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" Linden saw another sight, When the drum beat at dead of night Commanding fires of death to light The darkness of her scenery. By torch and trumpet fast arrayed, Each horseman drew his battle-blade, And furious every charger neighed, To join the dreadful... "
Elements of Composition and Rhetoric: With Copious Exercises in Both ... - Seite 116
von Virginia Waddy - 1889 - 416 Seiten
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The literary class book; or, Readings in English literature

Robert Joseph Sullivan - 1850 - 524 Seiten
...charger neighed, To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills with thunder riven ; Then rushed tlie steed to battle driven ; And, louder than the bolts of heaven, Far flashed the red artillery. But redder yet those fires shall glow, On Linden's hills of stained snow ; And bloodier yet shall be...
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Sabrinae Corolla in Hortulis Regiae Scholae Salopiensis contexuerunt tres ...

Benjamin Hall Kennedy - 1850 - 364 Seiten
...charger neigh'd To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills with thunder riven, Then rush'd the steed to battle driven, And louder than the bolts of heaven Far ilash'd the red artillery. But redder yet that light shall glow On Linden's hills of stained snow,...
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The Scholar

Preston Lancs, grammar sch - 1850 - 104 Seiten
...literary felony you noticed last month. The first occurs in Campbell's " Hohcnlinden," in the lines " And louder than the bolts of heaven Far flashed the red artillery." In the first place, can artillery ßcah. loudly! and, in the second, who ever heard a loud thunder-4»ft...
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A Course of Reading for Common Schools and the Lower Classes of Academies ...

Henry Mandeville - 1851 - 396 Seiten
...furious every charger neighed To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills with thunder riven! 4 Then rushed the steed to battle driven! And louder...the bolts of heaven, Far flashed the red artillery ! And redder yet those fires shall glow, 5 On Linden's hills of blood-stained snow; And darker yet...
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Cyclopedia of English Literature: a Selection of the Choicest ..., Band 2

Robert Chambers - 1851 - 764 Seiten
...neighed To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills with thunder riven, Then rushed the »teed thoughts, that neither evil tongues, Rash judgments, nor the sneers of selfish men, But redder yet that light shall glow On Linden's hill- of stained snow, And bloodier yet the torrent...
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The speaker: or, Miscellaneous pieces selected from the best English writers ...

William Enfield, James Pycroft - 1851 - 422 Seiten
...charger neigh'd To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills, with thunder riven ; Then rush'd the steed, to battle driven ; And louder than the bolts of Heaven Far flash'd the red artillery. But redder yet that light shall glow On Linden's hills of stained snow,...
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The juvenile reader, by N. Leitch

N. Leitch - 1851 - 234 Seiten
...charger neigh 'd, To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills with thunder riven. Then rush'd the steed to battle driven, And louder than the bolts of Heaven, Far flash'd the red artillery. But redder yet that light shall glow. . On Linden's hills of stained snow,...
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Poems, Essays and Opinions: Being Selections from Writings in the ..., Band 1

Alfred Bate Richards - 1851 - 284 Seiten and himself;' and I bolted at him : — ' " Then shook the hills with thunder riven, Then rush'd the steed to battle driven ; And, louder than the bolts of heaven, Far flash 'd the red artillery." ' '• You are too good. It is the very stanzij of all I should adduce...
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Apocalyptic Sketches; Or, Lectures on the Book of Revelation ...

John Cumming - 1851 - 592 Seiten
...Iser, a tributary of the Danube, took place : " When shook the hills, by thunder riven ; When rush'd the steed to battle driven ; And, louder than the bolts of heaven, Faxflash'd the red artillery." In 1805 the memorable battle of Austerlitz was fought likewise upon...
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The life of ... the duke of Wellington, Band 1

Joachim Hayward Stocqueler - 1852 - 440 Seiten
...defeated the Austrians at Hohenlindeu, in 1800— " When shook the hills, with tbunder riven, When rushed the steed to battle driven, And, louder than...the bolts of Heaven, Far flashed the red artillery ! " Napolcon admired, but was jealous of Moreau, and a charge was established against him in 1804,...
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