FORT SILL, OKLA.- Appropriation for establishment of Apache prisoners at FORT SLOCUM, N. Y.- Seacoast battery on military reservation of, named "Battery FORT SMALLWOOD, MD.- Name given to seacoast battery on the military reservation of...- FORT SNELLING, MINN.- Appropriation for spur of railroad at FORT TERRY, N. Y.- FORT WADSWORTH, N. Y.- Names given to seacoast batteries on military reservation of FORT WARREN, MASS.- Names given to seacoast batteries on military reservation of 16,30 FORT WASHINGTON, MD.- Designated to display the garrison flag FORT WILLIAM MCKINLEY- Military post to be constructed in vicinity of Manila, P. I., named. FORT WOOD, N. Y.- Military reservation to embrace the whole of Bedloes Island FOURTH ARKANSAS MOUNTED INFANTRY- Appropriation for claims allowed to FRANCHISES- 17 2,3 Certain ammunition to be turned in to 91 Empty metallic cartridge cases and friction primers to be turned in to FRICTION PRIMERS- Directions for using obturator Cir. 47. Dispositions of, after firing. FUEL- Right of way granted through light-house and military reserva- 59 38 GENERAL PRISONERS- Shoestrings added to list of articles issued to GENERAL SERVICE AND STAFF COLLEGE- Allotment of appropriation to Allowance of public animals Appropriation.... Enlisted strength. Regulations and program of instruction. To be opened September 1, 1902; course of instruction.. GENERAL STAFF- Appropriation for pay GENEVA CONVENTION- Adaptation of the principles to maritime warfare by The Hague 4,52 GETTYSBURG NATIONAL PARK- Appropriation GIFTS OR SOUVENIRS- Exemption from duty of, mailed by employes in the Philippines Cir. 16. GLOVES- Uniform. { GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE- Appropriation GOVERNMENT OF CUBA- Certain records to be placed at disposal of, temporarily. GOVERNOR GENERAL- Definition of term; salute prescribed. 128 GOVERNORS ISLAND, BOSTON HARBOR, MASS.- State of Massachusetts authorized to use and improve.. GOVERNORS ISLAND, N. Y.- Appropriation for.... GRADES OF RANK- Announced GRADUATES OF MILITARY ACADEMY- GRANT MEMORIAL- Assigned to corps and regiments. Appropriation for erection of.. GRATUITOUS ISSUE- Arctic clothing GREAT DIAMOND ISLAND, PORTLAND HARBOR, ME.- Fortifications on, named Fort McKinley. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY- Designated as fiscal agents in the Philippine Islands and China. (See Disappearing carriages.) GUNNERSー Field artillery, examination and classification Noncommissioned officers of coast artillery to be selected from... Retired pay of first and second class |