pedient than that suggested by him, and that is the suggestion that a letter should be written by the party recommending the applicant to the committee. There are several reasons which occur to me why printed stereotyped blank forms are not entirely what is desired. It is frequently the case that some acquaintance at the bar desires a member now a member of the association to recommend him, but in signing a recommendation which proposes the applicant for admission, the person thus signing the recommendation should address a letter to the chairman of the committee, when the chairman of the committee asks of the member what he knows about the party whom he has recommended; he can then state fully what he knows about the applicant, his professional standing, etc., and if that letter is not sufficiently full, the chairman of the committee can request further information. In that way, a member recommending an applicant has an opportunity to state frankly and fully what he knows about the applicant, and I think more satisfactory results will be obtained than if a printed question blank be used. Mr. Doud: Mr. Chairman, I agree with what the gentleman has said, if the adoption of the motion, as before us, will accomplish that purpose. As I understood the motion, it was that the requirements should be outlined by the association. My idea was that it should be obtained by the committee itself. It may be that I misconceived the motion, but my idea was exactly in line with what Mr. Haynes has suggested, that the committee themselves, by inquiries or personal letters, could adopt such rules as they saw fit among themselves, to get the information which they desire, but this association can not very well at this time bring the information which the committee might desire, so that any member of the association endorsing an applicant can know what is needed. · President Butler: It occurs to me that perhaps the suggestion can be accomplished only by an amendment to the By-Laws. The Constitution provides that amendments may be made only at an annual meeting and by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, and no amendment shall be considered unless by consent, etc., etc. Judge Decker: I am aware of that provision, Mr. President, but I am putting this in the form of a resolution. President Butler: Is there not something in the By-Laws concerning this committee? Secretary Hoyt: My recollection is that the By-Laws provide that each committee may make rules for its own guidance not in conflict with the By-Laws, and the By-Laws say nothing as to how these applications should be made, except that they must be endorsed by three members of the association. Mr. Doud: Mr. Chairman, in that case it should be by the committee and not by the association. Judge Decker: Mr. Chairman, the idea, is that the committee wants the approval of the association. Whereupon, the resolution having been duly seconded, was put by the President and regularly carried. President Butler: Next in order is the report from the Committee on Law Reform. Mr. Johnson, the chairman of that committee, is not present. Is there any report? Mr. Chas. E. Gast: So far as I know, Mr. President, there has been no meeting held of the committee and there is no report made out. I have never been called upon to attend a meeting. President Butler then called for the report of the Committee on Legal Education. Mr. H. N. Haynes: Mr. President, I believe I am a member of that committee. Judge Kingsley, I know, wrote letters to the members of the committee, and I had an understanding that he would call the committee together some time in June, prior to the meeting of the association, but for some reason or other the committee was not called together. However, as a member of that committee, I can state that the committee commends the rules which have been adopted by the Supreme Court and the statutes in reference to more care in the matter of admission to the bar than was formerly invoked, and suggest the desirability of a committee on examining applicants, conversing somewhat with them, and getting some idea of their qualifications outside of their mere answers to the questions; and, further, that it would be desirable, either through legislation or otherwise, to provide some safeguards to protect the bar of the state from admissions from other states of practitioners whose career in those states may not be free from some criticism. As it is now, the admission to the bar of practitioners from other states is somewhat lax, and members of your committee have been advised that that laxity has occasioned injury to the Colorado bar in some instances. This is not the formal report of the committee, but a suggestion which I know will meet with the approval of the committee. President Butler then called for the report of the Committee on Legal Biography. Judge Yeaman: As chairman of that committee, it gives me pleasure to report that we have no biography on deceased members of the association, as there have been no deaths; and, while the committee has had no meeting, I would like to get an expression from the members of the association as to the scope of the duties of this committee. The By-Laws say: "The Committee on Legal Biography shall consist of five members. They shall provide for the preservation among the records of the association of such facts relating to the history of the association as may be of interest." The question I should like to hear the members express their views upon is as to what facts should be preserved as records of the association, and how those facts would be arrived at by the committee; whether the committee would be