When not on duty with troops to wear the prescribed uniforım dur- ing hours of duty (9 a. m. to 4 p. m.) 134 3 OFFICERS' SCHOOLS AT POSTS- Officers with less than ten years' service in Regular Army to at- Cir. 8. Regulations and details of instruction. 102 List of spare parts of Colt revolver, caliber .38, issued only to.... ORDNANCE MATERIAL- Proceeds of sales of useless, etc 28 1 ORDNANCE OFFICERS- Issue of spare parts for magazine arms and revolvers.... ORDNANCE STOREKEEPER- When retired to have rank of lieutenant colonel. ORDNANCE STORES AND SUPPLIES- Appropriation ORGANIZATION- Enlisted strength of Army. Porto Rico Provisional Regiment of Infantry OVERCOATS- Prescribed.. Troops ordered to the Philippines to leave behind PACK MULE (See Public Animals.) PAINT- Method of removing old, from guns and carriages Cir. 56. Granted certain persons who participated in the insurrection in 69 Allowance and issue of corn brooms and scrubbing brushes 8,39,119, 4, 3 Supervision of officers' schools 102 Transfer of certain classes of tools at artillery seacoast defense Rates for telegrams with list of companies and table of distances Order defining status of postal service between the United States |