Abbildungen der Seite

Mr. John Philips, London, second edition, 1715; Vindication of the English Stage, London, 1716.

SHAFTESBURY, Anthony Ashley Cooper, third Earl of, Characteristics, 3 vols., London, 1714.

SHAKESPEARE, William, Plays, with Notes and Preface by Samuel Johnson, 8 vols., London, 1765; Plays and Poems, with Malone's corrections, &c., edited by J. Boswell, jr., 21 vols., London, 1821; edited by W. G. Clarke and W. Aldis Wright, 9 vols., Cambridge, 1864-6.

SHEFFIELD, John, Duke of Buckingham, Works, 2 vols., London, 1740.

SHENSTONE, William, Works, 3 vols., London, 1791; Recollections of Shenstone, see GRAVES.

SIMON, James, Essay on Irish Coins, Dublin, 1810.

SMITH, Adam, Theory of Moral Sentiments, 2 vols., London, 1801; Wealth of Nations, 3 vols., 1811.

SMITH, Edmund, Works, London, 1719. SMITH, Goldwin, Lectures and Essays, Toronto, 1881.

SMOLLETT, Tobias, History of England, 5 vols., London, 1804.

SOUTH, Robert, D.D., Sermons, 7 vols., Oxford, 1823.

SOUTHEY, Robert, Life of Wesley, 2 vols., London, 1846; Life and Correspondence, 6 vols., London, 1849-50; Correspondence of Southey and Caroline Bowles, edited by Edward Dowden, Dublin, 1881; Specimens of Later English Poets, 3 vols., London, 1807; see Cowper.

Spectator, The, 8 vols., London, 1789; edited by G. A. Aitken, 8 vols., London, 1898. SPENCE, Rev. Joseph, Anecdotes, edited by S. W. Singer, London, 1820; Essay on Pope's Odyssey, London, 1737.

SPRAT, Thomas, Bishop of Rochester, A relation of the late Wicked Contrivance, &c., London, 1693; A true account of the horrid conspiracy against the late King, &c., London, 1685; Two Letters to the Earl of Dorset, London, 1711.

STANHOPE, Earl, Life of William Pitt, 4 vols., London, 1861.

STANLEY, Arthur Penrhyn, Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey, London, 1868. STEELE, Sir Richard, Epistolary Correspondence, 2 vols., London, 1787; Poetical Miscellanies, London, 1694.

STOCK, Joseph, Bishop of Killala, Memoirs of Bishop Berkeley, London, 1784.

STRYPE, John, Works, 27 vols., Clarendon Press, 1822-8.

SUFFOLK, Henrietta, Countess of, Letters, 2 vols., London, 1824.

SUNDON, Viscountess, Memoirs, 2 vols., London, 1847.

SWIFT, Deane, An Essay upon the Life, Writings, and Character of Dr. Jonathan Swift, London, 1755.

SWIFT, Jonathan, Works (reprint of Scott's second edition), 19 vols., London, 1883; Works, arranged by Thomas Sheridan, edited by John Nichols, 24 vols., London, 1803; Unpublished Letters of Dean Swift [to Chetwood], edited by G. Birkbeck Hill, London, 1899; see DELANY, HAWKESWORTH, ORRERY, and SWIFT, Deane.

Tatler, The, 4 vols., London, edited by John Nichols, 6 vols., London, 1786; 4 vols., London, 1789; edited by G. A. Aitken, 4 vols., London, 1898-9.

TAYLOR, Jeremy, Works, 10 vols., London, 1864.

TEIGNMOUTH, Lord, Memoirs of the Life of Sir William Jones, London, 1815. TEMPLE, Sir William, Works, 4 vols., London, 1757..

TENNYSON, Hallam, Lord, Alfred, Lord Tennyson; a Memoir, 2 vols., London, 1897. THACKERAY, William Makepeace, The English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century, edited by W. L. Phelps, New York, 1900.

THOMSON, James, Works, 4 vols., London, 1750; Works, with Life by Murdoch, 2 vols., London, 1762; ib., 1766; ib., 1768; Works, 4 vols., London, 1775; Poetical Works, edited by Rev. D. C. Tovey, 2 vols., London, 1897; The Seasons, with notes by George Wright, London, 1770; ib., with life, &c., by R. Heron, Perth, 1793; ib., edited by Bolton Corney, London, 1842; ib., edited by J. L. Robertson, Clarendon Press, 1891.

