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the fuggeftion of a private Individual; and the Inftitution, for which we are indebted


and to the State (principles which till lately the Methodists profeffed to abhor), they are daily strengthening the numbers and the power of these enthusiasts, as inftruments for the deftruction of both. This is not a place to difcufs this important fubject. Yet I beg to fubmit the following queftions to thofe fincere wellwishers to the cause of Religion and Government, whọ have fortunately liftened to the objections which have been artfully raised against this truly Christian Institution.

Which countries have moft eafily fallen victims to the reigning delufion? Thofe in which religious knowledge abounds, or thofe in which ignorance and superftition prevail? Do not all the common village-fchools, as well as all those established by Sectarists and Philofophifts, teach Reading? And what more is taught at Sunday Schools befides the principles of the Gofpel, which was exprefsly addreffed to the poor, as well as to the rich, and which strikes at the root of all immorality, and makes "obedience to all who are in authority," a facred duty? Which are the most likely to make peaceable, honeft, and induftrious fubjects, or to withstand the artifices of our enemies, those whofe minds are early impreffed with a belief in the overruling Providence of God, and in a future ftate, and are accustomed to repeat the excellent Catechifm, and to join in the established worship of the Church, or those who have neither principles, prejudices, nor habits to direct and to defend them? Are not the peafantry of Scotland remarkably well informed, and the


to Female genius and piety; because I am well affured, they will be allowed to hold a distinguished place, by thofe who have had the means of judging of their extensive influence; because they strongly mark the National Character; and because it must

peasantry of Ireland as remarkably ignorant? Which of these make the best foldiers, failors, labourers, mechanics, fervants? Which of these have been led into a favage rebellion, and which have been recalled to a sense of religion and loyalty when far advanced in the paths of Infidelity and Democracy? How can we more effectually contradict the artful and malevolent affertions of our enemies refpecting the inattention of our Clergy to the fouls of the people committed to their care, than by this mode of religious inftruction, which, befides the pofitive advantages it affords the scholars, almoft obliges the minifters to become perfonally acquainted with the characters and wants of their parifhioners? Is it not the duty of the fhepherd to feed his flock within the fold appointed for their prefervation, when wolves are prowling round the country for prey? Will not the Master of the flock require his fheep at the hands of thofe fhepherds who lofe them through negligence?

Mrs. H. More. Millions of copies of Tracts, written with the most interesting fimplicity, and with the force of truth, in the various forms of Tales, Ballads, Lectures, &c. and uniting, in a moft fingular manner, amusement and instruction fuited to the times, have been diftributed among the lower ranks of people fince the opening of the Cheap Repofitory.

be granted to be a fingular circumftance, that we should have been thus ftrengthening ourselves for the Conflict, while all other nations have relaxed in vigilance. The rapid progrefs of a fyftematic difregard to the Sabbath, arifing partly from misrepresentations of its origin, and design, and partly from the growing indifference to the ordinances of Religion, received a powerful check at a moft important period. The attention was recalled to its original institution as a day of reft, to be kept holy to the Lord;" and to the authority of those Commandments which our Lord declared to be in force for ever. The practice of the primitive ages of the world, as far as we can learn any thing. upon the fubject from the teftimony of profane, as well as facred writers, and of the early Chriftians, was appealed to, and shown to have been equally removed from the ftrictness of the Jewish Law, the feverity of Puritanical manners, and the thoughtless gaiety authorised and promoted by the Church of Rome.-It is to be feared, that too many of our Proteftant brethren have been led to confider feftive mirth, and focial amufements, as at leaft a harmless employment of that part of the


day, not spent in public worship; and it must be confeffed, that too many of all ranks in this nation often pass the whole in fecret riot and intemperance, or in open violation of the laws of God, and of their Country. Yet, however deeply we lament that one day in feven is not more generally dedicated to the bufinefs of Eternity, and the pleasures of Devotion, it must also be acknowledged, that a great proportion of the inhabitants of Great Britain devote this facred day to the duties of Religion, according to the doctrine of our Churches, and the Spirit of our Laws. And when it is confidered, that we are principally indebted to the obfervance of the Sabbath, for the fenfe of Religion retained by the lower claffes of fociety (the reflection will indeed be applicable to all), and that ignorance has been ever found an eafy prey to artifice; may we not venture to ascribe thefe novel institutions, at the critical time they were introduced into this kingdom, to the gracious interpofition of Him "who giveth wisdom," in order to check, by the increafed diffufion of religious knowledge, that inundation of impious, rebellious, and licentious publications, which must have overwhelmed a less enlightened people?


It is furely to the intrinfic excellence of our Religion, as well as to the conviction of its infeparable connexion with the preservation of our civil liberties (a conviction which indeed demonftrates its excellence), that we must afcribe the zeal and diligence of the clergy and laity, which, especially of late, have been fo remarkably exerted in its defence. And the popularity of the works of those who have diftinguished themselves in this caufe, so incalculably important to mankind, incontestably proves, that Chriftianity is dear to Britons.

If the subject were not almost too delicate to touch, we might appeal to Ireland for farther confirmation of this principle. It cannot however be mentioned as an exception; for it is an obvious truth, that the ignorance and bigotry of the Irish Roman Catholics fitted them, in a peculiar manner, for the purposes of Jacobinifm. But that fo vaft a majority of the people fhould have continued, for fo long a term of years, the flaves of Popery and Barbarism under a Proteftant government, and with Proteftant minifters appointed to be the instructors of every parish in the king


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