge potts covered with sylver , bye estymacion ij . ounces of sylver , ix s . iiijd ...
... sylver parcell gylt , weinge xvij . ounces , iij l . xix s . iiij d . vij . sylver spones , weinge vij . ounces and half , xxxv s . iij . stone drenkinge potts covered with sylver , bye estymacion ij . ounces of sylver , ix s . iiijd ...
Seite 171
... sylver salte parsell gylte of viij . ounces and a d . ounce , price xxxiiijs . A lytell sylver salte of iij . ounces , price xijs . A sylver pot with a covar of v . ounces , price xx s . A sylver boulle of vij . ounces , price xxviij s . A ...
... sylver salte parsell gylte of viij . ounces and a d . ounce , price xxxiiijs . A lytell sylver salte of iij . ounces , price xijs . A sylver pot with a covar of v . ounces , price xx s . A sylver boulle of vij . ounces , price xxviij s . A ...
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
Alsso Amen Anne anno Domini bedd bequethe unto blanketts bodye bolster brother buried buryall capp chamber chiste Christofer clothe Conyers coverletts daughter daye detts Durham Elizabeth elnes everye executors fether bedd funerall Fyrst fyve George geve geve unto gilt give and bequeth gowne grene gyff Henry Hipswell hundreth iiij iiij d iiijd iiijor iij li Inprimis INVENTORY Item I bequethe Item I gyve Item ij Item lego James John Gower last wyll Laton litle Lord married moneye mynde myne paire pannes pare payd payre pece pott pounds prest Richard Richmond Richmondshire Robert sayd servant sheits Smythson sone sonne soull Summa Swale sylke sylver sylver spones TESTAMENTUM testator ther tyme viij viijd vj d Wandisford whome wife wiffe William wyfe wyffe xiiij xiij xijd xviij xvij xxvj xxxiij yeards yere