Roxanne Yang's Reviews > Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
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So the first thing that strikes me when I started reading the play is that Juliet is just turning fourteen. I had always assumed her to be in her early twenties. And the fact that Lady Capulet is not even thirty contradicts my impression of her. But I feel the play is more reasonable with this setting. The young couple can be so irrational and crazy for each other. Should they be older, they would just seem stupid beyond measure.

I don't understand why this play is so famous. Why Shakespeare is so famous. Why anyone should be famous at all. There are so many talented writers out there, why Shakespeare? His plays generally don't allow the characters to develop their thoughts, they just decide on things. The love they bear for each other is simply based on looks. But I still have to admit that it's a beautiful love story with brilliant lines. Pretty much sums up my view about Shakespearean romantic plays.

I thought it might be too harsh but apparently everyone thinks the play's idea is stupid. So that's nice. And the ending where Montague and Capulet shook hands and decided to be friends reminds me of Erik and Charles, if only old M and C looked cuter. Anyway, "All those years wasted fighting each other, Charles. To have a precious few of them back." is still a better line of making up. No, I mean, Montague and Capulet could have that as well. Here's to a better future.

Eh, who am I kidding? X-men is a better love story than this, sorry Shakespeare.

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Reading Progress

August 10, 2016 – Started Reading
August 11, 2016 – Shelved
August 11, 2016 – Finished Reading

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