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Wednesday, June 27, 1900, 2 p. m.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Caldwell Yeaman, in the senate chamber in the capitol.

The President:

Unless there is some objection, I will take the liberty of slightly changing the order of the exercises, and call first for the report of the Committee on Admissions. Is the chairman of the committee ready to report?

Westbrook S. Decker:

The only report I have to make, Mr. Chairman, is in the hands of the Secretary.

Lucius W. Hoyt:

Mr. President, the committee recommend for admission to the Association the following:

Jesse H. Blair, Denver.

Carlton M. Bliss, Denver.

N. M. Campbell, Colorado Springs.

Henry H. Clark, Cripple Creek.

Walter W. Davis, Leadville.

Frank E. Gregg, Denver.

Albert E. Grier, Denver.
Charles Hartzell, Denver.
Cass E. Herrington, Denver.
John S. Hunt, Colorado Springs.
Frederick W. Lienau, Denver.
Henry A. Lindsley, Denver.
John S. Macbeth, Denver.
John M. Maxwell, Leadville.
John A. Perry, Denver.
Harvey Riddell, Denver.
John R. Smith, Denver.
Ralph E. Stevens, Denver.
L. F. Twitchell, Denver.
Lewis S. Young, Boulder.

The President:

I will ask Mr. George P. Steele and Mr. Thomas H. Hardcastle to act as tellers, and they will please proceed to collect and count the ballots.

The tellers reported that all the gentlemen recommended by the Committee on Admissions had received the requisite num ber of votes, and the President declared them duly elected members of the Association.

President Yeaman then delivered his address.

(See the Appendix.)

The President:

It gives me pleasure to announce, gentlemen, that this evening, from 8 to 10 o'clock, there will be a reception at the residence of Judge Decker, 1550 Sherman avenue, out of honor for our distinguished guest who is to deliver the annual address to this association to-morrow afternoon. Judge Decker desires me, in behalf of himself and wife, to extend to the members of the Association and their wives, and the judiciary of the state and their wives, a cordial welcome to attend that reception.

The next number upon the program is an address by Hon. R. S. Morrison, of Denver, upon "The Relation of the Bar Association to the Bench." Mr. Morrison, I believe, is detained in the federal court, and Mr. Harvey Riddell will present Mr. Morrison's address.

Harvey Riddell:

Gentlemen of the Bar Association-It, of course, will be regretted by all that the enforced absence of Mr. Morrison by reason of a special engagement has prevented him from reading his own paper. The individuality of some writers is so essentially a part of the composition that any vicarious rendition of it leaves out or dissipates a certain bouquet that would otherwise surround it. It was said that by reason of the peculiar style in which he had written his "Lives of the Chief Justices" and "Lives of the Lord Chancellors," Lord Campbell had added a new terror to death. A noted proselyter in one of the evangelical churches is said to have always been able to bring tears to the eyes of his audience by the way he pronounced the word "Mesopotamia." Every language has an idiom which no foreigner can with cer tainty acquire. This we will miss, because Brother Morrison alone can furnish it. However, I have agreed, deprecatingly, to read his article for him. His paper is as follows:

(See the Appendix.)

The Association then adjourned until 10 o'clock Thursday morning.


Thursday, June 28, 1900, 10 a. m.


Association called to order by the President, Caldwell Yea

The President:

The first matter on the program this morning is the report of the Executive Committee. If a report is expected by the President, I will say that we have no report, unless the Secretary has something that he thinks the Executive Committee should report on.

Mr. Hoyt:

No, sir.

The President:

It is purely executive in its duties, and probably no report is required.

The next in order is the report of the Secretary.

Lucius W. Hoyt, the Secretary, then submitted the following report, which was approved:

Denver, Colorado, June 28, 1900.

To the Members of the Colorado Bar Association:

Your Secretary, in making his report, is not able to summarize the year's work in a satisfactory way, because of the fact that the Secretary's duties consist largely of attention to the detailed work of the Association. Something may be gathered as to the time consumed, by knowing that the Secretary has, during the year, sent out about thirteen hundred communications.

In addition to his duties as Secretary, he has also acted as secretary of the Grievance Committee.

Something should be said regarding the growth of the membership of the Association. In July, 1897, sixty-three members of the bar signed the call for an organization. Of the number who signed the call, G. K. Hartenstein and William P. Hill. house failed to pay their admission fee within the time fixed by the by-laws, and were, therefore, not included in the list of members. At a meeting on the 28th day of December, 1897, twenty-two were admitted. On July 6, 1898, ten more were admitted, giving us a total membership at the close of the first year of ninety-three. During the year ending July 7, 1899, fortytwo were admitted to membership. Three died, namely, Byron L. Carr, Richard M. Crane and Henry W. Hobson; and three, A. H. DeFrance, Lewis B. France and Albert E. Pattison, were dropped from the rolls for non-payment of dues, giving us a total membership on July 7, 1899, of one hundred and twentynine. During the past year twenty have been admitted to membership, and two, O. F. A. Greene, of Boulder, and Henry P. Krell, of Leadville, have died, and one, Alfred C. Phelps, of Denver, has resigned, leaving us a membership at the present time of one hundred and forty-six.

Respectfully submitted,

The President:




The next order of business is the report of the Treasurer.
Lucius W. Hoyt, the Treasurer, then read the following re-

To the Colorado Bar Association:

Denver, Colo., June 28, 1900.

Your treasurer respectfully reports the following receipts and disbursements for the period commencing July 6, 1899, and ending with this date:

[blocks in formation]
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