Abbildungen der Seite

Enslin, a bookseller, and editor of a German newspaper, accidentally met with an unsaleable copy of Dr. Tafel's German translation of the Apocalypse Revealed, which he found to be a trea. sure. He procured other works from the Doctor, with whom he corresponded, and soon began to lend and sell the works. Mr. Hawkin, a physician from near Toronto, came to Berlin, and soon after a hearty reception of the doctrines, he began to preach them; and although he performed the services in English, yet such was the desire for public worship that many Germans attended who did not understand the language in which the prayers and discourses were uttered; but when afterwards the services came to be con

ducted in German, the English part of the audience were not found to be gifted with the German simplicity and zeal. On Mr. Hawkin's death, in 1852, Mr. Ruby became leader, and spoke in both languages. In 1857, Mr. Türk, the present minister, who was formerly a Lutheran clergyman, was ordained by the Rev. T. Worcester. The services, which he performs in the German lan guage, are well attended, and when the weather admits of the attendance of distant friends the place is quite full. There are other four societies in Canada; two are visited by Mr. Türk, in whose absence Mr. Hancock conducts the service, and supplies in some measure the want which those who do not understand German had long felt. Of the other two, one formed in 1860, at Strathroy, in Middlesex, is presided over by Mr. Saul, formerly a Methodist minister; and the other, at Montreal, C.E., by Mr. Gould, a licentiate of the Maine and New

Hampshire Association. Quebec and Toronto were both represented at the meeting of the Association, but it is understood that societies have not yet been organised in these cities." The address concludes by saying-" We salute you as dear brethren, whom we desire to be one with in love, charity, and use. May the peace of the only wise God our Saviour dwell in your hearts and ours, through regeneration by His spirit, that we may indeed be one in Him who hath redeemed us!"

The Conference passed a resolution expressing the heartfelt satisfaction with which they had heard the address, and their joy at the signs of a life so goodly

which the church amongst the brethren in Canada exhibited,-greeting them affectionately in the name of the Lord, and gladly promising to interchange addresses annually with them.


Service took place in the church where On Tuesday evening, the usual Divine the Conference met; after which the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. The sermon was preached by the Rev. J. B. Kennerley, and the sacramental service was performed by Dr. Bayley, assisted by the preacher. The discourse was from Matt. v. 9-" Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the children of God." He defined

peace to be the result of harmonious the result of the harmonious activity of action. In the individual, peace was the will and understanding, and consequently of the union of the principles of goodness and truth, of which they are receptive. Domestic, social, and There could be no true peace in our national peace had the same origin. households, our societies, our countries, and between nations, but from the united action of persons in whose bosoms these principles of peace had acquired the dominion. It was only as

this peace descended from above into the hearts and minds of men, that discord and strife and war would cease, and that the members of the human family would become truly "the children of God," and be united in the bond

of a true brotherhood. So far, and only

so far, as this was the case, would the earth be blessed with peace.

The attendance on this occasion was numerous, and about 150 partook of the Holy Supper. The service altogether was impressive and delightful, and we trust not less profitable.


On Monday evening, a social meeting of the members of Conference and New Church friends was held at Argyle-square Church. Tea was served in the school

room, which, though of ample dimensions, scarcely proved large enough to accommodate the hundreds of persons who sought admission. After tea, the friends adjourned to the church, where the proceedings were opened by singing and prayer.

The Rev. Dr. BAYLEY, who presided on the occasion, said they had arrived at what might be called the commencement of the end of their proceedings, and he thought they had a right to feel a little exhilarated on the occasion. Like school-boys from their labour, they had finished their hard work, and were ready for a little light-hearted and cheerful intercourse. Their past duties had been necessary, and, in some respects, perhaps a little irksome; yet he hoped that they had arrived at a useful termination, and on that ground alone they had abundant reason to congratulate themselves. They had witnessed the close of one of the most useful Conferences he ever remembered. They had had many discussions, showing that the members did not take everything for granted, and indicating a considerable amount of independence of thought and character, and a desire to do that which was best for the church at large; and he believed the result had been satisfactory on all sides. Moreover, the Conference had shown that the church was advancing. Four societies had been added to the list, and numerous intimations had been afforded of the reception of the principles of the church beyond the borders of the external visible Jerusalem. Scarcely a day passed without some statement being made respecting clergymen of different denominations, especially of the Church of England, who were receivers of New Church doctrines, but had not been previously known as such; and he had only just received a message from an Episcopalian clergyman in Scotland, stating how delighted he should be to welcome him on any occasion as a brother New Churchman. He (Dr. Bayley) congratulated the Conference on the receipt of a gift, from "A Friend of Truth," of £2,000., to be applied to the extension of the church, accompanied by an intimation that if the Conference made good use of the money, more would follow. Another source of gratification was that the church in other countries had been so well represented. Mr. Westall, of Fall River, had attended as a representative of the Convention, and the noble sentiments uttered by that gentleman, and his open, manly, and thorough New Church character, would long be in the recollection of those who had attended the Conference. Other New Church

