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ffrancis walker my peaced bowe. Also I gyue to Jeffray m'ley my booke called callapine. Also I gyue to Robert burnope my longe settle bedstocks & x in money & my wo'ste bolster. The Resydewe of all my goods my debts paid & fun'all expenses deducted I gyue to my said nepho lancelote horsley elizabethe his mother & Alison Smith whome I maike my executors of this my last will and testament Also I do maike the said Jerard Salvaine sup'visor of this my said laste will & he to see all things distributed imployed & bestowed according to thentent of this my last will & testament In Wytnesse whereof I the said nicholas burnope clerke to ys my last will & testat haiue subscribed my naime the daye & yere Above written-Nicholas burnope. Wytnes of this will thom's watson Rob'rt burnope and ffrances walker. *



In the name of god amen the xiijth day of June A° d'ni 1569 I Jeanne Lewen of ye p'ishe of alhallowes wth in ye towne of newcastell vpon tyne wedoo lait wyffe to Robert Lewen of ye said towne esquier disseased hole of mynde & of good & p'fett memorye prayse be gyven to god althought I be vesited wth sicknes in my bodye doith make this my testament contey'inge therin my last will in man' & fourme followinge ffyrst & prencipallye I com'end & gyve my soule to almightye god & and to his sonne Jesus Christ my onlye savio' my redemer and my bodye to be buryed in ye p'ishe churche off sanct nycholas in ye said towne of newcastell wth my mortuarye dew & by lawe accustomed Also I gyve & bequithe to my sone xp'ofor Luen two salts of sylver wth a cover gylt & a ringe of gold writhen Also I gyve & bequithe to Anne Lewen wyffe to ye said xp'ofor Lewen my best gonne & my best Kirtle of sattan Also I gyve & bequithe to my sonne Robert Lewen on standinge cupe of sylver wth a cover gylt and in money y some of ten pounds Also I gyve & bequithe to my sone Edward Lewen a dosine sylver spones hauinge my husbands armes of them Also I gyve & bequithe to m'grat Barnes wedoo ye some of three pounds syx shillings & eight pence one cassick a gowne of brode clothe frynged with blake sylke my best cloke and my lynnyn clothes And to alles Barnes a gowne of worsted & a napron of worsted Also I gyve & bequithe to xp'ofor bartram fortye shillings Also I gyve & bequithe to Jeanne Boys ten shillings Also I gyve & bequithe to m'gret bell ten shillings And also


I clearly acquite & forgyve wlm brigham all ye depts & somes of money yt he dothe owe me Also I gyve & bequithe to Jeanne Jacson wyffe to John Jackson ten shillings Also I gyve to my sarvant John watson syx shillings eight pence Also I gyue & bequithe to elizabethe brigham my brothers doughter one cassick of growgram and to hir syster Anne stell my blake taffattye kirtle Also I gyve & bequithe to my cosinge matho Jonson one old ryall for a token and to my cosinge Jeanne his wyffe on' ringe with a diamonnd stone in yt the wch ringe was her mothers Also I gyve & bequithe to Esabell Jacson wyffe to Mr John Jacson of Gatinbe one duble duckat for a token Also I gyve & bequithe to my cosine m' xp'ofor mytfourd one diamonnde stone sett in a lytle peace of gold and to my cosine his wyffe one ould ryall for token And also I gyve & bequithe to my cosine mr wm sherwood one like diamond sett in gold And to my cosinge his wyffe one old ryall Also I gyve & bequithe to my sone xp'ofor Lewen my house wherein I do nowe dwell in & of old tyme called yorkes place & if ye said xp'ofor dye without vshe of his bodye lawfullye begotten Then I gyve & bequithe ye said house to my sone Edward Lewen & if he dye wthout vshe of his bodye lawfullye begotten then I gyve & bequithe ye said house to Robert Lewen my sone. Also I gyve & bequithe to my good mrs Pilkinton my lord of durhams wyffe one ringe of gold wth a rube stone in yt for a token. Also I gyve & bequithe to m' vicar m' mackbraye for my for getten teathes fortye shillings Also I gyve & bequithe to my cosine m' John hagthrop of nyttelsworthe one old ryall & to my cosinge his wyffe one other old ryall for tokens Also I gyve & bequithe to John gybson & his wyffe ather one french croune It'm I gyve & bequithe to ye four curats of this towne eu' of them ten shillings. Also I gyve & bequithe to four poore skollers of Cambrige being born in this towne euery one of them ten shillings towards yr helps All ye Resydue of all my goods moveable & vnmoveable my depts legaces fun'all expences deducted & paid I gyve & bequithe to my sone Edward Lewen whome I ordayne & make my excuto' he to order & dispone ye same as shalbe most to ye pleasure of god & his owne p'ferment And also I will & Interly requier ye aforesaid xp'ofor mydford m' wm sherwood & mr John hagthrop my especiall frinds to be ye sup'visors of this my last will & testament they to se all things herin conteyned effectuallye executed & p'formed so mvche as in them lyethe as shalbe most to yê pleasur of god & quietnes of my childrin as my speciall trust is in them In witnes wherof I haue put to my hand befor thes wittnesses A° d'ni 1569 Jane lewen Christopher mytford

