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" Yes, trust them not: for there is an upstart crow beautified with our feathers, that with his tiger's heart, wrapt in a player's hide, supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blank verse as the best of you; and being an absolute Johannes factotum,... "
Introduction to Shakespeare - Seite 18
von Edward Dowden - 1901 - 136 Seiten
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The Merry Wives of Windsor

William Shakespeare - 2002 - 164 Seiten his fellow playwrights, Greene warns both generally and specifically: . . . trust them [actors] not: for there is an upstart crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his tiger's heart wrapped in a player's hide supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blank verse as...
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Christopher Marlowe: A Renaissance Life

Constance Brown Kuriyama - 2002 - 298 Seiten
...playwriting, generally believed to be Shakespeare, who was also stung by one of the author's comments: there is an upstart Crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his Tygers hart wrapt in a Players hyde, supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blanke verse as the best...
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Internet-enabled Business Intelligence

William A. Giovinazzo - 2003 - 356 Seiten
...upstart crow of computer architectures. The term comes from a quote of Robert Greene about Shakespeare: "For there is an upstart crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his tiger's heart wrapped in a players hide, supposes he is as well able to bumbast out a blank verse as...
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Shakespeare: For All Time

Stanley Wells - 2003 - 494 Seiten
...written in part, by another minor writer, Henry Chettle. The Groatsivorth includes the following passage: there is an upstart crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his 'tiger's heart wrapped in a player's hide' supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blank verse...
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The Shakespeare Game, Or, The Mystery of the Great Phoenix

Ilʹi︠a︡ Gililov - 2003 - 502 Seiten
..."Henry VI," Part 3 — "a tiger's heart wrapt in a woman's hide," which was paraphrased by Robert Greene ("There is an upstart crow, beautified with our feathers,...that with his Tygers heart wrapt in a Players hide") — which many 25. Sizer — a poor student who received an allowance toward college expenses and who...
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Romeo and Juliet

William Shakespeare - 2000 - 180 Seiten his fellow playwrights, Greene warns both generally and specifically: . . . trust them [actors] not: for there is an upstart crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his tiger's heart wrapped in a player's hide supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blank verse as...
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The Shakespeare Enigma

Peter Dawkins - 2004 - 159 Seiten
...all have been beholding, shall (were yee in that case as I am now) bee both at once of them forsaken? Yes trust them not: for there is an upstart Crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his Tygers hart wrapped in a Players hyde, supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blanke verse as the best...
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Shakespeare and the Classics

Charles Martindale, A. B. Taylor - 2011 - 340 Seiten
...against monopoly: for there is an upsrart Crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his Tygee's heart wrapt in a Players hide, supposes he is as well able to bumbast out a blanke versc as the best of you: and being an absolure Johannes fac totum, is in his owne conceit the only...
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Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare

Stephen Greenblatt - 2004 - 460 Seiten
...himself a successful playwright. To make them fit, Greene (or his ghostwriter) famously shifted ground: "Yes trust them not: for there is an upstart Crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his Tiger's heart wrapped in a Player's hide, supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blank verse...
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Anthony Burgess: A Biography

Roger Lewis - 2004 - 490 Seiten
...Shakespeare's contemporaries may have wanted written about him; the conceit is Greene's Groatsworth of Wit - 'For there is an upstart crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his tiger's heart wrapped in a player's hide . . . etc.' - tossed in the salad bowl with Joyce's Stephen....
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