Series of English Texts, edited for use in Elementary and econdary Schools, with Critical Introductions, Notes, etc. 16mo. Cloth. s Sir Roger de Coverley. 's Fairy Tales. ights' Entertainments. Sohrab and Rustum. s Shorter Poems. Mrs., Poems (Selected). Speech on Conciliation. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. horter Poems. Essay on Burns. Prologue and Knight's Tale. The Last of the Mohicans. obinson Crusoe. ey's Confessions of an sh Opium-Eater. A Christmas Carol, and The et on the Hearth. Palamon and Arcite. erican Orations, 1760-1824. (Jonathan) Sermons. Elas Marner. aking Papers in U. S. His Autobiography. h's The Vicar of Wakefield. Fairy Tales. e's Grandfather's Chair. e's The House of the Seven s. 25c. each. e's Twice-told Tales (Selecfrom). e's Wonder-Book. Iliad. Odyssey. Life of Goldsmith. The Alhambra. Sketch Book. Heroes of Asgard. Kingsley's The Heroes. Lamb's The Essays of Elia. Mark Antony). Poe's Poems. Poe's Prose Tales (Selections from). Ruskin's Sesame and Lilies. Scott's Lady of the Lake. Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel. Scott's Quentin Durward. Scott's The Talisman. Shakespeare's As You Like It. Shakespeare's Hamlet. Shakespeare's Macbeth. Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Spenser's Faerie Queene, Book !. Tennyson's Idylls of the King. Wordsworth's Shorter Poems. OTHERS TO FOLLOW. |