w sherwood John magbraye witnes of ye sainge hear of ye xviijth day of November ye year aboue written is.


In the name of god amen ye second of December A° d'ni 1569 wytnessith yt I wlm Millner of ye towne of newcastell wever being sicke in my bodie but of good & p'fytt remebranc do maik y, my laste will & testam't in man, & fourme folowing ffirst I bequithe my soule into ye hands of almightie god hopinge onlye to be saved by the death of Christ Jhesus my redeamer & my bodie to be buried wthin ye churche yarde of St andrewes of ye said towne Imp'mis I make Jennett mylne my wyffe my full and sole executrix It'm I gyve vnto Davye lecke ye gowne my broth' thomas gave me It'm I gyve vnto agnes mylner my brothers doughter a counter. It'm I gyve cuthbert leeke my p'ntise a lynne lowme he workethe one and a harden gear And further I do charge my wyffe Jennett myln' to pay my detts and so fullie to discharge my fun'all & legacs and thus I comitt my sperit into ye hands of god and so I make an end being donne i'ye p'sence of John Ortonne minister Robert Oegle Rauffe wright John wilkinson and others. Also I will yt if my wyffe put my worke gear away then I will my said p'ntise to haue all ye same for xiijs iiijd and if she put not ye same awaye then he to have ye lynne lowme & ye ijo geirs, a lyn & a harden. *


Aug. xxi. 1569 John bawfurthe of busshope Aukeland-To Isabell bawfurthe my doughter that is with Roland hodgson a sylver spoine a knyffe a laddle a Rowling pin-to Thomas bawfurthe my brother a swerde, a saddle, a paire of bootes & ye sworde not to be sold, but to go to ye next of the bloude S'm bonor' xj' xiij3. vja.


Inventory 9 Nov 1569 Inter alia, Eleuen dakers of dried vnderleathers xxvj. ij daker of soles x1 vij dakers of ou❜lethers xvj', x3. xl barke fatts xiij' vj3. viija. lxxx fudders of

barke xx'. In his purse ij old rials vj angel nobles and other mony besids iiij' vj. viijd.—For a barked hide ij3. vja.


INVENTORY. xxviij Nov. 1569. In money xliiijs. iiijd. Agayn in money ijs. In spanishe money xviij. Fower old ryalls iij'. One new riall & iij angells xls. One buttoned cap xija. Two strayte caps of blak clothe iiijd. One mattresse one codd of down cou'd wth fushion ijs iiijd. One blacke gown faced wth blacke lambe vs. One other gown of read russett faced wth blake lambe vj3. viijd. One other codd iiijd. One coverlett and one whyte happing xxd. One pair of new blanketts iiijs. A pair of sheits j odd sheit ijs. A bowett ijd. Thre shirtes ijs. One blacke cloke iij. iiijd. Two Jacketts of read russett ij3. iiijd. Two dubletts whereof one of fushon xxa. One paire of blake hosen & two paire of whyte iijs. One paire of newe shoes xijd. One litle chist one cofer xxd. A paire of clavicords ijs. One candlestike iiij. Sum ix'. ix. viijd. DEBITA dicti defuncti vnacum expensis fun'alibus. To Richerd M'shall for a chamber for ix yeres xviijs. For his fyer for ye spaice of ix yeres ix. For the occupying of one fetherbed of his for fower yeres viij. For a brothe or supping in ye tyme of his syknes vjd. For a pynte of brint wyne iiij. To wedo Ellison for a weiks borde at his fyrst com'ng to Durh'm wth doctor watson' when he was maid Allmessma' wch was 1553 & the first yere of quene maries reign xviijd. For whessing his clothes to wedoo newton for one half yere ij'. To Robert whyteheid for making of a gown for hym xxd. For his fun'all expenses & gyven in Allmesse xij3. vj. S'm liij. vja. Remanet clar' vj1 xvj3. ija.— Deceased intestaite.


