Abbildungen der Seite

may be obtained, with Facility and without Danger. To which is prefixed, fome Obfervations respecting its Influence on the Body. 18mc. 24 pages. Price 6d. Treppafs. 1797

We have formerly perufed a little french treatife on the fame fubject that however recommended mechanical and extrinfic affistance, while this teaches the fwimmer to rely on his own boldnefs and dexterity alone.

The rules are principally borrowed from the works of Dr. Franklin, who was perhaps the most expert at this exercise of any man of his day.

ART. XXXVII. A Letter to the Author of a Pamphlet entitled “ Remark on the Purfuits of Literature, in a Letter to the Author, dated Cerbridge, May 1, 1798;" containing Obfervations on " the Remarks," by a Country Gentleman of the University of Cambridge. 8vo. 28 pages. Price 18. Lee and Hurft. 1798.

THIS Country gentleman defends the author of the Purfuits of Literature in a very vague and flimfy manner: our opinion of that work, at least, has fuffered no alteration from the perufal of the painphlet before us.

ART. XXXVIII. An Abridgment of Mr. Byrom's univerfal Short-band, or the Way of writing English in the maft eafy, concife, regular, and beautiful Manner. Defigned for the Ufe of Schools. Small 810. Price 55. About 50 pages and I plates. Lowndes. 1796.

THE editor, Mr. Molineux, teacher of the mathematics at the free grammar fchool, Macclesfield, in a fenfible and very modeft adver tifement states his reafons for abridging Mr. Byrom's Treatife of Stenography: that work is become exceedingly fearce, is very expen five, and abounds with collateral matter, fuch as remarks on the felection of characters, account of various alterations and amendments, &c. which,' fays the editor, may, indeed, difplay his ingenuity, but will be found to be but little conducive to the improvement of the pupil. In the pages before us, every thing ufeful is comprized, which Mr. Byrom's very ingenious and valuable treatise contained; the prin ciples of the art are clearly ftated, and the examples are appropriate. The work is very neatly printed; contains eleven plates of engraved fpecimens; and feems, from it's fimplicity, to be well adapted to the use of schools, for which purpofe the editor tells us it was principally defigned.

ART. XXXIX. The Gentleman's Guide in Money Negociations, and Banker's, Merchant's, and Tradefman's Counting-House Affiftant. 18mo. 36 pages. Price 1s. Low. 1797.

THIS will prove an ufeful companion to thofe, for whofe affift ance it is intended.

ART. XL. Hints to Fremea. From a Member of the Uni verfity of Cambridge. 2d. Edit. White. 1797In this edition, the author has been candid enough to attend to our strictures, (fee Analyt. Rev. vol. xxiv, p. 104) and has ac cordingly expunged the objectionable paffage concerning oaths."

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T. I.



Has proposed the following queftion for the year 1799, for a prize 10 duc. [£4 10s].

What is the most certain and leaft expenfive mode of deftroying the evil in corn (curculio frumentarius Lin.)?

The answers, written in the german language, must be sent in the al manner before the end of feptember.

T. II. Stockholm. Kongl. Vetenskaps nya Handlyngar, &c., New Tranfactions of the Royal Academy of Sciences. For 1797. Part I-III. 4to.

In part I of this volume we have a continuation of D. Melanrhielm's hiftory of science. A fketch of a geometrical effay on motion of fuch bodies as are moved to or from a given point the inverfe duplicate ratio of their diftance from fuch point, by Svanberg. And fome effays on different fubjects of natural tory.


part II, Experiments with the pietra fungaia, and an analyfis it, by F. A. Gadd. Ferber firft defcribed this foffil, which is ind at Naples, Rome, and Florence; and which, if kept in a lar, and wetted with water, produces a number of edible mushms. According to Mr. G. 100 parts contain 45 or 46 of filiceous th, 23 of argillaceous, 7 of calcareous, and zo of calx of iron, th a little magnefia, and vegetable alkali. On the art of hardening per, by P. J. Hielm. As copper was unquestionably in ufe bee iron, and ancient copper weapons of great hardness have been ind, the manner in which this metal was hardened has become a ject of inquiry. Mongez and Dize have fuppofed, that tin was ployed for the purpofe; and this feems to be confirmed by Mr. H., o has analyzed an old hard copper fword-blade, and found it to afift of 83 parts of copper and 16 of tin. Mr. H. likewife de knife-blades of a fimilar compofition, which he found to remble the ancient fpecimen in hardness and colour. Remarks on the ength of the walls of fortifications, by A. Sjöberg. This is conued in part III. Farther investigation of the black ftone of terby, and the peculiar, earth found in it, by A. G. Ekeberg. .E. has purfued the experiments of Gadolin on this foffil, in 100 ts of which he finds 47% of a peculiar earth, diftinguishable from the known kinds. To this he gives the name of yttrica, ytter rth, and to the ftone that of ytter stone.

