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PROGRESS of navigation among the ancients.. View of their
discoveries as preparatory to those of the moderns.. Im-
perfection of ancient navigation and geography.. Doc-
trine of the zones Farther discoveries checked by the
irruption of barbarous nations.. Geographical knowledge
still preserved in the East, and among the Arabians..
Revival of commerce and navigation in Europe. . favour-
ed by the crusades. . extended by travellers into the East

promoted by the invention of the mariner's compass .
First regular plan of discovery formed by Portugal ..
State of that kingdom.. Schemes of Prince Henry
Early attempts feeble. . Progress along the western coast
of Africa.. Hopes of discovering a new rout to the East
Indies.. Attempts to accomplish this. . Prospects of suc-


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Birth and education of Columbus.. acquires naval skill in
the service of Portugal.. conceives hopes of reaching the
East Indies by holding a westerly course.. his system
founded on the ideas of the ancients, and knowledge of their
navigation.. and on the discoveries of the Portuguese.
His negociations with different courts.. Obstacles which
he had to surmount in Spain.. Voyage of discovery.
difficulties.. success return to Spain. . Astonishment
of mankind on this discovery of a New World.. Papal
grant of it.. Second voyage.. Colony settled.. Farther
discoveries.. War with the Indians.. First tax imposed
on them.. Third voyage.. He discovers the continent..
State of the Spanish colony.. Errors in the first system
of colonizing.. Voyage of the Portuguese to the East In-
dies by the Cape of Good Hope.. Effects of this. . Dis-
coveries made by private adventurers in the New World..

Name of America given to it.. Machinations against Co-
lumbus.. Disgraced and sent in chains to Europe
Fourth voyage of Columbus. . His discoveries.. disasters
.. death

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State of the colony in Hispaniola. . New war with the In-
dians.. Cruelty of the Spaniards.. Fatal regulations con-
cerning the condition of the Indians.. Diminution of that
people.. Discoveries and settlements.. First colony planted
on the continent.. Conquest of Cuba.. Discovery of Flo-
rida of the South Sea.. Great expectations raised by
this.. Causes of disappointment with respect to these for
some time.. Controversy concerning the treatment of the
Indians.. Contrary decisions.. Zeal of the ecclesiastics,
particularly of Las Casas.. Singular proceedings of Xi-
menes.. Negroes imported into Americà.. Las Casas' idea
of a new colony.. permitted to attempt it. . unsuccessful
Discoveries towards the West.. Yucatan.. Campeachy
· New Spain.. Preparations for invading it... 153

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[ocr errors]

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Boturini Benaduci, Lorenzo, Idea de una Nueva Historia General de la America Septentrional, fundada sobre material copiosa de Figuras, Symbolas Caracteres, Cantares y Manuscritos de Autores Indios, 4to, Mad. 1746.

Botello de Moraes y Vasconcellos, D. Francisco de, El Nuevo Mundo Poema Heroyco, 4to, Barcelona, 1701.

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Campomanes, D. Pedro Rodrig. Antiguedad Maritima de la Republica de Cartago, con en Periplo de su general Hannon traducido e illustrado, 4to, Mad. 1756.

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Discurso sobre el fomento de la Industria popular, 8vo,

Discurso sobre la Educacion popular de los Artesanos,

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Caracas-Real Cedula de Fundacion de la real Compagnia Guipuscoano de Caracas, 12mo, Mad. 1765.

Caravantes, Fr. Lopoz de, Relacion de las Provincias que tienne el Govierno del Peru, los Officios que en el se Provien, y la Hacienda que alli tiene su Magestad, lo que se Gasta de ella y le queda Libre, &c. &c. Dedicado al Marques de Santos Claros, Agno, de 1611. MS.

Cardenas y Cano, Gabr. Ensayo Cronologico para la Historia general de la Florida, fol. Mad. 1733.

Carranzana, D. Gonçales, A Geographical Description of the Coasts &c. of the Spanish West Indies, 8vo, Lond. 1740.

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