Laws, I agree, are not made to punish the contumacious members of society, but are made for the purpose of protecting the liberties of citizens, and make secure the enjoyment of their property rights. What, then, is the manifest duty of constituted authority, when the discordant elements of society, from whatsoever source, seek admission with the sole purpose of disturbing our domestic tranquility? I have said on other occasions that men in their individual or collective capacities, or governments, can not reach the acme of their power and greatness, without the exercise of loyalty and extrinsic aid. What is the situation of Colorado in these two important respects? I have been a resident of Colorado for some years, during which time there has not been a moment when some portion of the state was not being sundered by internal strife; moreover, the so-called metropolitan dailies, published in some sections, are wretched examples of journalistic art, and all the while performing their full quota in arresting real progress, by circulating broadcast scandalous reports of the state's condition. True loyalty consists, it would seem, in standing by Colorado and her executives every hour of the day; if she is right we can afford to, if she be wrong it is our loyal duty to help set her right. The resources of Colorado are inconceivably great, yet today what institution or individual without her borders, with capital to invest or loan, is consumed with a desire to place it here, and can you blame them? The first questions to be examined into by prospective investors, are the habits of our people relative to respect for law and order, and the sanity of our laws, as on those two questions rest the stability of investment. Another point worth at least a passing thought, is to at all times preserve the credit of the State, for if faith in our credit is lacking, we can not look for extrinsic aid, mentioned a moment ago, as an important element in the development of a state. One of the safest principles to govern this situation is to regulate expenditure to income; I have never yet heard of an empty exchequer where income was in excess of disbursements, but I have seen many a broken reed where the reverse was attempted. Our energetic and thrifty progenitors, when they first landed upon the inhospitable shores of what today is New England, planted a seed, which good husbandry nourished until it blossomed forth into the most strikingly beautiful flower of all history, that of liberty; can it be, after two hundred and ninety-four years of American occupancy, and one hundred and thirty-eight years of independent sovereignty, gained by constructive statesmanship and the military genius of that first great American, cemented and made cohesive by the great talents and rare judgment of that second great American, that we are incapable of protecting our inheritance? Such a confession would mean that civilization shows no progress with the advance of time, certainly repugnant to reason if we have any regard for the lessons of history. Around this board are assembled the men who can mold public opinion in their respective localities, and before us I can see a great responsibility, that of bringing Colorado up to her potential possibilities. These reflections which I have given you are made in the best of feeling, and while frank, are wholly impartial, and if my logic be at fault, or such that your judgment can not endorse, you have only to forget the presentation; on the contrary, if the subject is worthy of further consideration, there is much of constructive effort for us all, ere Colorado will measure up to her potential greatness. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS DENVER, COLO., July 9, 1914. To the Colorado Bar Association: Last April the Committee on Admissions presented, with favorable recommendation, the names of the following fifty-nine applicants for membership: John T. Barnett Walter E. Bliss Walter W. Blood Robert S. Clements W. H. Cofield Charles B. Hughes Henry E. Lutz Leroy McWhinney Melville E. Peters Howard S. Robertson E. T. Snyder Walter S. Sullivan John P. Thomas, Jr Kenneth B. Townsend C. C. Welch Carle Whitehead Robert E. Winbourn At the meeting of the Association held in the Supreme Court room at Denver on May 9, 1914, fifty-eight of said applicants were duly elected to membership. Since then we have received and hereby present with favorable recommendation for admission the names of the following seventeen applicants: George H. Blickhahn Fraser Brown C. F. Clay John E. Fetzer John W. Graham Langdon H. Larwill David Plessner J. Foster Symes James H. Teller Henry Trowbridge Philip S. Van Cise Albert L. Vogl Thomas R. Woodrow W. D. Wright, Jr. We are gratified to report that the foregoing seventy-six applications constitute the largest number ever received during any one year in the history of our Association. We predict that after the ballots shall have been taken upon the above named seventeen candidates, the result for 1914 will be a greater addition of members than during any year of the Association's existence, not excluding the total number who joined during 1897, the year of organization. It might be interesting to note that there has been an increase of 5331% in the number of applications over the preceding year. Among the foregoing applicants there are eight judges of courts of record. Forty-eight Denver lawyers are included in the foregoing lists, and the membership in the Second Judicial District of our State will be increased about 32 per cent. This remarkable influx from the Denver Bar is largely due to the worthy efforts of Messrs. Lawrence Lewis and Hugh McLean who succeeded in bringing home, especially to the younger generation of lawyers, the desirability of being affiliated with our organization. And Judge Searcy has done much toward creating a sentiment in the San Juan to the effect that no reputable lawyer should permit himself to remain outside of the ranks of this Association. The committee has proceeded somewhat upon the theory that the interests and welfare of our Association would be greatly advanced by obtaining applications from reputable young attorneys who were beginning to make good records in their profession. Thus it was hoped that not only would new blood be infused into our ranks but also that the young practitioners would become imbued with the high standard of professional conduct upon which the activities of the Colorado Bar Association are based. The committee believes that by reason of the active work which the Association has undertaken, especially in reference to the nomination of judges by the Bar, that there now exists throughout the State of Colorado a greater interest and enthusiasm in Bar Association affairs than ever before, and that during the coming year a still better opportunity will be afforded for welcoming many worthy lawyers into the portals of our organization. Respectfully submitted, ERNEST MORRIS, Chairman of Committee on Admissions. |