friends from America had attended the Conference in an unofficial capacity,taking part in their proceedings, and rejoicing and sympathising with all that had been done for the good of the church. He hoped that the brotherhood between the two sister churches, or rather the two parts of the one church, would be daily strengthened, and tend to the promotion of the New Jerusalem. They had also had the advantage of the attendance of Dr. Tafel, M. Harlé, and M. Le Boys des Guays, whose labours in the New Church they all rejoiced to recognise. It had been suggested by an esteemed lady from the country-Mrs. Bogg, of Louth-that it would be an appropriate mark of kind feeling to present to these foreign friends some small token of the affectionate esteem with which they were regarded, and which should at the same time serve as a sign of their regard for the conjugial principle, which, according to the doctrines of the New church, was the centre of Christian life. It was accordingly intended to present to these three gentlemen three rings, set with stones, to be conveyed to their wives, as symbols of the attachment that united the hearts of those who were themselves united with the Lord, and of the heavenly truths with which celestial affection should be ever united.

The Rev. J. H. SMITHSON presented the first ring to Dr. Tafel, whom he addressed in German. He said that Dr. Tafel was the first New Churchman whose acquaintance, about 35 years ago, he had the pleasure of making, when a student in Switzerland and Germany. As soon as he heard of Dr. Tafel as a New Churchman, he made his way over mountains and rivers, some hundreds of miles, in order to see him. Since that time they had often communicated by correspondence, and the more he had known him and read his writings (many of which he had translated for the "Intellectual Repository") the more he had learnt to esteem and love him. He had the greatest pleasure, on behalf of the friends of the New Church, in handing to Dr. Tafel the ring, to be presented to his beloved wife, which, as Dr. Bayley had remarked, was an emblem of their union, first with the Lord, and then in conjugial love with one another. He hoped that Madame Tafel would accept the ring as a testimony of the recognition of their friends in England

of the useful labours of her husband in the holy cause of the New Church.

Dr. TAFEL, in acknowledging the present, said he was exceedingly affected by the presentation so kindly made to him for his wife. He felt, however, that he ought to ascribe all the merit and praise of what he had been able to do for the New Church to the Lord alone, whose instrument he had been during the 40 years over which his labours had extended. He felt his own weakness and deficiencies, and, therefore, the more appreciated the friendship of his brethern in England, and their kind acknowledgment of his services. He desired that his heart, full of brotherly union, might pour itself forth into their bosoms, and thus produce that reciprocation of love to each other which was the result of the union between the Lord and themselves. Through the Lord's help, he hoped they might be able to make use of the keys which He had given them; for not only were the keys delivered to Peter, but were given to every individual member of the Lord's church. What were those keys-keys that had been so much profaned and employed to lock up the human mind in the dark prison of despotism? They were the opening of the Word,-the Divine Truths that had been brought forth from the Word, so opened for the uses of the Lord's New Church; and in proportion as the members of the church employed the gift thus vouchsafed to them, they would be led to the Lord and to His kingdom, and form a happy brotherhood one with another.

The Rev. Dr. BAYLEY said he had great pleasure in presenting the second ring, to Mons. Le Boys des Guays, as a token of affectionate esteem, and in the hope that his wife might know how much he was beloved, and his labours valued, by brethren on this side of the water. He desired to repeat the sentiments expressed by Mr. Smithson, and hoped that Madame Le Boys des Guays would accept the presentation from the ladies of the New Church in England as a mark of their esteem for her husband and for herself, as his helpmate in the work of the Lord.

