Soliloquies, 111. Thou, 91, 120, 153. Tiber banks, 93. Some notice of the people, how I Thunder-stone, 105. had mov'd them, 136. Sooth, 120. Tide in the affairs of men, there is a, of times, 130. Tinctures, stains, relics, and cogni- zance, 119. Trade, what, art thou, 91. -a, which is, a mender of bad soles, Traitors, 134. Triumph, to see Cæsar and rejoice True-fix'd, 126. Stoop, Romans, stoop, and let us 'Twere best, 133. Strain, 149. Stirr'd, are you, 119. Stole, 115. bathe, 127. Strength of malice, 128. Stricken, 114. Strings, the, my lord, are false, 146. Underlings, 97. Sufferance, 112. Suit to Cæsar, 121. Superlatives, double; see under Ad- Sway of earth, 103. Swore thee, 151. Syntax, unusual, 95, 99, 103, 126, Upon a wish, he comes, 136. VERBS adjectives as, 96; the auxil- VERSE: melody, 153; resemblances Void, a place more, 121. Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum and Other Poems. Edited by Ashley H. Thorndike, Professor of English in Columbia University. $0.25. [For Reading.] Browning's Select Poems. Edited by Percival Chubb, Director of English, Ethical Culture Schools, New York. $0.25. [For Reading.] Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Edited by Charles Sears Baldwin, Professor of Rhetoric in Yale University. $0.25. [For Reading.] Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America. Edited by Albert S. Cook, Professor of the English Language and Literature in Yale University. $0.25. [For Study.] Byron's Childe Harold, Canto IV, and Prisoner of Chillon. Edited by H. E. Coblentz, Principal of The South Division High School, Milwaukee, Wis. $0.25. [For Reading.] Carlyle's Essay on Burns. Edited by Wilson Farrand, Principal of the Newark Academy, Newark, N. J., $0.25. [For Study.] Carlyle's Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History. Edited by Henry David Gray, Instructor in English in Leland Stanford, Jr. University. $0.25. [For Reading.] Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Edited by Herbert Bates, Brooklyn Manual Training High School, New York. $0.25. [For Reading.] DeQuincey's Joan of Arc and The English Mail Coach. Edited by Charles Sears Baldwin, Professor of Rhetoric in Yale University. $0.25. [For Reading, 1910 to 1912.] Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities. Edited by Frederick William Roe, Assistant Professor of English, Univ. of Wisconsin. $0.25. [For Reading.] Franklin's Autobiography. Edited by William B. Cairns, Assistant Professor of American Literature in the University of Wisconsin. $0.25. [For Reading.] Gaskell's Cranford. Edited by Franklin T. Baker, Professor of the English Language and Literature in Teachers College, Columbia University. $0.25. [For Reading.] George Eliot's Silas Marner. Edited by Robert Herrick, Professor of Rhetoric in the University of Chicago. $0.25. [For Reading.] Goldsmith's The Vicar of Wakefield. Edited by Mary A. Jordan, Professor of Rhetoric and Old English in Smith College. $0.25. [For Reading.] Gray's Elegy In A Country Churchyard and Goldsmith's The Deserted Village. Edited by James F. Hosic, Head of the Department of English in the Chicago Normal School, Chicago, Ill. $0.25. [For Reading.] Huxley's Autobiography and Selections From Lay Sermons. Edited by E. H. Kemper McComb, Head of the Department of English in the Manual Training High School, Indianapolis, Ind. $0.25. [For Reading.] Irving's Sketch Book. With_an_Introduction by Brander Matthews, Professor of Dramatic Literature, Columbia University, and with notes by Armour Caldwell, A.B. $0.25. [For Reading.] Lincoln, Selections From. Edited by Daniel K. Dodge, Professor of English in the University of Illinois. $0.25. [For Reading.] Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal, and Other Poems. Edited by Allan Abbott, Head of the Department of English, Horace Mann High School, Teachers College, New York City. $0.25. [For Reading.] Macaulay's Essay on Lord Clive. Edited by Preston C. Farrar, Instructor of English in Erasmus Hall High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. $0.25. [For Reading.] Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome, with Ivry and The Armada. Edited by Nott Flint, late Instructor in English in the University of Chicago. $0.25. [For Reading.] Macaulay's Life of Samuel Johnson. Edited by Huber Gray Buehler, Head-master Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Conn. $0.25. [For Study.] Macaulay's Warren Hastings. Edited by Samuel M. Tucker, Professor of English and Dean in The Florida State College. $0.25. [For Reading.] Milton's L'Allegro, Il Penseroso, Comus and Lycidas. Edited by William P. Trent, Professor of English Litera ture in Columbia University. $0.25. [For Study; after 1911, "Lycidas" is omitted.] Parkman's The Oregon Trail. Edited by Ottis B. Sperlin, Head of the Department of English in the Tacoma High School, Washington. $0.25. [For Reading.] Palgrave's The Golden Treasury. Edited by Herbert Bates, of the Manual_Training High School, Brooklyn, New York City. $0.25. [For Reading.] Ruskin's Sesame and Lilies. Edited by Gertrude Buck, Associate Professor of English in Vassar College. $0.25. [For Reading.] Scott's Ivanhoe. Edited by Bliss Perry, Professor of English Literature in Harvard University. $0.25. [For Reading.] Scott's Lady of the Lake. Edited by George Rice Carpenter, late Professor of Rhetoric and English Composition in Columbia University. $0.25. [For Reading.] |