In the third part we have farther obfervations on lichens, and their in dyeing.

U uz



ART. III. Zurich. Altenmalige Gefchichte der Waldenfer, & Hiftory of the Waldenfes, their Fate and Perfecutions within th laft two hundred and fifty Years in general, and their Receptic and Settlement in the Duchy of Wirtemberg in particular; from authentic Documents. By Fr. C. Baron Mofer. With origin Papers. 8vo. 556 pages. 1798.

This hiftory of a very respectable fect of chriftians may be conf dered as a continuation of Leger's work, the original of which i become scarce, but there is a german tranflation of it, publifhed a Breflau in 1750, in a thick 4to vol., under the title of : L. alizemeine Gefchichte der Waldenfer. The number of waldenfes now living in the Vaudois, in the valleys of Piedmont, amount, according to bar. M., to 13000. They are allowed to follow their own mode of worship, but in their churches only, and may travel and trade where they please, but they are prohibited from keeping fhops, and debarred of fome other privileges, which are not refufed to the jews Bar. M. promifes us a farther account of the waldenfes that took refuge in Wirtemberg. Jen. Allg. Lit. Zeit.


ART, IV. Pifa. Mr. P. Roffi, the author of the Etrufcan Fauna [fee our Rev. Vol. 1x, p. 473], informs us, that, as he was in the garden belonging to the academy, one afternoon, about fix o'clock, with Mr. Cajetan Savi, the fuperintendant of the garden, he obferved a male of the cantharis melanura in conjunction with a female of the elater niger on a peach leaf. On his laying hold of the elater the cantharis endeavoured to extricate himself, but in vain; and in this fituation Mr. R. killed him, to preferve the teftimonial of fuch a fingular occurrence. The elater was killed accidentally in catching her. Six other gentlemen, profeffors in the university of Pifa, who afterwards faw the infects in this ftate, fet their names to the



ART. V. Nuremberg. Theophrafti Cha
racters of Theophraftus, with unpublish
a Manufcript in the Vatican of the fourt
Siebenkees. Published with various Read
Svo. 103 pages. 1798.

The vatican mf., No 110, which was for
cor ains fifteen chapters of Theophraftus, bey
teach of the ufual editions; fo that it gives
gether new; and to feveral of the others, adde
at different times by Camotius and Marcard.
confiderable additions, fo that fome of them al
half, befide various amended readings. This valu
in a hand very dificultly legible, fo that we are
to the late prof. Siebenkees for the pains he has tai
to the learned world.


c. The Chaons, taken from tury, by J. PL . Adam Goets

Heidelberg ith the fr hat are alte first fiftee t furnishes

ed nearly

's writter

• oblige




Books reviewed have the firft word printed in Capitals; Notices of
new Books, and Articles of Intelligence, in Italics: the Languages in
which Books are written, if not in English wholly, are pointed out by,
A. Arabic, E. Ethiopic, B. Bohemian, C. Chinefe, Co. Coptic, Cu.
Curdistanic, D. Dutch, Dan. Danske, E. English, F. French, G. German,
Gr. Greek, Gre. Greenlandic, H. Hebrew, Hu. Hungarian, I. Italian,
Icel. Icelandic, L. Latin, Lap. Laplandic, N. Norwegian, P. Porta-
guefe, Pe. Perfian, Po. Polish, R. Ruffian, S. Spanish, Sam. Samaritan,
Sc. Sclavonian, Sw. Swedish, Syr. Syriac, T. Turkijh, W. Welsh, Wa.
Wallachian, following the Title: either of thefe placed after the
Number of the Page denotes, that the Reader will not there meet
with Information on the Subject, but be referred to fome Book, in
fuch Language, in which he may obtain it.

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