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It' I giv & bequith vnto Rob't coyts my sister sonn xx'. I giv & bequith to nicolas coyts & to rich' cotts his brother my sisters children xiijs. iiijd eather of them vjs viijd & to ther sister Elizabeth coyts iij. iiijd. It' I giv & bequith vnto margret bayles and vnto alleson hir sister doughters of roger my brother vj3. viij also more vnto eather of them one yerde of line cloth & as motch of harden clothe I giv & bequith vnto Grace horne ther And also vnto ather of hir sonnes xijd and unto ather of theme one slevesles Jacket Also I do giv & bequithe vnto Elizabeth hirde my sister doghter one almery in money iijs iiijd. I giv & bequith vnto George hirde sone of of Jhone hird my brother in lawe my stillatori or limbecke & the rest of all my goods not geven & bequithed my detts payd and funerall expenses deducted I giv vnto roger bales my brother & vnto my sister the wift of Jhone coytts whome I mak mine executors for to ordene & dispose as thay shall think most fitt & necessari for the helth of my soule Also I do mak sup'visors of this my last will & testament m'ter anthony middelton of barnard castell gentlelma' whome I hartely requier for to take paynes to assist wth his counesell my sayde executors and for his panes I giv & bequith vnto him vs witnesses and being there p'sent att the making of this my will & testament lanclot peyrson will'm bostwell rich' sanderson roger bayles Jhone coytts nicolas coytts Robert coytts thomas bayles & Jhone thompson the writer herof

INVENTORY dated 29th April 1566. Inp'mis a cowe xx3-a stage viij3—an amery-a mete borde, a litle borde, a chare & a cawell xvjd-in puther vessell vj pecs, & ij pottingers xvja—iiij saucers a salt a puther pott iijs-ij candelstekes a spete a bruling iron & ij cobirons viijd-ij brass potts & a posnett vjs viijd— a kettell & thre litle pannes v3—an ou'se covering ij matteresses ij blanketts & thre pr of shetes x-xv yerds of lining clothe wth garne for harden clothe vnwoven by estimation xij yerds xiij3—thre gounes ij sleveles Jacketts ij dubletts ij p'r of hose iij shartes xx3-a brasen morter a pestle one stone & ij mosterd stones xvjd-thre boykes vj. viijd in gold & mony xl3-chistes formes bedd stokes ayle potts skelles limbeck burds gests wth other kind of impleme'tes of housold prased to vjs viijd.

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In the Name of God Amen the xxiiijth day of Januarye in the yere of our lord god 1566 I Richard Anderson of Dindslayll in the countye of Durh'm husbandman being (thankes to

god) sicke of bodye yet of good reme'brannce do make and ordeine this my last will and testament in maner & forme followinge first I will and bequith my soul to the hands of Almightye god my creator and redemer and my bodye to be buried wthin the p'ish churche earth wheras itt shall please god to call me my executors vsinge my funerall accordinge to the godlye lawes of this realme It'm I giue to the poore mans boxe of great Stainton xiijs. iiijd It'm I giue to my father in law Robert anderson xliij. iiij. It'm to my mother a silv' spone Ite' to my sister Agnes a carved Cupbord. Itm' to my brother Will'm my pt'e of an yron bonne wayue The residue of all my goods and cattell I giue vnto my brother Will'm my brother Cuthbert my brother Anthonye and my sister Agnes whom I make my executors of this my last will and testament as I haue deuised Witnesses Robert Anderson & John Jackson.*



April vijth 1566-[Disposal of estates] I giv to Isabel my doghter xx nobles in mony, & if it chanc that Jhone Jeffrason doy mary hir I giv vnto hir moreover a yoke of stotts or els a cople of whies att the discretion of mine executors frends towards hir marriadge upon condicion y she the said Jhone mak hir estate before the day of his mariadge, yt if he dy before hir she and hir children if god send hir any shall enjoy the commodits of his leace & if so be yt he refuse to marri hir I will yt after that his yeres be expired neather he nor any of his shall afterwards occupy or injoy any co'modite or profett wth in the same lease [&c] The p'misses abov written war pronounced plainly and distinckly by the sayd Robert Conyers with a lively voyce & p'fect remembrance, and thes things hearafter fouloing was propounded to him, when he had layd spectch & he as yet semed with good rememberanc to all yt stood by gav his consent to them by sygnes only when he cold not spek throghthe grevousness of sicknes I giv & bequith vnto my mother iiij markes yerly during the terme of hir life, (&c)


INVENTORY 1566. Inter alia, In gold xix pounds. 3 riolls

1 In the parish of Longnewton.

bestowed on ye funerall & 2 riolls bestowed on ye charges of y will, & xvj pounds presente. THE NAPPERYE YT IS TO BE KEPED TO YE WENCHE In primis ij payre of silke sleves, one stomacher, thre peces of read silke, one white bonett, one blacke bonett, one silke hatte, one thromed hatte, one paire of black beads with ij rings, vj silver gaudes, one whissel, one belte with one pendowes and one buckell of silver, one girdle, one belte, two paire of silver crowkes gilte, two silk purses, one hupe, v ringes, one gymer, iij ouches, two silver taches, one silver crosse, vj pillibers, one kirehife, ij rales, one handkirchife iij smokes, one linen sheat one towell. THE RAMENTE yt is to be kept to ye children. One man's gowen, one dublet of satten backed with fustion, one girkinge gairded wth veluett, one womans gowne, one read petticote, iiij yeards and one halfe yeard of linsey wonsey, xj yeards of harden, x yeards of linen &c.


