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" As far as possible, important agreements, affecting the rights of clients, should be reduced to writing; but it is dishonorable to avoid performance of an agreement fairly made because it is not reduced to writing, as required by rules of Court. "
Report of a Special Meeting ... and the ... Annual Meeting of the Colorado ... - Seite 200
von Colorado Bar Association - 1901
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The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

1968 - 1260 Seiten
...opposing practitioner. In so far as possible. Important agreements affectIng the rights of clients should be reduced to writing; but it Is dishonorable to avoid performance of an agreement fairly made because It Is not reduced to writing. 32. Advertising, direct or indirect. The most worthy and effective advertisement...
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Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the Michigan State Bar ..., Band 22

Michigan State Bar Association - 1912 - 664 Seiten
...opposing counsel. As far as possible, important agreements, affecting the rights of clients, should be reduced to writing; but it is dishonorable to avoid performance of an agreement fairly made because it is not reduced to writing, as required by rules of Court. 26. Professional Advocacy Other Than Before...
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The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

1972 - 348 Seiten
...opposing practitioner. In so far as possible, important agreements affecting the rights of clients should be reduced to writing; but it is dishonorable to avoid performance of an agreement fairly made because it is not reduced to writing. 32. Advertising, direct or indirect. The most worthy and effective advertisement...
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Proceedings of the Nebraska State Bar Association, Band 3

Nebraska State Bar Association - 1909 - 306 Seiten
...opposing counsel. As far as possible, important agreements affecting the rights of clients, should be reduced to writing ; but it is dishonorable to...avoid performance of an agreement fairly made because it is not reduced to writing, as required by rules of court. XXVI PROFESSIONAL ADVOCACY OTHER THAN...
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Industrial Engineering and the Engineering Digest, Band 6

1909 - 624 Seiten to an agreement. As far as possible, important agreements affecting the rights of clients should be reduced to writing. But it is dishonorable to avoid performance of an agreement fairly mads because it is not reduced to writing. Whatever may be the ill feelings existing between clients,...
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Report of the ... Annual Meeting of the Maryland State Bar Association, Band 27

Maryland State Bar Association, Maryland State Bar Association. Meeting - 1922 - 256 Seiten
...shall be illiberal, or that he do anything therein repugnant to his own sense of honor and propriety. but it is dishonorable to avoid performance of an agreement fairly made because it is not reduced to writing, as required by rules of Court. 25. Professional Advocacy Other Than Before...
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The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

1977 - 592 Seiten
...Insofar as possible, important agreements affecting the rights of the clients should be reduced App. A to writing; but it is dishonorable to avoid performance of an agreement faily made because it is not reduced to writing. 32. Advertising, direct or indirect. The most worthy...
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