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" Linden saw another sight, When the drum beat at dead of night Commanding fires of death to light The darkness of her scenery. By torch and trumpet fast arrayed, Each horseman drew his battle-blade, And furious every charger neighed, To join the dreadful... "
Elements of Composition and Rhetoric: With Copious Exercises in Both ... - Seite 116
von Virginia Waddy - 1889 - 416 Seiten
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The practical elocutionist

Conrad Hume Pinches - 1854 - 460 Seiten
...charger neigh'd, To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills with thunder riven, Then rush'd the steed to battle driven, And louder than the bolts of heaven, Far flashed the red artillery. But redder yet that light shall glow, On Linden's hills of stained snow ; And bloodier yet the torrent...
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The Standard Speaker: Containing Exercises in Prose and Poetry for ...

1854 - 576 Seiten
....' ^ To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills with thunder riven, Then rushed the steeds to battle driven, And louder than the bolts of Heaven Far flashed the red artillery. And redder yet those fires shall glow On Linden's hills of blood-stained snow ; And darker yet shall...
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The pleasures of hope, Gertrude of Wyoming, and other poems. To which are ...

Thomas Campbell - 1854 - 278 Seiten
...charger neigh'd, To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills, with thunder riven ; Then flew the steed, to battle driven; And, louder than the bolts of Heaven, Far flash'd the red artillery. But redder yet that light shall glow, On Linden's hills of stained snow;...
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A Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Rootwords ...: By a Literary Association

1855 - 172 Seiten
...STUDY. TOOLS AND WOBKS OF THE SOLDIEK. " THEN shook the hills with thunder riven, Then rushed the steeds to battle driven, And, louder than the bolts of heaven, Far flashed the red artillery." CAMPBELL. SHIELD, a shoulder-cover; a broad SWORD, what thrusts; a weapon worn piece of armor. Is the...
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A poetical grammar of the English language

Robert Clarke (schoolmaster.) - 1855 - 190 Seiten
...Each horseman drew his battle-blade, And furious every charger neighed To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills, with thunder riven, Then rushed the steed to battle driven ; And, volleying like the bolts of heaven, Far flashed the red artillery. Bat redder still these fires shall...
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European Historical Collections: Comprising England, Scotland, with Holland ...

John Warner Barber - 1855 - 608 Seiten
...neighed To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills with thunder riven, Then ruehed the sterd to battle driven, And louder than the bolts of heaven Far flashed the red artillery. But redder yet that light shall glow On Linden's hills of stained snow, And bloodirr yet the torrent...
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Gems of Thought, and Flowers of Fancy

Richard Wright Procter - 1855 - 490 Seiten
...charger neigh'd To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills with thunder riven, Then rush'd the steed to battle driven, And louder than the bolts of heaven Far flash' d the red artillery. But redder yet that light shall glow Un Linden's hills of stained snow,...
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The Balloon Travels of Robert Merry and His Young Friends

Peter Parley (pseud.), Samuel Griswold Goodrich - 1856 - 408 Seiten
...Each horseman drew his battle blade ; And furious every charger neighed To join the dreadful revelry . Then shook the hills with thunder riven, Then rushed...the bolts of heaven, Far flashed the red artillery. But redder yet that light shall glow On Linden's hills of blood stained snow, And bloodier yet the...
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A collection of poems from various authors, fo young persons

Collection - 1856 - 120 Seiten
...charger neigh' d, To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills with thunder riven., Then rush'd the steed to battle driven, And louder than the bolts of heaven, Far flash'd the red artillery. But redder yet that light shall glow On Linden's hills of stained snow,...
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Poetry: selected for the use of schools and families by A. Bowman

Anne Bowman - 1856 - 316 Seiten
...charger neigh'd To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills, with thunder riven ; Then rush'd the steed, to battle driven ; And, louder than the bolts of Heaven, Far flash'd the red artillery. But redder yet that light shall glow On Linden's hills of stained snow ;...
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