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sones Will'm and Edward Carre fyve marks of lawfull Englishe money Also I geve my sone Raufe Carre my signett of gold wch I waire upon my ffynger and my best gowne and my velvett Jackett Also I will that the cupborde wth Sayncte george upon yt wch standeith in my hall shall so remayne styll duringe the life naturall of my welbeloved wife And after hir deathe I will that the said cubborde & the said george shall still remayne in the house as an hairelome for ev Also I g Also I geve to Elizabeth Mydleton the Wiffe of Will'm Mydleton Six shillings eight pence Also I geve and bequithe to henrie eland thre pounds Sixtene shillings eight pence ov' and besyds his filiall portion wch remaynes in my hande. And I will desyre all my freinds and all the whole fellowship of merchaunts to be good with hym concernyng his fredome Also I geve and bequithe to my ffreind henrie todd one angell noble All wch legasies before mentioned & declared I will that myne executors shall levie the same upon suche corne as I have nowe growinge in the feilds of Jesmonte and out of other my goods & cattells in Newcastell wthout defrawdinge of any p'son of suche legasies as I have in this my last will and testat geven to them or any of them ALL the Rest of my goods be that is vnbequithed my debts and funeralls being Justlie and trewlie satisfied contented & paid I fullie & frelie geve them to my welbeloved Johan Carre and to my lovinge sones John Carre and bartram Carre whome I do Jointlie Jnstitute ordaine & maike my thre full executors: praying & beseaching ev'y of them for Jhesus Christs saike and nevertheless vpon gods behalfe them that they fayle not but Justlie p'fourme this my last Will and and artycle according to the trew meanyng of the same as they and ev'y of them will Answere for yt when all sowlls shall go to accompte before at the last daye AND IN WITNESS that is my last will and testament I have unto the same sett my name with myne owne hande the daye and yeare written Will'm Carre


In the presencs of theise hereafter followinge Oswold Carre Robert Eden James Carre John Browne And mo John franklyne the wryter of the said will and Testament. [Pr. in 1572.]

2 B


In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holve Goste thre p'sons and one trew and verye god, so be it, the xix daye of Novembre in the yeare after Christe incarnac'on one thowsande fyve hundreth seventie & two I John Frankeleyne of Coken within the Countie of Durham Gentleman beynge at this present tyme, praise and thanks be geuen to th'almyghtie and eu'lastynge God, of good & p'fete remambraunce altho' somthynge towched wth dyvers infirmites of the bodye, p'ceivynge the freill inclynac'on of man, the vnstabilitie and soden changes of the worlde, the subtile p'suasions of our cruell and mortall enemye the Devell and the vncertentye of deathe who most lyke a theiffe dothe steall upon everye creature before they can be awaire I myndynge therefore by gods grace & p'mission not to dye intestate but in all poynts to be armyd prepared & made redye agaynst that fearce and cruell battell do make this my laste will and testament conteynynge therein the verye trewe and effectuall confession of my hole mynde & intente in maner and forme as herafter most playnelye may apeare, ffyrst I gyve and bequeath my soule to the holye blessed and gloryous Trey nitie thre p'sons & one trewe & verye God who through his Almyghtie and godlye powre did create make and fassion the same to his owne symilitude and lyknes to yt intente that by and through the merits of Crist his passion and deathe our onlye Savyor and redemer the seconde p'son in trenytie it might be made p'taker wth hym in the vnspeakeable and eu'lastynge joyes of Heaven And my bodye as it most vyle Dunge slyme and earthe and by god creatid and made of the same, vnto therthe therfore I will gyve & bequeath it agayne theire to remayne to the last daye wherin God by his potencyall power shall reigne in his glo' as a moste victorious conqueroure and as a moste righteous juge shall geve sentence upon all humayne fleshe yt eu' were or shalbe from the begynnynge to the endynge; and my goods lyke as I have by Gods highe provydence and goodness received of the worlde even so by Gods grace I will leave them to the worlde agayne, utterlye relynquysshynge and forsakynge the same for ever; But for a more playne declarac❜on of my entente and mynde in that behalfe I will yt my derelye belouyd wife Issabell Frankeleyne shall haue occupie & enyoie