M. LE BOYS DES GUAYS, addressing the meeting in French, thanked them for the interest they had taken in his labours, and for the pleasing manner in which they had been recognised. His

wife assisted in his work, and this presentation he hoped would unite them closer than ever, and help them to do their duty in the cause of the New Church. By the recognition of the solemnity of the conjugial principle, the gift was rendered doubly welcome, and would be gratefully remembered to the end of their days.

"I was

Mr. E. J. BROADFIELD, in translating the remarks of M. Le Boys des Guays, took the opportunity of stating that he had long had the happiness of enjoying that gentleman's friendship, and receiving his advice. Many years ago, Mons. Le Boys des Guays told him that he was a happy man, but one thing was wanting to complete his happiness on earth. His wife had, many years ago, entered enthusiastically with him into the folds of the New Church, but after a time she did not see the truths in the same light as her husband, having a great battle to fight with her intelligence, her old prejudices, and old associations. happy," said Mons. Le Boys des Guays, "though silent; for there was one thing that united us, and one thing that made me hopeful,—we read the Word together, night and morning." The result was that that bond of union brought them nearer and nearer together. And he (Mr. Broadfield) could never forget the joy in which, on a subsequent visit, Mons. Le Boys des Guays drew him aside, and said-" My wife is with us again." It would be interesting, to the ladies especially, to know that the first work of the restored New Church lady was, to publish, at her own expense, the first French edition of "Conjugial Love."

The Rev. Mr. MADELEY presented the third ring to M. Harlé, towards whom, he said, the members of the New Church in England had always entertained a feeling of affection and respect. They felt, at the same time, that it was impossible for him to engage successfully in this work without the aid of woman's love. They all knew how essential was that help which the New Church received through the medium of the female mind. The ring was designed to be a token of the love which should ever exist between the male and female mind; and it was hoped that it would have the effect of bringing them all into closer bonds of spiritual association, both in the natural and the spiritual world.

M. HARLE said he received the gift with affectionate gratitude, especially as it involved so interesting a recognition of the conjugial principle. He felt in creasingly the necessity of his wife's aid in the performance of his daily labours and in making home happy, and he received the gift as a token, and with the confidence that their union would be for eternity.

The rings were handed to the respective gentlemen by Mr. Watson, in the name of the ladies of the New Church.

The Rev. Dr. BAYLEY stated that two ladies from the country, recognising Dr. Tafel's valuable labours in the cause of the New Church, desired to aid him in the extension of the church in Germany and throughout the world, and had requested him (Dr. Bayley) to present him with £20. for that purpose.

Dr. TAFEL in acknowledging the gift, said he was delighted to be the medium of their goodwill to the church, and would take care to apply the donation as they desired, for the Lord's honour and the extension of His kingdom.

A donation of £5. was also announced from another friend, to be applied in the same manner.

The meeting then adjourned to the schoolroom, where it assumed the character of a conversazione, interspersed with music by the choir, and occasional remarks from friends present, spontaneously suggested by the occasion.

Dr. BAYLEY announced that at the recent collection in Argyle square, for the distressed operatives of Lancashire, about £100. had been received, together with two pictures, the proceeds of which were to be applied to that object. One of these had been purchased for £5. 5s., and the other was to be sold for a like amount.

Some smaller donations were handed in, to be applied to the Lancashire fund. Dr. SPURGIN took occasion to thank the friends of the New Church for the assistance they had rendered to the Swedenborg society in the period of trial through which it had passed, and recommended the friends to avail themselves to as large an extent as possible of the privilege recently accorded to them of purchasing the Arcana Calestia at half price. He referred to the difficulty of meeting the spiritual requirements of the increasing population of England by existing agencies, and expressed his

belief that the Swedenborg Society, through its adaptation to the necessities of modern times, would become one of the largest and most important institutions in the world.

A vote of thanks having been presented to the friends who administered to the comforts of the members of Conference, with especial reference to Mr. Crisand, the proceedings happily terminated.

In the course of the evening, in addition to the music by the choir, solos were sung with much effect by Miss Collins and Miss Clara Smithson.