In y name of god Amen The xij day of November in the

1 Appointed Dean of Durham, by Queen Mary, 18 Nov., 1553.-Rector of North Crawley, in Buckinghamshire-Master of St. John's College, Cambridge -Bishop of Lincoln in 1557—ejected from the See of Lincoln upon the acces sion of Elizabeth-confined first in the Tower of London, and afterwards in Wisbeach Castle, where he died in 1584.

2 Son of William Blakiston, of Coxhow, Esqr., and owner of Gibside by marriage with Elizabeth, daughter and sole heir of Richard Marley, Esq.-See Pedigree, SURTEES II., 255.

yeare of o' lord god a thousand fyve hundrethe threscore and nyne. I Roger blaxston of Gybsyd wth in the County of Durh'm esquyer maketh this my last will and testament conteinying herein my last will in maner & forme folowing. ffirst I com'end my Soule vnto almighty god my creator and redemer and my body to be buried within my p'ishe churche of Whickham neighe vnto my staule. Fyrst I bequieth vnto ye poore & Impotent p'sons of ye said p'ishe xx" Also I bequiethe vnto St. Bartholomewe reasly curat vj. viijd Also I bequiethe vnto Edward fvlthropp my systers sonne xx3 Also vnto John Fulthrope my Systers Son xx3. Also vnto Grace Fulthrope my systers dowght,

Also vnto Nicholas fulthrop my systers sonne xx". Also I bequieth vnto my son George Blaxtons daughter Elizabeth Blaxton iij Also I bequiethe vnto my sonne in lawe George lumleys thre Children every on of them xx3. Also I bequieth vnto will marley sonne to Anthonye marley xx3.-Also to foure of his children everye one of them one yowe. Also I bequiethe vnto my sonne George blaxton x'. Also I bequiethe vnto my servant Gilbert laborne one whye stirke Also I bequiethe vnto Roger colson my god sonne two yows Also I bequiethe vnto my servant Elizabeth marley one whye and foure yows Also I bequiethe vnto my sonne willm blaxton one pressure standinge in the perler Also I bequieth more vnto my said sonne will❜m blaxton one cawell two long racks thre speyts standing and beinge in ye kytching Also I bequieth vnto him one steape lead one brewing lead one danske chist and a little chist with evidence Also I will & bequiethe that the standinge bed in ye perler with a trendell bed & a longsetle shall remayne styll vnto him as ayrlimes with the best fedder bed one payre of blanketts a paire of lyne shets two coverlets wth a oversey covering being y best, one bouster two cods wth pelabers and wth ye hangings belonging & p'tayning to ye said bed Also I bequieth vnto my foresaid sonne Will'm one great pott of mylyone one coper cawdron one great yetlynge of brasse Also I bequith vnto hyme my owne baye meare Also I bequieth vnto my foresaid sonne Will'm blaxton more one fedder bed two mattarises with ther standing beds and a trendell bed that are in the chambers Also I bequieth vnto my wyffe Elizabeth blaxton one cobert in the haule two fedder beds, one dansk chist one flanders chist foure paire of lyne shetts four paire of blanketts two paire of coverlets, two pots, one oversey covering next ye best Also I bequieth vnto Edward cokson ye younger my sisters sonne xx3. Also I bequieth vnto my sonne thomas blaxton v'. Also I bequieth vnto my doughter dorothy blaxton v. Also to my doughter grace blaxton v'. Also to my doughter mary blaxton v'. Also

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