1 The testator appears to have belonged to the Yorkshire family of Frankland. He was the third husband of Isabel, widow of Ralph Carr, of Cocken, Esq. See the preceding Will of William Carr. The preamble of this Will, and the minuteness of its details, are interesting.

all that my p'te of Archdeacon Newton wch I presentlye do and hertofore haue had & occupied durynge her lyf naturall wthout lett or interrupc'on of anye in my name and after her deathe I will that my brother Thomas Frankeleyne shall haue and enyoie th'one halfe of the same duryinge my lease allwayes provyded that the said Thomas shall durynge the tyme of the saide lease fynde his brother Harrye Frankeleyn a sufficient house to dwell in the pasturage of two kye and x shepe pastures wynter and somer durynge all the tyme of the saide lease in suche sorte as he dothe fynde his owne wthout any rent payinge all the saide terme and shall gyve to the saide Harrye eu'y weke durynge all the tyme of the saide lease one pecke of wheat and one pecke of masclechon. Also I gyve and bequeathe to the said Harye two good mylk kye and ten good ewes Also I gyve to my thomas frankeleyne two drynkynge potts of sylu' wch was my vncles the deane of Wyndesore alway p'rovyded yt my derelye belovyd wyf to haue the custodye of the same duryuge her lyfe naturall yf she please and then my brother Thomas enyoye & to haue the said two sylu' potts wthout anye vexac'on or troble of any p'son or p'sons And th'other half of the said Archedecon newton I will yt shalbe had & occupied by suche as my said wyf shall apoynt it to whout all frawde gyle or desseate in lyke man' and forme as my promyse was allwayes as yt maye apeare by suche wryttyngs as was made betwene her and hyr childer and me. And as concernynge the two fermeholds that ar nowe in the tenure of Cuthbert Sotheron and Anthonye Dayle the woh thaye haue by lease for manye yeres yet to come I wyll that when these leases be expyred yf this wretched and wicked worlde do so longe contynew that thaye or ther sequyles shall have the same agayne for reasonable gressoms paynge to my said brother and his assignes for th'one half and to the assignes of my said wif for th'other half for one and twentye yeares a newe and not to take above fortie marks for a fermeholde as they will answere at the great and terrible daye of Judgement for the contrary doynge. Also I will yt my brother Thomas and his assignes shall eu'y yeare durynge my lease gyve in Darnton Churche xx by even portions at foure tymes in the yeare yt is to say the sondaye next before Christmas vs vpon eu'y Goode Frydaye vs vpon the natyvyte of John babtyst com'onlie called mydsom'erdaye vs and vpon Myghelmas daye other vs. and so frome tyme to tyme & yere to yeare as he will answere at the dreadfull daye of Judgement. And I will that the same shalbe geven in man' and forme as before is written by th’advise counsell and knowleage of the Vickar or Curate for the tyme beynge and of the foure churche wardons and other substancyall of the pishe.