TICKNOR, George, Life of Prescott, London, 1864; History of Spanish Literature, 3 vols., Boston, 1872.

TILLOTSON, Archbishop John, Sermons, 12 vols., London, 1757.

TOLAND, John, Life of Milton, London, 1699.

TOVEY, Rev. D. C., see GRAY and THOM


TRAPP, Rev. Joseph, Praelectiones Poeticae, London, 1722; Lectures on Poetry, London, 1742.

TREVELYAN, George Otto, Life of Macaulay, a vols., London, 1877.

TWINING, Rev. Thomas, see ARISTOTLE. Twiss, Horace, Life of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 3 vols., London, 1844.

TYERMAN, Rev. Luke, The Life of the Rev. George Whitefield, 2 vols., London, 1876-7.

Universal Visitor, The, London, 1756.

VICTOR, Benjamin, History of the Theatres of London and Dublin from 1730, 3 vols., London, 1761-71.


VOITURE, Vincent de, Euvres, Paris, 1665. VOLTAIRE, Œuvres, 66 tomes, Paris, 1819-25.

"WAGSTAFFE, William,' M.D., Miscel laneous Works, London, 1726.

WALLER, Edmund, Poems upon several occasions, with life, London, 1711; ib., 1712; Works, edited by Fenton, London, 1744; Works, with life by Stockdale, London, 1772. WALPOLE, Horace, Anecdotes of Painting, 5 vols., London, 1782; ib., 3 vols., London, 1888; Letters, edited by Peter Cunningham, 9 vols., London, 1861; Memoirs of the Reign of George II, 3 vols., London, 1846; Works, 9 vols., London, 1798-1825.

WALTON, Isaac, Lives, London, 1838. WARBURTON, William, Works, 12 vols., London, 1811; Letters from a Late Eminent Prelate, London, 1809; Life, see WATSON; see also POPE.

WARNER, Rebecca, Original Letters, Bath, 1817.

WARTON, Dr. Joseph, Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope, London, vol. i. 1762, vol. ii. 1782; Memoirs, see WOOLL; see also РОРЕ.

WARTON, Rev. Thomas, History of English Poetry, edited by R. Taylor, 3 vols., London, 1840; ib., ed. by W. C. Hazlitt, 4 vols., London, 1871; see MILTON.

WATSON, Rev. J. S., Life of Bishop Warburton, London, 1863.

Wentworth Papers, 1705-39, edited by James J. Cartwright, London, 1883.

WESLEY, John, Journal, 4 vols., London 1827.

WHEATLEY, Henry B., London past ani present, 3 vols., London, 1891; see PEPYS. WHISTON, William, Memoirs of the Lif and Writings of Mr. William Whiston written by himself, London, 1749.

WHITE, Rashleigh Holt, Life and Letters of Gilbert White of Selborne, 2 vols., London, 1901.

WHITELOCKE, Bulstrode, Memorials of the English affairs, London, 1732.

WILDE, W. R., The Closing Years of Dean Swift's Life, second edition, Dublin, 1849. WILKES, John, Correspondence, see ALMON, John.

WOOD, Antony à, Athenae Oxonienses.. to which are added the Fasti, with additions by Philip Bliss, 4 vols., London, 1813-20. WOOLL, Rev. John, Biographical Memoirs of Rev. Joseph Warton, D.D., London, 1806.

WOTTON, Thomas, The English Baronetage, 4 vols., London, 1741.

WORDSWORTH, William, Poetical Works, 6 vols., London, 1857; Memoirs, a vols., London, 1851.

WYCHERLEY, Dramatic Works of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar, edited by Leigh Hunt, London, 1840.

YOUNG, Arthur, Tour in Ireland, edited by A. W. Hutton, 2 vols., London, 1892. YOUNG, Edward, Works, 4 vols., Edinburgh, 1770.

Oxford: Printed at the Clarendon Press by HORACE HART, M.A.

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