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DIRECTION.-Fill out the blanks with a noun in the possessive. Make simple sentences, punctuating properly:

[blocks in formation]

DIRECTION.-Fill out the blanks with a noun in apposition. Make simple sentences, punctuating properly:

[blocks in formation]

8. The old guard

9. Tom Thumb

IO. The horse

II. Dr. Kane

was a wise ruler

died in the first year of the fifteenth century

was invincible

was exhibited by Barnum

was scared by a snail

deserves to rank with Livingston

12. The greatest poet among the ancients

13. The book was edited by Bayard Taylor

was blind

DIRECTION. — Fill out the blanks with a noun independent by direct address. Make simple sentences, punctuating properly:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

DIRECTION.-Fill the blanks with a noun used absolutely with a participle. Make simple sentences, punctuating properly:

[blocks in formation]

DIRECTION.-Punctuate the following examples, and give reasons:

1. A moral, sensible and well-bred man will not affront me.
2. Alone on a wide wide sea

3. The deed was done nobly bravely modestly.

4. Honor and truth kindness and modesty, were remarked in him · 5. Tops, marbles skates books all received in turn, his attention 6. There were gathered together grace and female loveliness, wit and learning the representatives of every science and of every art · 7. His face was pale and worn, but serene.

8. There stood the ingenious the chivalrous the high-souled Windham,

9. Here the rye the peas and the oats were high enough to conceal

a man.

10. These fields were overgrown with fern and brambles.

11. We were at the entrance of a small inlet or bay ·

12. Before this duty honor love humanity fell prostrate

13. Morality and conscience and principle were,to Napoleon,em

bodied in the word "fame"

14. Lend lend your wings.


DIRECTION. -Fill out the blanks with a participial or adjective phrase. Make simple sentences, punctuating properly:

[blocks in formation]

could hardly help analyzing

DIRECTION. Fill out the blanks with an inverted or parenthetical phrase. Make simple sentences; punctuate properly:

1. She began

2. Amy


to talk in a hoarse broken voice

longed eagerly to be at home

I have looked into the old books

4. I proceed


and the bad

6. I was

7. grounds




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to ask a considerable number of questions he seemed to make little distinction between the good

much obliged by him

Warren Hastings amused himself with embellishing his

there is a grassy ledge or shelf

a hot debate ensued

I see the brightness of the future

DIRECTION. Fill out the blanks with an adverb or short phrase used independently. Make simple sentences:

1. The stranger


quickened his horse to an equal pace the governess had been taken suddenly ill

3. It comes

4. Let us

like the bursting forth of volcanic fires open their doors

[blocks in formation]

II. Every colony


has expressed its willingness to follow gentlemen I would prefer being the author of that poem

to the glory of beating the French to-morrow



In addition to the rules given for the punctuation of the simple sentence, which apply also to the main divisions of the complex sentence, are the following special rules for punctuating the complex sentence.

RULE I.- Adverbial clauses introducing a proposition or standing parenthetically between the parts of the principal clause, are set off by commas; as, "If the soul is immortal, its character will determine its destiny"; Honesty,' as the proverb runs, is the best policy.""


The adverbial clause is always separated from the rest of the sentence unless the connection is very close. The following are examples of the close connection which needs no comma,―the clause being of a restrictive character: "Be ready when he comes"; "The pursuit did not cease till the thief was caught."*


For the same reason, clauses joined by the conjunction that should not be separated by a comma, unless the conjunction is removed some distance from the verb or the words "in order" precede that, thus causing the grammatical continuity to be somewhat broken; as, He went away that you might come"; 'He used every available form of assistance that he might succeed"; "He labors, in order that he may gain a livelihood."

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DIRECTION.-Punctuate, and give reasons:

1. Though He slay me yet will I trust in Him

2. When the white blossoms of the hawthorn came out he left the island with a little army of brave men

3. When the revel was over the minstrel stole away to the forest

4. How much kinder Heaven is to us than we are to each other

5. The sun had set before the battle was decided

6. When all was ready he cut a way for the river to flow into these artificial troughs

7. If you desire success you must win it

8. If at first you don't succeed try try again

9. If you would be pungent be brief

10. As he took his seat every lip quivered

11. Wolfe while he was urging his battalions in this charge received a slight wound in the wrist

12. Crown me with flowers that I may thus enter upon eternal sleep

RULE II.-Adjective clauses are set off by commas, except when they are “restrictive."

The adjective clause, when restrictive, is too closely connected to admit of the comma; as, "The man that had the line in his hand went eastward." If the clause is nonrestrictive, or additional, (that is, if it merely adds a thought without limiting the meaning of the antecedent,) it may, without change of sense, be converted into an independent proposition, a co-ordinate conjunction and a personal pronoun being put in the place of the relative; thus, "I gave him a flower, which he rudely crushed." Here the relative clause is simply additional; hence, the same thought may be expressed by means of two independent propositions; as, "I gave him a flower, and he rudely crushed it."

Sometimes a clause may be punctuated as either additional or restrictive, but with a different meaning for each.

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