expected to enter into original research. Secretary Hoyt: These By-Laws are copied very largely from the By-Laws of the Bar Association of the state of Pennsylvania. There the practice of this committee is, I understand, to pick up any scrap of history regarding the profession which might be lost, and put it in their report, and from there it appears, of course, in the printed proceedings of the meeting, and in that way it is preserved. They had in one of their journals an account of the early buildings occupied by the courts, and items of that sort, which were not in current history and would be lost, and which the profession in years to come would be glad to know are preserved. I take it that this is the meaning of the paragraph spoken of. President Butler then announced that the next business before the association would be the election of officers. Mr. Haynes: Mr. Chairman, before that order is taken up, I desire to offer a resolution of the Committee on Grievances, and move the adoption of the following: "Resolved, That the suggestion of the Committee on Grievances, to the effect that this association and its members shall be active in striving to maintain a high standard of professional ethics in this state, and to that end to discipline unworthy law yers, be and the same is hereby specially approved. Said committee is instructed to investigate all charges of professional misconduct, and, in proper cases, to institute and prosecute disbarment proceedings; also, to request the President to call special meetings of this body to consider such charges when, in the opinion of the committee, such course is desirable.” Judge Decker duly seconded said motion, whereupon the question was put and regularly carried. President Butler: I understand that some member intended to offer a resolution endorsing the rules of the Supreme Court on admission to the bar. Secretary Hoyt: Mr. Chairman, I have been interested in this matter of admission to the bar for some time, and as there may be some opposition to these rules, it seems to me that a resolution from this association would sustain the committee in their support of the rules. I would, therefore, move that the adoption of the rules last year, and the amendments thereto this year, by the Supreme Court, be approved, and that we commend it as a movement in the right direction, and express the hope that the standard of admission may be from time to time raised, as the time is ripe for it; not commending the rules in detail, because probably there are some imperfections in them, but commending the movement as one in the right direction, and suggesting, also, that the standard be still further raised. Mr. Manly duly seconded this motion. The question was put and the motion duly carried. President Butler next declared that the next order of business being the nomination and election of officers of the association for the ensuing year, the meeting was open for nominations for the office of President. "It is proper for the President to state that every member of the association is eligible to that office except the present incumbent. Under our Constitution the President can not be reëlected; at least, not during his term of office; he must step down and out, and serve in the ranks for at least one year before he is a proper candidate for reëlection." Judge Decker: I take great pleasure in placing before you the nomination of Mr. Charles E. Gast, of Pueblo, the present First Vice President, for the President of this association. He is a distinguished member of our bar, and I think that every member of this association will agree with me that we can make no better selection than to elect Mr. Gast to this position. Judge Yeaman duly seconded the nomination of Mr. Gast. Mr. H. L. Ritter: Mr. Chairman, I move that the Secretary be instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the association for Mr. Gast as President for the ensuing year. This motion having been duly seconded and carried, Secretary Hoyt cast the ballot as instructed, whereupon the chair declared Mr. Gast duly elected as President. Nomination for First Vice President being next in order. Mr. Haynes: I take pleasure in presenting to this association the nomination for First Vice President of the distinguished gentleman who sits at my right, Hon. Caldwell Yeaman. words of introduction of this gentleman are necessary. man. Νο Judge Decker duly seconded the nomination of Judge Yea Mr. Manly moved that the Secretary be authorized and instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the association for Hon. Caldwell Yeaman for First Vice President of the association for the ensuing year. This motion having been duly seconded by Mr. Ritter and unanimously carried, Secretary Hoyt cast the ballot of the association for Judge Yeaman, as instructed, whereupon the chair declared Hon. Caldwell Yeaman duly elected to the office of First Vice President of the association for the coming year. Nominations for Second Vice President being next in order. Mr. Dubbs: I wish to nominate for this office Judge A. T. Gunnell, of Colorado Springs. Mr. Gast seconded the nomination. Mr. Ritter moved that the Secretary be instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the association for Judge A. T. Gunnell for the office of Second Vice President of the association for the coming year. This motion, having been duly seconded, was unanimously carried. Secretary Hoyt cast the ballot as directed, and the chair thereupon declared Judge Gunnell the duly elected Second Vice President of the association. Nomination for the office of Secretary and Treasurer of the association being next in order, |