Also I will desyre my wif vpon Gods behalf and in the waye of charite yt she will take order wth those her childer yt she shall leave the other half vnto that they shall in lyke sorte and man' gyve other xx3 eu'y yeare dureynge my saide lease. Also I geue and bequeath to my syster pks and her childer fortye marks good and lawfull Englishe money to be levyed of my goods and cattell whin two yeares at the furdest after my deathe. Also I geue and bequeath to my brother Thomas frankeleyne thre score pounds good and lawful englishe monye. Also I gyue and bequeathe to my brother Harrye Frankeleyne twentie pounds good and lawfull englishe moneye Also I gyue and bequeathe to my welbeloved cosyn Mr Richard Frankeleyne of Yorke fyve marks for a token and to his wif one old ryall. Also I gyve and bequeathe to my sonne Mr. Jenyson the gowne yt Mr. Anderson gave me and to my doughter his wif one old ryall. Also I gyue to my sonne Edward Carre the graye gyldynge y I appoynted hym before and one cowe to gyue him mylke or a fatt cowe whether he will. Also I gyve to his wif one old angell. It'm I gyue and bequeathe to yssabell Symson wif to George Symson xx3 good and lawfull englishe monye. Also I gyue to James Car one stagge such as his mother will bestowe vpon hym and one old ryall. Also I gyue to Oswalde Carre one cowe for mylke or a fatt cowe whether his mother will bestow vpon hym and one old angell to his wif. Also I I gyue and bequeathe all the rest of my apparell to Edward James Oswolde Carr and Thomas Frankeleyne Also I gyve and bequeth to my said brother Thomas one rynge of golde wth the letters of my name. Also I gyue and bequethe to my lovynge Cosyn Benet Chertsaie one old angell Also I geue and bequethe to my Aunt thomlynesone for a token one old ryall. Also I gyue and bequeathe to Harrye Anderson sonne to Mr. Bartyrem Anderson of Newcastell one old ryall fore a token and I will desyre my derelye beloved wif even vpon Gods behalf to remembre Bartye Andersonne sonne of Mr. bartyrem Anderson with some honest token when soeu' yt shall please god to take her to his mercye bycause he was the nestlynge of all her doughters childre: as for Barbarye Andersonne and Allyson her syster I will res'ue the holle matter to her owne descresion to vse the same as she shall thynke beste. Also I gyue and bequethe to Mr. thomas Calverley and Issabell his wif two old angells and to my gods sonne xx3 to by hym books. Also I wyll desere M'. Calverley my Cosyn frankeleyne of Yorke and Mr. Jenyson to be sup'visors of this my last will and testament and to helpe my derelye beloved wyf wth ther frendlye counsell to p'forme the same accordynglye in euey poynt and article Also I gyve and

bequeathe to my cosyn angell Also I

frankeleyn of Amerston one old

Also I gyve and bequethe and vpon Gods behalf I gyve in charge that wthin two yeares at the furdest after my deathe ther be levyed and taken furthe of my goods and cattell one hundreth pounds good and lawfull Englishe money and the same to be delyverd to the Mayre Aldermen of Newcastell and to the foure and twentie of the counsell of the towne fore the tyme beynge and so to remayne for eu' if Gods wilbe y' it shall so contynew. And I will that the said hundreth pounds shalbe letten forthe to one or two honest yonge men vpon good assurance to be laide in for the same and he or they that shall so haue inyoye the same I will that they shall paye yerely for th'encrease therof ten pounds and not aboue accordynge as I trust bothe Gods lawes and the lawes of the realme wyll p'mytt the same, the wch tenne pounds so to be yerelye levyed I will and vpon Gods behalf do charge and commande that thre pounds sex shillings and eight pence thereof be yerely geven to the poore of the almes houses wthin the said towne of Newcastell by the appoyntment of the mare and his brethren aud the xxiiij of the counsell of the towne for the tyme beynge and so frome tyme to tyme for eu' Also I will that other thre pounds vj'. viijd. p'cell of the aforesaid tenne pounds be yerely geven and delyverd to thands of th'aldermen of Durham and his brethron wherof I will that twelve pence eu'y Sondaye contynewallye for eu' be geven to the poore pressoners in meat and drink suche as shalbe moste mete and convenyent for them, the Jayler for the tyme beynge to be made prevy to the same in suche man' and sorte as the Alderman and his brethren for the tyme beynge and the Jayler will answere for the same at the daye of Judgement. And the reste of the said fyve marks wch is to say xiiijs viijd. evy yeare I will that the same be delyvered by even portions to the Curats and Churche of Saynt Nycholas Church and Saynt Gyles Churche and they to destribute to the moste nedye aged or impotent p'sons men and women in bothe the saide parishes agaynst Cristmas or efter whether they shall seme beste and so contynewallye for eu' as they and eu'y of them will make answer before the lovynge God Also I will that the mayre aldermen and foure and twentie of the counsell of Newcastell as is before saide shall eu'y yeare delyver or cause to be delyvered to the p'son of Houghton in the Sprynge and to the Churche wardons of the same p'ishe foure nobles lawfull Englishe monye p'cell of the tenne pounds of the yere lye encrease as before is saide the wch foure nobles I will and

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