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" They say miracles are past ; and we have our philosophical persons, to make modern and familiar, things supernatural and causeless. Hence is it that we make trifles of terrors ; ensconcing ourselves into seeming knowledge, when we should submit ourselves... "
Knight's Cabinet edition of the works of William Shakspere - Seite 280
von William Shakespeare - 1843
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The Works of William Shakespeare: The tempest. The two gentlemen of Verona ...

William Shakespeare - 1863 - 482 Seiten
...Laf. They say miracles are past; and we have our philosophical persons, to make modern and familiar, things supernatural and causeless. Hence is it that...when we should submit ourselves to an unknown fear. 5 Par. Why, 'tis the rarest argument of wonder that hath shot out in our latter times. Ber. And so...
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The dramatic works of William Shakespeare, with copious glossarial notes and ...

William Shakespeare - 1864 - 1056 Seiten
...Laf. They say, miracles are past ; and we have our philosophical persons, to make modern1 and familiar things, supernatural and causeless. Hence is it, that...should submit ourselves to an unknown fear. Par. Why, 'tis the rarest argument of wonder, that hath shot out in our latter times. Ber. And so 'tis. Laf....
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The Works of W. Shakespeare, Band 2

William Shakespeare - 1864 - 750 Seiten
...Laf. They say miracles are past ; and we have our philosophical persons, to make modern and familiar, things supernatural and causeless. Hence is it, that...should submit ourselves to an unknown fear. Par. Why, 'tis the rarest argument of wonder that hath shot out in our latter times. Ber. And so 'tis. Laf. To...
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Cassell's illustrated Shakespeare. The plays of Shakespeare ..., Teil 178,Band 1

William Shakespeare - 1864 - 752 Seiten
...our philosophical persons, to make modern •» and familiar, things supernatural and causeless.6* another letter. [Exit. Jul. Nay, would I were so anger'd with the sa 'tis the rarest argument of wonder that hath shot out in our latter times. Ber. And so 'tis. Laf. To...
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Wise Sayings of the Great and Good

Wise sayings - 1864 - 394 Seiten
...our philosophical persons, to make modern and familiar things supernatural and causeless. Hence it is that we make trifles of terrors ; ensconcing ourselves...when we should submit ourselves to an unknown fear. AlTs Well that Ends Wdl, Act n. Scene HI. SHAKSPERE. MIRTH. Wicked Wicked mirth never true pleasure...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, with Biographical Introduction by ...

William Shakespeare - 1865 - 544 Seiten
...Laf. They say miracles are past; and we have our philosophical persons to make modern and familiar things supernatural and causeless. Hence is it that...should submit ourselves to an unknown fear. Par. Why, 'tis the rarest argument of wonder that hath shot out in our latter times. Ber. And so 'tis. Laf. To...
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Taming of the shrew ; All's well that ends well ; King John

William Shakespeare - 1866 - 312 Seiten
...Laf. They say, miracles are past ; and we have our philosophical persons, to make modern and familiar, things supernatural and causeless. Hence is it that...should submit ourselves to an unknown fear. Par. Why, 'tis the rarest argument of wonder that hath shot out in our latter times. Ber. And so 'tis. Laf. To...
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The Works of William Shakespeare: The taming of the shrew. All's well that ...

William Shakespeare - 1863 - 464 Seiten
...Laf. They say miracles are past; and we have our philosophical persons, to make modern and familiar, things supernatural and causeless. Hence is it that...when we should submit ourselves to an unknown fear. 5 Par. Why, 'tis the rarest argument of wonder that hath shot out in our latter times. Ber. And so...
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The Spiritual Magazine, Band 1

1866 - 588 Seiten
...Lafeu. They say miracles are past, and we have our philosophical persons to make modern and familiar, things supernatural and causeless. Hence is it that...when we should submit ourselves to an unknown fear. How wisely does this passage censure that spirit which, assuming to be philosophical, attempts to explain...
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The Authorship of Shakespeare

Nathaniel Holmes - 1867 - 636 Seiten
...philosophical perrons to make modern and familiar, tilings supernatural and causeless. Hence is it we make trifles of terrors, ensconcing ourselves into...rarest argument of wonder that hath shot out in our Utter times. Ser. And so 't is. Laf. To be relinquish'd of the artists, — Par. Sol say ; both of...
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