LONGMANS' ENGLISH CLASSICS EDITED BY GEORGE RICE CARPENTER, A.B. PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND ENGLISH COMPOSITION IN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY WILLIAM SHAKSPERE JULIUS CAESAR COPYRIGHT, 1899 BY LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. Ail rights reserved First Edition July, 1900 8235h1 PREFACE THE text of this edition of "Julius Cæsar" is founded on that of the Cambridge Shakspere; the very few changes that occur have been made only after due consideration, and are hardly important enough to warrant mention. Those familiar with the various editions of the play will recognise the indebtedness of the present editor for many of the notes that accompany the text,—an indebtedness herewith acknowledged once and for all. The aim of this edition, as is stated elsewhere, is to help the young student in his first serious reading of a Shaksperian drama. For this student the introduction and the notes were prepared, and for his sake much information was included that a riper scholarship would find unnecessary and even tedious. The editor has succeeded in his task just so far as he has been able to put himself in the place of an instructor trying to interest the average class of young people in the study of one of Shakspere's best known and best liked plays. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, May 26, 1900. G. C. D. O. edill 10-11-9 988449 |