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" We decide only that trade associations or combinations of persons or corporations which openly and fairly gather and disseminate information as to the cost of their product, the volume of production, the actual price which the product has brought in past... "
The Atlantic Monthly - Seite 269
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Modern Industrial Consolidation

Justus George Frederick - 1926 - 406 Seiten
...shipped in interstate commerce. The Court then goes on to say : We decide only that trade association or combinations of persons or corporations which openly...transportation from the principal point of shipment to the point of consumption as did these defendants and who, as they did, meet and discuss such information...
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Readings in Marketing Principles

Ivan Wright, Charles Edward Landon - 1926 - 826 Seiten
...interchange of statistics is concerned, these dec : sions decide only that trade associations^ or other combinations of persons or corporations which openly...transportation from the principal point of shipment to points of consumption, and credit information, and who meet to discuss such statistics without reaching...
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Departments of State and Justice, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1926 - 368 Seiten
...purpose. Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association v. United States, decided June 1, 1925: Held that trade associations or combinations of persons or corporations...which the product has brought in past transactions, stock of merchandise on hand, and the approximate cost of transportation from the principal point of...
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The World's Work, Band 52

1926 - 796 Seiten
...McReynolds and Sanford) decided — I quote from a summary given out by the Department of Justice: That trade associations or combinations of persons or corporations...which the product has brought in past transactions, stock of merchandise on hand, and the approximate cost of transportation from the principal point of...
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United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court at ..., Band 268

United States. Supreme Court - 1926 - 810 Seiten
...579. 3. Trade associations or combinations of individuals or corporations, which, as in this case, openly and fairly gather and disseminate information as to the cost of their product, the actual prices it has brought in past transactions, stocks on hand and approximate cost of transportation...
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Economic Principles: A Case Book

Homer Bews Vanderblue, Charles Insco Gragg - 1927 - 702 Seiten
...within the rule laid down in those cases. We decide only that trade associations or combinations or persons or corporations which openly and fairly gather...transportation from the principal point of shipment to the points of consumption as did these defendants and who, as they did, meet and discuss such information...
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Trade Association Activities: (Supersedes Trade Association Activities ...

United States. Department of Commerce, Irving S. Paull - 1927 - 402 Seiten
...not necessary. The inference of guilt must approach an unavoidable conclusion. We decide only that trade associations or combinations of persons or corporations...and disseminate information as to the cost of their products, the volume of production, the actual price which the product has brought in past transactions,...
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Trade Associations: The Legal Aspects

Benjamin Sollow Kirsh - 1928 - 280 Seiten
...Court has definitely announced is the exact holding in the Maple Flooring case. 37 "We decide only that trade associations or combinations of persons or corporations...transportation from the principal point of shipment to the points of consumption, as did these defendants, and who, as they did, meet and discuss such information...
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Economic Problems; a Book of Selected Readings

Fred Rogers Fairchild - 1928 - 648 Seiten
...McReynolds and Sanford) decided — I quote from a summary given out by the Department of Justice : That trade associations or combinations of persons or corporations...which the product has brought in past transactions, stock of merchandise on hand, and the approximate cost of transportation from the principal point of...
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Government and Business: A Study in the Economic Aspects of Government and ...

Earl Willis Crecraft - 1928 - 528 Seiten
...speaking for the majority of the court, said : We decide only that trade associations or combinations or persons or corporations which openly and fairly gather...past transactions, stocks of merchandise on hand, and approximate cost of transportation from the principal point of shipment to the points of consumption,...
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