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fpread of his kingdom, we may take notice of Alexander; and this designation fecured his fuccefs, though the extravagancies, exceffes and rafhnefs, which marked his character, were fufficient to have rendered his undertakings abortive, had he not been in the hand of the Lord of hofts, as an ax or a faw in the hand of the workman. By his conquefts the knowledge of the Greek language was diffused among many nations; and the Hebrew scriptures being foon afterwards translated into that language, an expectation of fome great deliverer was raised far and wide, before the MESSIAH appeared. When this service was fulfilled, the haughty prefumptuous worm who had been employed in it, was no longer neceffary, and therefore was foon laid afide; and all his proud defigns, for the establishment of his own family and dominion, perifhed with him. His empire was divided towards the four winds of heaven, and this divifion likewife contributed to bring forward the purpofe of God *. For each of the four kingdoms, established by his fucceffors, being thus feparated, became a more easy prey to the Roman power. This power, which had * Dan. viii. 8.


been gradually increasing and extending in the course of several hundred years, was at the height about the time of our Lord's birth. The greatest part of the habitable earth which was at that time distinctly known, was united under one empire, compofed of various kingdoms and governments, which, though once independent and confiderable, were then no more than Roman provinces; and as all the provinces had an immediate connection with Rome, a way was thus prepared, and an intercourse opened, on every fide, for the promulgation of the gospel.

Among the Jews, the profeffing people of God, a way was prepared for MESSIAH by the ministry of his harbinger, John the Baptist, who came in the spirit and power of Elijah, (as had been foretold of him by the prophets, particularly by the laft of the prophets, Malachi) preaching the baptifm of repentance for the remiffion of fins, and proclaiming that the Saviour and his kingdom were at hand. He who fent him, accompanied his miffion with a divine power. A multitude of perfons, of various defcriptions, were impreffed by his meffage, infomuch that John himself feems to have been astonished at the

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numbers and characters of those who came to

his baptifm.


When the miniftry of John had thus previously disposed the minds of many for the reception of MESSIAH, and engaged the attention of the people at large, the MESSIAH himself entered upon his public office, on the fame scene and among the fame people. As he increased, John willingly decreased. So the morning star ceases to be feen as the fun advances above the horizon. This distinguished fervant of God having finished his work, was removed to a better world. in the triumphant manner in which Elijah was tranflated, but as he came to announce a new difpenfation, under which believers were to expect opposition and ill treatment, to walk by faith, and frequently to be called to feal their teftimony with their blood, he was permitted to fall a facrifice to the revenge of a wanton woman; and though we are affured that none of the race of Adam was greater in the estimation of God than he, his death was afked and procured as the reward of an idle dance *.

* Matt. xi. II. xiv. 8-II.

III. The latter part of my text defcribes the manner and immediate effects of the MESSIAH'S appearance during his perfonal ministry, with an intimation of its future and more extenfive confequences.

The vallies fhall be exalted. A valley is an emblem of a low condition. Such was the condition of most of our Lord's followers; but his notice and favour exalted them highly. He came to preach the gospel to the poor, to fill the hungry with good things, to fave the chief of finners, to open a door of hope and falvation to persons of the vilest and most despicable characters in human estimation. Such, for inftance, was the woman mentioned by the evangelist Luke *. The Pharifee thought our Lord dishonoured himfelf by permitting fuch a one to touch him, nor had she a word to say in her own behalf. But the compaffionate Saviour highly exalted her, when he vouchfafed to plead her caufe, to exprefs his gracious acceptance of her tears and love, and to affure her that her fins, though many, were all forgiven. Very low likewife was the ftate of the malefactor on the cross; he had committed great crimes, * Luke vii. 37, 38.

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was fuffering grievous torments, and in the very jaws of death *. But grace vifited his heart, he was plucked as a brand out of the fire, and exalted to paradise and glory. The world accounts the proud happy, and honours the covetous if they be profperous. But true honour cometh from God. They who are partakers of the faith and hope of the gospel, and have interest in the precious promises, are, indeed, the rich, the happy, the excellent of the earth, however they may be unnoticed or despised by their fellow-creatures. The honour of places likewife is to be confidered in this light. Bethlehem, though but of little note among the thousands of Judah, was rendered more illuftrious by the birth of MESSIAH, than Babylon or Rome. The Galileans were held in contempt by the inhabitants of Jerufalem, as a mean and provincial people; but the places in Galilee, which our Lord frequently visited, or where he sometimes refided, are spoken of as exalted unto heaven, by the honour and privilege of his prefence, though fome of them were no more than fishing towns. And fo at this day, if we have fpiritual difcernment, we

* Luke xxiii. 42.


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