CCV. EDWARD STRANGWISHE, of the parishe of aykley.'

In Dei nomine Amen. The xxv day of September the eght yere of the reyng of our sovering Ladi Elizabeth (&c) and in the yere of our Lord God aft' the computation of the Churche of Ingeland 1566 I Edward Strangwishe of the p'ishe of Aykley in the countye of Durisme being sicke of body and yit thankes be God of good & p'fett memorye cauling to remembrance the mortalitie of this world and yt it app'tenithe the dewtye of every christian man before he dep't this transitory lif as nighe as God will giv him grace to sett in dew order the worldly things co'mitted to his charche to the honor and glory of God, the increase and advancement of charitye do ordene constitute and make this my present testament and last will, concluding in the saime the deposition and order of all my goodes and cattels in manr & forme following. First I co'mend my soule to the handes of al myghty God whome I confess and faythfully beleve to be my onelie creator redemer and savior thoroughe and by the dethe and passion of his onely begotten sone Jesus Christ, by whose p'cious blood I am fully assured to have remission and forgiveness of all my sinnes committed by me a sinner, most intierly beseching him to assist me with his grace in the declaration of this my present last will and testament, that the same may be to the honour and glory of God

Of the family of Strangways, of Cheswick, in North Durham, who were cadets of the great house of Strangways, of Cleveland.

and the helth and welthe of my soule, and my body to be buried wthin the p'ishe churche of Acclee wth honest and convenient funeralls by the discretion of Agnes my wif whome I ordene (c) my lawful & full executrix to my doughter Cicile Strangweshe ten pounds in full recompence (&c.) of her childs portion to my sone Willm' Strangweshe all my right (&c.) in my farmold my said sone Will'm shall p'mit & and suffer Agnes my sayd wif to have and occupye during hir wedoheide all my farmold of accle

she executrix Jhone Strangewais gent and Willm' my sone sup'visors INVENTORY 23 Oct. 1566. Late of the New House wthin the p'ishe of Aykle. All the stuff in the hall, the chambers & kitching xx'. vj silver spoones xx. His rayment iij'. vj3. viija. S'm tot' iiijxxxij1. xvjd.


CCVI. JOHN HYLTON, OF HYLTON, HUSBANDMAN. In the name of god amen The xviijth of Novembr in ye yeare of or lord god a thousand fyve hundreth threscore & sex I John Hylton of ye p'shing of monkwarmoth husbandma' of ye towne of hylton holl of mynd & p'feytt of memorye & nothing craysed ne seke & of ye aige of fovre score yeares & more co'syderring wt my selfe yt deathe to eu'y ma' is moost sure & certayne & ye houre therof most vnce'tayn ordayne & make this my last will & testament in man' & forme folowinge ffyrst I geve my soull to almyghtye god trusting to be savide by ye meritis of Christes passyon & my bodye to be buried wthin ye church wth my mortuarye dew and accustomed by the lawe Also I gyve & bequith to Thomas hilto' my eldest sonne one oxe called foster. I gyue to wm my sonne fyve yeards of red russatt or ells in money ten shillins I gyve & bequieth to Robert hilton my youngest sonne a rede cowe I gyve & bequieth to elizabeth hilton my dought'r a browne qwhye I gyue & bequiethe to my doughter dorothe my yonner doughter a reide qwhie I gyve to young Will'm hilton Thomas sone a browne whioke & I gyve to thomas & Robert my sonns all my Waynes & wayneger all my plewes & plewgeire to be dewyded equalle betwyxt them & I gyve to thomas hylton my sonne one iroue chymnay a masken tube & a trew stone out of pt. The resydew of my gods moveable and vnmovable my debts paid &

1 Apparently of the family of Hilton, of Hilton Castle, and living as a husbandman upon the estate. See SURTEES I. 276. Note f. for remarks upon a similar case.

funeral expenses deducte I gyve Thomas willm' Rob'rt elysabeth & dorathe hilton my childereing whom I make my executors Jointlye & to depose for ye health of my soull & I will yt my brother Cuthbert hilton & thomas Chambr be ye sup'visors of thys my last wyll & testament Wittnesses herof Roger maddison Rob'rt Jolie John gybson & John robinson with other moo rauffe broughe & Robert Craw furth w other.


June xv. 1566. Jhone boumaker of southe sheles fisherman to my brother Richard boumaker one silver signet gilted and aft' the deathe of my sayd brother the sayd signet to p'cead and cu'ffrome one boumaker to a nother

INVENTORY 26 June 1566 Inter alia, A ship called the oswne wth app'tenaunces xl'. ij see cobles wth ther ores xiijs. iiij. Of salt fishe vij hundrethe xiiij'. xiij. iiijd. xij hering netts iij'. xvj pece of stoing & viij towes xx3. One silver salt a silver goblett & a mazer vij'. xiiij silver spoines xlvj3. viijd. Sm' cvij1 xvjs.





Inventory 7 Jul. 1566 Inter alia, IN THE A hoggeshhed of clared wine xl. half a hoggeshed of rede wine xx. ij stands & iiij potts xxd. viij stone of skin wooll xxxij. viij mart sharlings xijd. calf ledder xxvj3. viijd. vijxx pelts of lammes xijs. For allam ledder xx". For gloves & made ware iijs. Stock at DRIBORNE &c.*


May xx. 1566. I Will'm hindm's of the whin housse of the p'ishing of gatisside crasid in bodi I declare & mak ma

nifest yt I am not indepted my knowledge to any man and all sutch detts as ar owing me I remitt & forgive theme. I will yt agnes my wif in consideration that she wants the descretion wherby she is not able nether to guid hir self nor hir portion of thrids shall have hir finding in mete drink & app'ell conuenient. & att hir owen taken att this my house during her lif naturall and all my children to be delege't and obbedient to hir as

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