REPORT OF THE TREASURER Denver, Colo., July 10, 1914. To the Colorado Bar Association: Your treasurer respectfully reports the following receipts and disbursements for the period commencing July 10, 1913, and ending with this date. Vouchers for the expenditures and a certified check for the balance on hand accompany this report: Admission fees from July 11, 1913, to July 9, 1914, 390.00 Dues from July 11, 1913, to July 9, 1914, both in- 1,880.00 Total receipts $2,462.56 DISBURSEMENTS. 1913. July 12. Roscoe Pound, payment of expenses to and from Cam Aug. 24. H. M. Haskell, services in locating George L. Adams in California The Prompt Printing Co., printing proposed amend- .... Aug. 25. Alexander Nisbet, sheriff's fees in Thomas case .80 .65 5.00 Sept. 5. Antlers Hotel Annual Dinner 217.15 Antlers Hotel, account Mr. Pound 6.50 Sept. 10. Oct. 3. Oct. 7. A. G. Barnett, for taking deposition in Lovell case.. 9.15 27.00 21.00 6.00 Smith-Brooks Printing Co., half-tone inserts for Report 29.50 126.00 W. F. Robinson Printing Co., Annual Report 1912.... 434.80 1914: May 7. Henry C. Hall, for multigraphed copies of Report of 32.00 Henry C. Hall, for printed copies of Report of Com- Alpha Floral Co., flowers account of H. M. Teller.... 8.00 558.25 The Letter Mill, multigraphing notices to nominees REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON GRIEVANCES DENVER, COLO., July 9, 1914. To the Colorado Bar Association: Your Committee on Grievances respectfully reports the transaction of the following business during the year last past: Number of meetings held with quorum present. . . . 2 In the case ordered prosecuted, the petition has been lodged with the Supreme Court. The status of the cases pending in court is as follows: No. 4497, People ex rel. Colorado Bar Association vs. Sidney H. Dent. No service on respondent, as he has not been located. C. P. Gehman and Joseph D. Pender, for Association. No. 4784, People ex rel. Colorado Bar Association vs. W. J. Thomas. This case was delayed because of the inability of the Association to locate its principal witness. During the past year this witness was located, and his testimony taken. All of the testimony for petitioner has been taken, and petitioner's brief is being prepared. Edward P. Costigan and Joseph D. Pender, for the Association. No. 6550, People ex rel. Colorado Bar Association vs. J. A. Lovell. Evidence is all taken, and brief of petitioner filed. Frank McDonough and Joseph D. Pender, for the Association. No. 7204, People ex rel. Colorado Bar Association vs. George Kohn. Testimony and brief submitted in December, 1910. No decision has been rendered. Joseph D. Pender, for Association. No. 7223, People ex rel. Colorado Bar Association vs. C. A. Irwin. Testimony all taken, and petitioner's brief filed. James G. Rogers and Joseph D. Pender, for Association. No. 8391, People ex rel. Colorado Bar Association vs. Elmer E. Schlosser. Petition for disbarment filed, and rule to show cause issued. Joseph D. Pender, for Association. The following have been disposed of during the past year: No. 6475, People ex rel. Colorado Bar Association vs. James R. Patterson. Respondent disbarred. S. C. Warner, for the Association. No. 6978, People ex rel. Colorado Bar Association vs. George F. Taylor. Respondent fined $100.00 for practicing without a license, and has paid the fine. Hugh McLean, for the Association. No., People ex rel. Colorado Bar Association vs. H. B. O'Reilly. Respondent deceased. Association has requested withdrawal of the petition for suspension. No. 7710, People ex rel. Colorado Bar Association vs. Alexander M. Smith. Respondent deceased. Proceeding dismissed. No. 6010, People ex rel. Colorado Bar Association vs. C. O. Erbaugh. Upon report and recommendation of the attorney for |