YEAR. NAME. SUBJECT. 1893. W. W. MCFARLAND.......... The Evolution of Jurisprudence. 1893. U. M. ROSE....... 1894. Trusts and Strikes. HAMPTON L. CARSON ..... Great Dissenting Opinions. 1894. CHARLES CLAFLIN ALLEN..... Injunction and Organized Labor. 1895. WILLIAM WIRT HowE... Historical Relation of the Roman Law to the Law of England. 1895. RICHARD WAYNE PARKER.... The Tyrannies of Free Govern ment, or the Modern Scope of Constitutional Guarantees of Liberty and Property. 1896. JAMES M. WOOLWORTH ...... The Development of the Law of Contracts. 1896. JOSEPH B. WARNER.......... The Responsibilities of the Law yer. 1896. MONTAGUE CRACKANTHORPE, of the English Bar... The Uses of Legal History. 1897. ROBERT MATHER 1897. EUGENE WAMBAUGH . Constitutional Construction and the Commerce Clause. The Present Scope of Government. 1898. 1898. L. C. KRAUTHOFF LYMAN D. BREWSTER........ Uniform State Laws. Malice as an Ingredient of a Civil Cause of Action. 1899. EDWARD Q. KEASBEY...... New Jersey and the Great Corporations. 1899. SIR WM. RANN KENNEDY, Judge of the English High .... The State Punishment of Crime. 1900. EDWARD AVERY HARRIMAN...Ultra Vires Corporation Leases. 1900. ЈоHN BASSETT MOORE......A Hundred Years of American Diplomacy. 1900. RICHARD M. VENABLE. 1901. RICHARD C. DALE...... . Growth or Evolution of Law. 1901. HENRY D. ESTABROOK........ The Lawyer, Hamilton. 1901. CHARLES J. HUGHES, JR...... The Evolution of Mining Law. 1901. PLATT ROGERS .... The Law of New ConditionsIllustrated by the Law of Irrigation. YEAR. NAME. SUBJECT. 1902. M. D. CHALMERS, Parliamentary Counsel to the Treasury (England).. Codification of Mercantile Law. 1902. AMASA M. EATON........... The Origin of Municipal Incorporation in England and in the United States. 1902. EMLIN MCCLAIN ........... The Evolution of the Judicial Opinion. 1903. SIR FREDERICK POLLOCK, of the English Bar. 1903. WILLIAM A. GLASGOW, JR.... A Dangerous Tendency of Legis English Law Reporting. lation. The Alaskan Boundary Case. 1904. J. M. DICKINSON...... 1904. BENJAMIN F. Аввотт........ To what Extent will a Nation 1905. RICHARD LOCKHART HAND... Government by the People. ........ The Causes of Popular Dissatisfaction with the Administration of Justice. 1906. JOHN J. JENKINS............Can Congress Transfer to the States its Power to Regulate Commerce? 1906. THOMAS J. KERNAN......... The Jurisprudence of Lawless 1906. GEORGE B. DAVIS.. 1907. CHARLES F. AMIDON... 1907. CHARLES A. PROUTY ness. Some Recent Progress in International Law. The Nation and the Constitution. A Fundamental Defect in the Act to Regulate Commerce. 1908. CORNELIUS H. HANFORD...... National Progression and the In 1908. EDGAR H. FARRAR....... creasing Responsibilities of Our National Judiciary. The Extension of the Admiralty Jurisdiction by Judicial Interpretation. 1908. FREDERICK BAUSMAN . Are Our Laws Responsible for the Increase of Violent Crime? 1893. SAMUEL WILLISTON 1893. EMLIN MCCLAIN ...... 1894. HENRY WADE ROGERS 1894. JOHN F. DILLON...... 1894. ЈоHN D. LAWSON. 1894. SIMEON E. BALDWIN 1894. WOODROW WILSON 1894. JOHN H. WIGMORE......... 1894. EDMUND WETMORE 1894. WILLIAM A. KEENER..... Existing Questions of Legal Edu cation. Legal Education. The Best Method of Using Cases Law School Libraries, and How Legal Education of Undergradu- A Principal of Orthodox Legal Some of the Limitations and 1895. JAMES B. THAYER........... Address as Chairman, on The Teaching of English Law at Universities. 1895. ERNEST W. HUFFCUT...... 1895. DAVID J. BREWER....... 1895. LYMAN ABBOTT The Relation of the Law School A Better Education the Great 1895. NATHAN S. DAVIS... The Importance of the Study of Medical Jurisprudence by Students of Law, and the Extent to which it should be Taught in Schools and Colleges for the Education of such Students. 1896. CHARLES M. CAMPBELL... The Necessity and Importance of 1896. BLEWETT LEE the Study of Common-Law Procedure in Legal Education. Practice in Law ....Teaching 1896. JAMES FAIRBANKS COLBY... The Collegiate Study of Law. 1896. AUSTEN G. Fox.............Two Years' Experience of the New York State Board of Law Examiners. 1896. J. W. POWELL.............. On Primitive Institutions. 1896. ЈоHN RANDOLPH TUCKER. 1896. GEORGE HENRY EMMOTт.. 1897. HENRY E. DAVIS..... 1897. JOHN A. FINCH......... What is the Best Training for Legal Education in England. The Law of Insurance in the 1897. CHARLES NOBLE GREGORY..... The Wage of the Law Teacher. 1898. SIMEON E. BALDWIN......... Address as Chairman, on the Readjustment of the Collegiate to the Professional Course. 1898. EDWARD A. HARRIMAN... Educational Franchises. 1898. CHARLES W. NEEDHAM... Schools of Law: The Subjects, Order and Method of Study. 1899. WILLIAM WIRT HOWE....... Address as Chairman, on The Study of Comparative Jurisprudence. 1899. ТHOMAS BARCLAY France. ........ The Teaching of the Law in 1899. N. W. HOYLES, Q. C... Legal Education in Canada. 1899. JOSEPH WALTON, Q. C....... Notes on the Early History of Legal Studies in England. 1900. CHARLES NOBLE GREGORY..... Address as Chairman, on the State of Legal Education in the World. 1900. HARRY B. HUTCHINS... The Law School as a Factor in University Education. YEAR. NAME. SUBJECT. 1900. WILLIAM DRAPER LEWIS... The Proper Preparation for the 1901. HARRY SANGER RICHARDS.... Shall Law Schools Give Credit for Office Study? 1901. WILLIAM P. ROGERS...... . Is Law a Field for Woman's Work? 1902. ERNEST W. HUFFCUT..... A Decade of Progress in Legal Education. 1902. HENRY S. REDFIELD......... A Defect in Legal Education. 1902. FRANKLIN M. DANAHER...... Courses of Study for Law Clerks. 1903. LAWRENCE MAXWELL, JR... Examinations for the Bar. 1903. JAMES B. SCOTT.. 1904. JAMES BARR AMES...... The Place of International Law in Legal Education. Address as Chairman; Reviewing the actions on legal education of the Association, the Committees on Legal Education and the Section of Legal Education, since 1879. 1904. GEORGE W. KIRCHWEY....... The Education of the American Lawyer. 1905. LAWRENCE MAXWELL, JR..... Address as Chairman; Advocating a higher standard of general education for admission to the Bar. 1905. NATHAN ABвотт 1905. JAMES PARKER HALL. Some Questions before American Practice Work and Elective 1905. LUCIEN H. ALEXANDER...... Some Admission Requirements Considered Apart from Educational Standards. 1906. WILLIAM DRAPER LEWIS.....Address as Chairman; Legal Education and the Failure of the Bar to Perform Its Public Duties. |