The committee of the Swedenborg Society entertained the members of Conference at the society's house, in Bloomsbury-street, on Wednesday evening. The friends assembled in the hall, where refreshment was provided. The elegant apartment, its walls adorned with the portraits of many of the worthies of a bygone generation, to whose noble selfdevotion and abundant labours we owe so much,-its library, stored with a rich collection of New Church books, and containing one manuscript at least of great value, were among the "surroundings" that lent interest to the occasion; but the sphere of New Church feeling that pervaded the meeting, and the flow of social converse that enlivened it, were sufficient to make the evening a happy one without the aid of such external advantages. It served, at the same time, to bring the representatives of our various societies into a more personal relation with one of the oldest and most useful institutions of the church-an institution whose agency enters into all others that are employed to diffuse throughout our country a knowledge of the truth, and whose help is essential to the building up of the church amongst us on a sound and stable foundation. Those writings which it is the object of this society to translate and publish, are the first and last means of real progress, for without them the results of all our other labours would be limited and superficial. The Divine Word itself is, indeed, the Great Fountain of all Wisdom; but it is just because those precious writings open this Fountain, and cause its living waters to flow for the refreshment of

thirsty souls who are ready to perish in the wilderness of a desolated church, that the society which supplies us with them, and does so much to promote their circulation, is an object of so much interest, as it now deservedly is of such general support.


The annual Conference tea party was held at the church at Argyle square. Upwards of two hundred friends assembled to tea in the school-room. Among these were friends from abroad and from most parts of our own country. After tea, the large church was nearly filled with friends, who manifested their deep interest in the proceedings. Seldom has the beautiful saying of the psalmist been better realised" Behold, how good and how pleasant a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."

The Rev. Dr. BAYLEY Occupied the chair. He was surrounded by the brethren from Germany, France, and America, and by the ministers and other influential members of the church who are attending the Conference. After opening the meeting by singing the 504th hymn, and repeat ing the Lord's Prayer, the Chairman said: We are now arrived at the most delightful portion of the labours of the Conference, the time when we can give publicly a hearty and affectionate welcome to the brethren who are with us on this occasion. The New Church, both in our own country and abroad, is present in this assembly by her representative men -men distinguished by every excellency which the church brings forth in them. The London Societies esteem it a happiness to welcome their sisters and brothers of the New Church to this country. They rejoice to welcome one from America, who is here at the desire of the General Convention to represent our brethren amongst us. From the other side of the channel we have with us Le Boys des Guays, another Clowes, and his fellow-worker M. Harlé. The modesty of these brethren would lead them to shrink from all public recognition of themselves. Both have laboured together translating the writings into their native language; and at the close of this work they are going through the entire Word, putting the spiritual sense opposite the letter. Sincerely do we hope that the Lord will honour them and enable them to finish their work. For

twenty years they have laboured, sustained by their love of the truth. From Germany, also, we have a representative man endowed with the noblest qualities of his country, and with the still nobler qualities of the city of God, the holy Jerusalem, which is the mother of us all. And we have also with us the apostles of the various districts of the New Church in our own beloved country. These brethren will be strengthened by this meeting. The great principle of the New Church is charity. This charity consists in a life of usefulness from love to the Lord, guided into action by sound judgment and a love of justice and right. New Church charity is to be exercised and manifested in daily life. Those around should seek to become what Swedenborg calls charities in form. The New Church teaches that everything good, and true, and beautiful is from this source. We are to work from the love of it. The necessity for this life of usefulness is not felt except in the New Church. Nowhere else is it felt to be indispensable to salvation, to be a matter of life or death. This sentiment he should recommend to govern the meeting, though not wishing to confine the speakers to it. He concluded by calling on the Rev. R. Storry.

Mr. STORRY Commenced by remarking that a social meeting like the present should be as free as possible from restraint, and that he had no purpose of delivering a carefully prepared speech. Most people who were moving about at the Conference, or among the attractions of the metropolis, would have some prominent subject presented to their thoughts. By the benevolence or oversight of the Committee of Appointment he had had the privilege of a half holiday, and be had done what every one from the country would have done under the same circumstances-paid a visit to the International Exhibition. He was struck with many of the wonderful and beautiful objects contained in this Exhibition, but not so much as by one which attracted his attention before entering. This was the stall of the British and Foreign Bible Society, over which was inscribed, in attractive and striking lettering-"Behold, He cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see Him; they also that pierced Him;" and further, the Lord's words--"Surely, I come quickly;" and the prayer of the

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